vineri, 4 decembrie 2015


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din MANUALUL de Limba Engleza pentru clasa VIII intitulat CLICK ON 4 – Student's book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Virginia Evans si Neil O'Sullivan, Editia 2002


Protect the planet; Mother Earth; Earth Sos etc.

Picture A shows a tiger.
Picture B shows a man putting a glass bottle into a bottle bank for recycling.
Picture C shows a man planting young trees.
Picture D shows some people on a beach. The beach is covered with rubbish.
Picture E shows some wind turbines which are used to provide wind energy.
Pictures B, C and E show ecofriendly activities.

Picture B relates to resources in short supply because the man is recycling.
Picture C relates to the problem of deforestation because the man is planting trees.
Picture D relates to the problem of pollution because the beach is covered with litter.
Picture E relates to the problem of energy crisis because wind is an alternative source of energy.

It would be a good idea to recycle and save natural resources to help solve the problem of resources in short supply.
It would be a good idea to start breeding programmes to help solve the problem of endangered species.
It would be a good idea to organize clean-up campaigns to help solve the problem of pollution.
It would be a good idea to use alternative energy sources to help solve the energy crisis.

A: There are recycling schemes and clean-up campaigns taking place in my town. How about you?
B: Yes, we have those, too. Have you been involved in any of them?
A: Yes, I have. We have a problem of resources in short supply and my school organized a recycling scheme.
B: What did you do?
A: I collected aluminium cans.
B: What was the result?
A: The school earned quite a lot of money. Have you been involved in any schemes…? Etc

They are all related to the environment.
A – mentions an environmental protection group
B – mentions not having enough clean air
C – mentions recycling

1.      No
2.    Don’t know
3.    Yes

join – enroll
see – understand
take down – write down
chance – opportunity
closer – nearer
exactly – precisely
take – transfer

1.      molecule
2.    bathtubs
3.    Raindrops
4.    human body
5.     species
6.    covered
7.     litres
8.    food

S2: …does a fully grown tree drink a day?
S3: Enough water to fill four bathtubs. What shape are raindrops?
S4: They resemble the shape of a small burger bun. What percentage of the human body is water?
S5: About 70%. How many of the world’s animal and plant species live in the water?
S6: About half. What percentage of the earth is covered in water?
S7: Almost 75%. How much water do we need to drink a day?
S8: At least two liters. How long can we last without water?
S9: Only a few days. How much water do tomatoes contain?
S10: 95%. How much water does milk contain?
S11: 90%. How much water do apples contain?
S12: 85%. How much water do potatoes contain?
S13: 80%. How much water does beef contain?
S14: 61%.

1.      clouds
2.    rain
3.    the clouds
4.    water
5.     makes pools
6.    the sun
7.     vapour

global warming
acid rain
industrial waste
ozone layer
fossil fuels
aerosol sprays

Comparative: shorter, taller, easier, happier, more interesting, more useful, more careful
Superlative: the shortest, the tallest, the easiest, the happiest, the most interesting, the most useful, the most careful

Comparative: better, worse, more, less, farther
Superlative: the best, the worst, the most, the least, the farthest

1.      higher
2.    more dangerous
3.    the largest
4.    happier
5.     worse
6.    farther
7.     fewer, cleaner
8.    most intelligent

1.      No
2.    No
3.    Yes
4.    Yes
5.     Yes
6.    No

1.      by far
2.    much
3.    less
4.    very
5.     the more

1.      enough
2.    too
3.    enough
4.    enough
5.     too
6.    enough

1.      –ing form
2.    –ing form
3.    to-inf
4.    –ing form
5.     to-inf
6.    inf without to
7.     –ing form
8.    –ing form

1.      jogging
2.    to buy
3.    sleeping
4.    working
5.     to help
6.    to travel
7.     speak
8.    wearing

I like going to the cinema.
I hate watching thrillers.
I can’t stand going to the dentist.

