duminică, 27 octombrie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 8 din caietul de limba engleza pentru clasa VI intitulat READING AND WRITING TARGETS 2, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Virginia Evans si Jenny Dooney, Editia 2011

UNIT 8: Do’s and Don’ts
Pages 32 - 35

Exercise 1

1. E
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D

Exercise 2

1. You must check the lights, brakes and tyres on your bicycle, so that you will be safer.
2. You must wear light-coloured clothes at night, so that drivers can see you.
3. You must wear a helmet on your head to protect it in case of an accident.
4. You mustn’t carry bags on the handlebars as you won’t be able to ride your bicycle properly.
5. You must give a clear hand signal when turning left or right, so car drives will know where you are going.
6. You mustn’t ride your bicycle on the pavement, as you will cause problems for pedestrians.

Exercise 3

1. ride your bicycle
2. wear a helmet
3. check the tyres
4. hurt your head
5. wear light-coloured clothes
6. give a clear hand signal

2. … hurt your head.
3. Wear light-coloured clothes …
4. … give a clear hand signal.
5. … ride a bicycle.
6. … wear a helmet.

Exercise 4

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. b
6. f

Exercise 5

2. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must not (throw) litter.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: In the street.
3. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must fasten your seatbelts.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: In an aeroplane.
4. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must use the stairs if there is a fire.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: In a large building.
5. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must not smoke.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: In a school/ office/ hospital/ theatre/ restaurant, etc.
6. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must not drink the water.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: By a lake/ river.
7. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must open the door slowly.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: On the door of/ in a restaurant kitchen.
8. A: What does this sign mean?
    B: It means you must not run.
    A: Where can you see such a sign?
    B: In a school (corridor).

Exercise 6

1. c You must be careful of school children.
2. i You must be careful of road workers.
3. a You must stop.
4. g You must turn right.
5. e You must turn left.
6. d You mustn’t park here.
7. h You must be careful of pedestrians.
8. f You must drive slowly.
9. b You must be careful of wild animals.

Exercise 7

These are the fire regulations from a hotel or other large building.
2. Find out where the emergency exits are. Make sure you/ Always find out where the emergency exits are.
3. Do not return to collect your belongings. Never return to collect your belongings.
4. Do not leave cigarettes burning. Never leave cigarettes burning.
5. Do not run in the corridor. Never run in the corridor.
6. Do not use the lift. Never use the lift.
7. Close doors behind you. Make sure you/ Always close doors behind you.
8. Do not leave bags or parcels on the stairs. Never leave bags or parcels on the stairs.

Exercise 8

2. E If the breaks are not working/ do not work properly, you won’t be able to stop.
3. A If you give clear signals, car drivers will know where you are going.
4. F If you look ways before crossing the road, you can see anything that is coming.
5. D If you play in the road, a car might hit you.
6. B If you don’t learn what the traffic signs mean, you can’t pass your driving test.

Exercise 9

1. Make sure you/ Always wear a helmet when you are riding a motorbike. (b. motorcyclists)
2. Do not/ Never play in the road. (a. pedestrians)
3. Make sure you learn what the traffic signs mean. (c. both)
4. Never/ Do not ride a motorbike if you are under 17. (b. motorcyclists)
5. Make sure you stop at traffic lights if they are red. (b. motorcyclists)
6. Make sure you/ Always look both ways carefully before you cross the road. (a. pedestrians)

T: Do we write rules one after the other?
S: No, we write them on separate lines.
T: What verb forms should we use?
S: We should use the imperative.
T: How do we introduce each rule?
S: With always, make sure, never, etc.
T: When do we use Type 1 conditionals?
S: To express reason.

Exercise 10

·       Never/ Don’t run in the road.
If you run in the road, you might/ may/ could fall and hurt yourself.
·       Always walk on the pavement.
If you walk on the pavement, you won’t cause problems to car drivers.
·       Never/ Don’t cross the road between parked cars.
If you run cross the road between parked cars, you won’t see any traffic that is coming.
·       Always cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.
If you cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, you will get across the road safely.

Exercise 11

a – 1  If you stop to help, you may save someone’s life. (Picture 1)
b- 3 If you move anybody in the car, you can/ might/ may seriously injure the trapped person. (Picture 2)
c – 2 If you call for an ambulance, the injured person can be taken to hospital. (Picture 5)
D – 5 If you warn other drivers, you may prevent another accident. (Picture 3)
E – 4 If you cover the injured person with a blanket or coat, you will keep them warm. (Picture 4)

Exercise 12

·       Always stop to help. If you stop to help, you may save someone’s life.
·       Never move anybody in the car. If you move the trapped person, you can seriously injure them.
·       Always call for an ambulance. If you call for an ambulance, the injured person can be taken to the hospital.
·       Make sure you warn other drivers of the accident. If you warn them, you may prevent another accident.
·       Always cover the injured with a blanket or coat. If you cover them with a blanket or coat, you will keep them warm.

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