luni, 1 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 1: One Big Happy Family! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a IV-a intitulat SET SAIL 4 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Jenny Doodley si Virginia Evans, Editia 2005

SET SAIL 4 - Unit 1: One Big Happy Family!

Set Sail 4 - ex 1 / page 10

Uncle Harry = a 
tall = inalt
slim = slab
fair hair = par blond

Aunt Pam = c
short = scunda
slim = slaba
dark hair - par inchis la culoare

Cousin Robbie - b 
tall = inalt
slim = slab
dark hair = par inchis la culoare

1. A: What does he look like?
    B: He's tall and slim and he's got fair hair.

2. A: What does he look like?
    B: He's tall and slim and he's got dark hair.

3. A: What does she look like?
    B: She's short and slim and she's got dark hair.

Set Sail 4 - ex 2 / page 10

Traducerea textului:

imaginea 1:
Priviti copii. Acela este avionul de (care vine din) Australia!
Ura! Unchiul Harry este aici!

imaginea 2:
Cum arata el?
El este inalt si slab si are parul drept.

imaginea 3:
El este unchiul nostru preferat, Nanny. El este medic veterinar si este foarte amuzant, de asemenea.
Priviti, iata-l!

imaginea 4:
Buna! Aceasta este matusa voastra Pam si varul vostru Robbie.
Bine ati venit in Anglia!

imaginea 5:
Acestea sunt lucrurile dumneavoastra?
Da, dar mai am cateva! Uite!

imaginea 6:
Wow! Aveti o multime de animale preferate, unchiule Harry!

Set Sail 4 - ex 3 / page 11
1. His hair is short.
2. Her eyes are brown.
3. Her hair is dark.
4. Their chimp is funny.
5. Our house is new.
6. Its tail is long.

Set Sail 4 - ex 4 / page 11

I've got blue eyes. = Eu am ochi albastri.

Set Sail 4 - ex 5 / page 12

in the box = in cutie
on the box = pecutie
under the box = sub cutie
behind the box = in spatele cutiei
next to the box = langa cutie

Set Sail 4 - ex 6 / page 8

Uncle Harry: Have you got my hairbrush?
Aunt Pam: No, it's next to the clock.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my CDs?
Aunt Pam: No, they are on the shelf.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my watch?
Aunt Pam: No, it's on the bed.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my guitar?
Aunt Pam: No, it's behind the armchair.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my camera?
Aunt Pam: No, it's in the armchair.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my helmet?
Aunt Pam: No, it's next to the bed.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my mobile phone?
Aunt Pam: No, it's under the table.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my keys?
Aunt Pam: No, they are on the table.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my gloves?
Aunt Pam: No, they are under the chair.

Uncle Harry: Have you got my roller blades?
Aunt Pam: No, behind the chair.

Set Sail 4 - ex 7 / page 13

1. uncle's
2. Australia
3. tall
4. fair
5. funny
6. favourite

Set Sail 4 - ex 8 / page 13

In picture A the man has got dark hair and in picture B the man has got fair hair. 
In picture A the man has not a hat and in picture B the man has a hat.
In picture A the man has got three rabbits and in picture B the man has got one rabbit.
In picture A the man has got a blue umbrella and in picture B the man has got a red umbrella.
In picture A the man has got two shirts, one camera and roller blades and in picture B the man has got one shirt, one pair of shoes and a mobile phone.

Set Sail 4 - ex 9 / page 9

thirty = 30
forty = 40
fifty = 50
sixty = 60
seventy = 70
eighty = 80
ninety = 90
a hundred = 100  

A: What's your house number? = Care este numarul casei tale?
B: It's twenty-four. = Este 24.

Set Sail 4 - ex 10 / page 14

Cantec: One Big Happy Family!

Set Sail 4 - Arthur + Rascal: Episode 1/ page 15

imaginea 1:
Poftim Rascal.
Oh, Doamne!

imaginea 2:
Arthur, Am o noua jucarie!
Ce este?

imaginea 3:
Nu stiu, dar este foarte amuzanta!

imaginea 4:
Ai grija, Rascal!
Oh, oh!

imaginea 5:
Unde este cainele acela prostut?

imaginea 6:
Tricksy! Pisica obraznica ce esti!

imaginea 7:
Hi, hi! Noua mea jucarie este minunata!

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