1.      a to buy   b meeting
2.    a to lock   b booking
3.    a to have   b talking
4.    a to do   b using

I always remember to call my friends on their birthdays.
I don’t remember locking the door this morning.
I stopped to have a break at 2 pm today.
I stopped biting my nails years ago.
I try to finish my homework before 7 pm every night.
I tried growing my hair long, but it didn’t suit me.

1.      that
2.    to
3.    of
4.    ok
5.     in
6.    ok
7.     ok
8.    on
9.    than
10.      ok
11.  at
15. ok

1.      …aren’t many people …
2.    … was too expensive for Tim …
3.    … not big enough to fit …
4.    … without taking my …
5.     … you thought of joining …
6.    … the best hotel …

1.      back – draw back: move away from
2.    on – draw on: make use of
3.    without – do without: manage without
4.    up – draw up: prepare
5.     out – draw sb out: make sb feel more willing to talk
6.    up – do up: fasten
7.     with – do with: related to

1.      Yes
2.    No
3.    Yes
4.    No
5.     No
6.    Yes

1.      formal
2.    informal
3.    formal
4.    informal

A: We could decorate old glass bottles.
B: That’s a great idea. We could use them as vases or lamp bases.
A: We can recycle old newspapers.
B: Yes. Have you thought about using them to clean your windows? Etc

1.      H
2.    A
3.    F
4.    B
5.     G
6.    C

Key words to be underlined: environmental magazine, readers, ‘What can we do to avoid using fossil fuels?’ article suggesting ways to cut back on the use of non-renewable resources
1.      readers of the magazine
2.    No, because the article should use a formal/semi-formal style
3.    Items to be ticked: use wind power, use solar power, make people pay heavy fines for wasting natural resources

Firstly – To start with
As a result – Consequently
Secondly – What is more
Moreover – In addition
Finally – Lastly
For example – For instance
Consequently – As a consequence
On the whole – All in all
1.      Traditional energy sources are running out.
2.    use solar power – save on bills and not use up coal/gas; use the power of the wind – save money, use fewer resources; make people pay fines – make fossil fuels last longer
3.    Introduction: addressing the reader directly; Conclusion: rhetorical question; Other techniques: a quotation

Firstly, we should make more use of solar power.
To start with, solar power should be more widely used.
Secondly, it would be a good idea to use the power of the wind to generate electricity.
Additionally, electricity could be generated using wind power.
Finally, we could make people pay heavy fines for wasting natural resources.
Lastly, anyone found wasting natural resources should be fined heavily.

1.      d
2.    a
3.    b
4.    c

·        It would be a good idea to water the lawn early in the morning. By doing this, we would reduce water loss through evaporation.
·        The situation would be improved if we planted native trees. As a result, we wouldn’t use as much water as needed for imported kinds.
·        Another way would be to save bathwater and dishwater. By doing this, we would use this water both for washing and watering.

Key words to be underlined: environmental magazine, suggestions, how to deal with the water shortage problem, article suggesting ways, stop wasting our most valuable resource
1.      The readers of the magazine.
2.    The style should be formal/semi-formal because that is what is appropriate for this type of writing.
3.    In the main body.
4.    Yes, each paragraph of the main body should include a suggestion and its results/consequences.
5.     A rhetorical question, a quotation or addressing the reader directly.

·        Nature is so beautiful, you can only admire it.
·        The well being of animals living in a country shows the quality of a nation.
·        Man is responsible for the pollution.

It is a whale. It looks like a humpback whale. It is a mammal and it lives in the sea. Other sea mammals include seals, sea cows, sea lions, orcas, walruses, manatees and dolphins.

The novel is about a whale. Melville’s experiences at sea working on a whaling ship probably helped him write the book.

Whaling is strictly controlled and in some parts of the world it is illegal. Whales used to be hunted for their blubber, oil and meat. Today there is less demand for these products as we can use alternatives, but some whales are still hunted for their meat in some areas.

escape – get away
dreary – unexciting
stare – look for a long time
harsh – rough
distant – far away

1.      I
2.    I
3.    I
4.    C
5.     C
6.    C

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