duminică, 11 octombrie 2015


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa XI si XII intitulat INNOVATIONS UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Second Edition, Editura Heinle Cengage Learning, Autori Hugh Dellar si Darryl Hocking 

1. Tenses
1. I’m looking
3. I do
4. She runs
5. I’m working
6. do you have

2. Multiple choice
1.      a
2.    a
3.    b
4.    a
5.     b
6.    a
7.     b
8.    a
9.    a
10.                        b

3. Comparing
1.      more
2.    rude
3.    lower
4.    more
5.     dirty
6.    safe
7.     lower
8.    more difficult
9.    less
10.                        drug addicts

5. Conversation
1.      f
2.    c
3.    g
4.    b
5.     a
6.    e
7.     d

7. Expressions
1.      haven’t you heard
2.    I would if I could
3.    I’m afraid I can’t
4.    one of those things
5.     not really keen
6.    Cheer up

8. Collocations
1.      e
2.    h
3.    g
4.    b
5.     a
6.    d
7.     f
8.    c
9.    n
10.      i
11.   p
12. j
13. o
14. k
15.  l
16. m

9. Real English
1.      c
2.    a
3.    d
4.    g
5.     f
6.    h
7.     e
8.    b

10. Idioms
1.      a
2.    c
3.    b
4.    h
5.     f
6.    g
7.     d
8.    e

11.  Vocabulary quiz
1.      By passing your driving test.
2.    You are ambitious.
3.    Yes, but vegans don’t.
4.    Very rarely.
5.     Nowhere – they have stopped working.
6.    Untidy.
7.     They commit suicide.
8.    You want to start a relationship with them.
9.    A blonde.
10.      In a pub or a bar.
11.  Hardly ever.
12. About someone else’s life. If you write a book about your own life, it’s your autobiography.
13. They commit crimes.
14. Not very well. You tend to disagree.
15.  Their ideas are fixed in a negative way.
16. An only child.
17.  When you are upset about something or have a problem you need to talk about.
18.Blow the roof off, damage the house, smash it to pieces.
19. In a ring.
20.    Not very well.

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