joi, 15 noiembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 7: YOU'VE GOT A HAPPY FACE! din CAIETUL DE LUCRU de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat WELCOME 1 - WORKBOOK, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Elizabeth Gray si Virginia Evans, Editia 1999

WELCOME 1 - Workbook - Unit 7

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 1 / page 28

1. ugly = urat
2. beautiful = frumos
3. sad = trist
4. happy = fericit 

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 2 / page 28

1. hair = par
2. eyes = ochi
3. mouth = gura
4. arm = brat
5. hand = mana
6. finger = deget
7. leg = picior

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 3 / page 29

1. Has it got small eyes? No, it hasn't. It's got big eyes!
2. Has it got two legs? No, it hasn't. It's got four legs!
3. Has it got small ears? No, it hasn't. It's got big ears!
4. Has it got a yellow body? No, it hasn't. It's got a green body!

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 4 / page 29

1. women
2. men 
3. children
4. sheep
5. mice
6. fish

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 5 / page 30

1. She's got blonde hair and blue eyes.
2. He's got dark hair and black eyes.
3. She's got brown hair and brown eyes.
4. She's got red hair and blue eyes.

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 6 / page 30

Ascultati si scrieti un nume sau un numar. Aveti doua exemple.

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 7 / page 31

1. Zilla
2. Zap
3. Zap
4. Zilla
5. Zokko
6. Zippy

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 8 / page 31

Look at the picture! It's Globbo, the monster! He's got a very big head and one big green eye. He's got a big black mouth but he hasn't got any teeth! He's got two arms and three fingers. He's got four legs and four small feet. Globbo hasn't got any hair!

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