miercuri, 10 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 2 - AT THE SWIMMING POOL din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat SPLASH !, Editura Longman, Autori Brian Abbs, Anne Worrall si Ann WardEditia 1997

Este duminica. Familia Taylor, Jill, Cody si Todd sunt la piscina.

Brr.. Este rece.
Hai, Mary. Este minunat.
Uite! Ben este rechin!

Uite-te la Cody, mama. Plonjeaza!

Esti o inotatoare foarte buna.
In Australia bunica mea locuieste langa plaja. Noi inotam in mare.
Haideti, toata lumea. E timpul pentru masa de pranz.

Sunteti gata? Sally! Scoate-i palaria lui Cody!

Pune-ti jacheta pe tine, Ben! Este frig afara. Si ridica-ti prosopul!

Unde-mi sunt pantofii?
Ce culoare au?
Oh, uite! Sally s-a incaltat cu pantofii lui Mary.
Da jos pantofii lui Mary!
Ai cui sunt acesti pantofi?

/ page 8

What's Mary wearing? = Ce poarta Mary?
She's wearing Jill's jumper. = Poarta puloverul lui Jill.

/ page 8

What day is today?
It's Monday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's cleaning the car.

What day is today?
It's Tueday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's washing the dishes.

What day is today?
It's Wednesday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's swimming in the sea.

What day is today?
It's Thursday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's doing his homework.

What day is today?
It's Friday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's playing football.

What day is today?
It's Saturday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's walking in the park.

What day is today?
It's Sunday.
Wha't Mick doing?
He's reading a book.

/ page 9

What's your name? = Cum te cheama?

How old are you? = Cati ani ai?

Where do you live? = Unde locuiesti?

What's your favourite food? = Care este manacarea ta preferata?

Do you like spiders? = Iti plac paianjenii?

Do you like cats? = Iti plac pisicile?

Do you like snails? = Iti plac melcii?

Do you like dogs? = Iti plac cainii?

What colour is this? = Ce culoare este acesta?

What's this? = Ce este acesta?

Where is Cody from? = De unde este Cody?

How old is Cody? = Cati ani are Cody?

What colour is Cody's jacket? = Ce culoare are jacheta lui Cody?

Is Cody a good swimmer? = Este Cody un inotator bun?

Has he got a plane? = Are el un avion?

Has he got a car? = Are el o masina?

Has he got an apple? = Are el un mar?

Has he got a pencil? = Are el un creion?

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