duminică, 11 noiembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 4: CAN YOU SPELL THAT, PLEASE? din manualul la limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat SNAPSHOT - STARTER - Student's Book, Editura Longman, Autori Brian Abbs, Chris Barker si Ingrid FreebairnEditia 2001

SNAPSHOT - STARTER - Unit 4: Can you spell that, please?

Snapshot - Starter - ex 1 / page 26

Traducerea textului:

Fata: Buna dimineata. Sunteti membri ai Clubului de Sport?
Luke: Eu sunt membru, dar prietenul meu nu este. Iata cardul meu.
Fata: Multumesc. Amandoi sunteti studenti?
Daniel: Da, suntem. Imi puteti da un permis pentru o zi, va rog?

Fata: Da. Ce zi este astazi? Este luni sau marti astazi?
Luke: Este luni.
Fata: Corect. Care este numele tau, te rog?
Daniel: Numele meu de familie este Cresson.

Fata: Poti sa-l spui pe litere, te rog?
Luke: Sigur. C-R-E- sublu S - O-N. Este un nume frantuzesc.
Fata: Am inteles. Cresson. Si care este numele tau mic/ prenumele?
Daniel: Este Daniel.

Fata: Care este adresa ta aici in Brighton?
Daniel: Este strada Bisericii numarul 55, Brighton, Sussex NB2 5BL.

Fata: Si care este numarul tau de telefon?
Daniel: Stati o clipa. Este 01273- doi de 3 - 25806.

Fata: Imi pare rau, poti repeta asta te rog? Ultima parte.
Daniel: Doi de 3 -  25806.

Fata: OK. Iata permisul tau pentru o zi.
Daniel: Multumesc.

Fata: Cu placere.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 2 / page 27

Title: Mr
First name: Daniel
Surname: Cresson
Address: 55 Church Road, Brighton, Sussex NB2 5BL.
Tel. no: 01273- double 3 - 25806.
Member's name: Luke

Snapshot - Starter - ex 3 / page 27

- Buna dimineata. / Buna ziua. / Buna seara. 
- Iata [ cardul meu].
- Bine.
- Sigur. (=OK)
- Asteptati o clipa/ un moment.
- Cu placere.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 4 / page 27

Ascultati si repetati numerele de la 20 la 100. 

Snapshot - Starter - ex 6 / page 27

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

- What's your telephone number?
- It's 0217654321 (oh two one seven six five four three two one)
- Sorry! Ca you repeat that, please?
- Sure. It's 0217654321 (oh two one seven six five four three two one).

- What's your telephone number?
- It's 0317754321 (oh three one double seven five four three two one)
- Sorry! Ca you repeat that, please?
- Sure. It's 0317754321 (oh three one double seven five four three two one).


Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

A: What's the telephone number of your school?
B: Sorry, I don't know.

A: What's the telephone number of your mother at work?
B: It's 0771234677

A: What's the telephone number of your father at work?
B: It's 034512346.

A: What's the telephone number of your best friend?
B: It's 0234002348.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 7 / page 27

Ascultati si scrieti numerele de telefon.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 8 / page 28

Ascultati si repetati literele alfabetului.

Literele a, e, i, o, u sunt VOCALE. Celelalte litere sunt CONSOANE.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 9 / page 28

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

- a football team: STEAUA BUCURESTI
- a computer game: BUBBLES
- a country: ITALY


A: What's this football team? S-T-E-A-U-A B-U-C-U-R-E-S-T-I
A: OK. Two points. What's this computer game? B-U-B-B-L-E-S
B: Can you spell it again?

A: Sure. B-U-B-B-L-E-S
B: OK. What's this country name? I-T-A-L-Y
A: I know. It's ITALY.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 10 / page 28

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

A: What's your surname?
B: Tomescu.

A: What's your  first name?
B: Andrei.

A: What's your  address?
B: No 66 Sky Street, Brasov.

A: And your postal code?
B: 066453

A: What's your phone number?
B: 0724565678.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 11 / page 29

1. Sally:
Title: Mrs
First name: Sally
Surname: Freeman
Home address: 55 Church Road
City/ Town: Brighton
County/ State: Sussex
Postcode/ Zip code: BN2 5BL
Country: UK

2. Roberto:
Title: Mr
First name: Roberto
Surname: Estevez
Home address: 9229 Sunset Boulevard
City/ Town: Los Angeles
County/ State: California
Postcode/ Zip code: 90069
Country: USA

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

3. You:
Title: Ms
First name: Corina
Surname: Stamate
Home address: Str. Cetatii nr. 2 
City/ Town: Timisoara
County/ State: Timis
Postcode/ Zip code: 67898
Country: Romania

Snapshot - Starter - ex 12 / page 29

Si aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:
1. Today is Saturday.
2. Tomorrow is Sunday.
3. My English lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. I have math on Friday. I have history on Monday. I have biology on Tuesday. I have geography on Thursday.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 13 / page 29

A: When's 'Neighbours'?
B: It's on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

A: When's 'Beverly Hills 90210'?
B: It's on Monday and Thursday.

B: When's 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air '?
A: It's on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

B: When's 'New Baywatch'?
A: It's on Thursday.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 14 / page 29

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

My favourite TV programme is Disney Cartoons.
It is on Friday and Sunday.
The main stars are Michey Mouse and Daisy.
This program is frum USA.
Snapshot - Starter - ex 15 / page 30

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi:

1. The instructor is Doctor Disco.
2. The hip hop classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
3. The classes are at the Oasis Sports Club, 186 North Parade, Brighton.
4. The telephone number is 01273 8194088.
5. On Saturday at 2 p.m. you can learn to dance flamenco.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 16 / page 30

Ascultati si completati informatiile.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 17 / page 30

- Poti sa repeti asta, te rog?
- Poti sa spui asta din nou, te rog?
- Poti sa spui asta pe litere, te rog?
- Poti sa vorbesti mai rar, te rog?

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