marți, 30 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 5: SHE'S A CLOWN! din CAIETUL DE LUCRU de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat WELCOME 1 - WORKBOOK, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Elizabeth Gray si Virginia Evans, Editia 1999

WELCOME 1 - Workbook - Unit 5

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 1 / page 20

1. hat
2. gloves
3. shorts
4. trousers
5. jacket
6. boots
7. skirt
8. shoes
9. coat

What are they? = Ce sunt ei?
A. What is Wendy? She's a clown.
B. What is Eddy? He's a policeman.
C. What is Cindy? She's a doctor.
D. What is Oscar? She's a chef.
E. What is Lin? She's a ballerina.

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 2 / page 21

1. big
2. short
3. long
4. long 

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 3 / page 21

1. his
2. hers
3. mine
4. theirs
5. yours
6. ours

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 4 / page 21

1. mine
2. hers
3. ours
4. his
5. yours
6. theirs

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 5 / page 21

1. These
2. Those
3. That
4. These
5. That

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 6 / page 22

3. Whose cake is this?
4. Who is this?
5. Who is this?
6. Whose book is this?

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 7 / page 22

A: What's this?
B: It's a robot.
A: Whose is it?
B: It's Eddy's.


A: What's this?
B: It's a bike.
A: Whose is it?
B: It's Tom's.

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 8 / page 23

Ascultati si colorati.

Welcome 1 - Workbook :
ex 9/ page 23

1. is
2. are
3. yellow
4. are
5. are

1. is
2. her
3. is
4. red
5. are
6. They

1. are
2. Our
3. yellow
4. green
5. our

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