luni, 10 februarie 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 1 - 5 PROGRESS CHECK din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa XI intitulat ADVANCED GOLD, Editura Longman, Autori Sally Burgess si Richard Acklam, Editia 2001


Page 65-67

Exercise 1

1. D
2. H
3. E
4. I
5. B
6. G

Exercise 2

a.    2 indecision
b.   10 resentful
c.    7 hospitality
d.   3 heroism
e.    1 kindness
f.      9 intelligent
g.    6 childish
h.   11 privatise
i.      5 development
j.      8 spacious
k.    4 loyal

Exercise 3

1. They’ve raised the life expectancy of people living … OR The life expectancy of people living in the developed world has risen …
2. I’m sure our team can beat the other team … OR I’m sure our team can win if they …
3. I feel rather unwell.
4. … but I forgot. OR … but I forgot to.
5. He bought me a ticket ... OR He paid for my ticket …
6. √
7. … I’m still waiting
8. Before you close the door…
9. … I love it!
10. √

Exercise 4

1. intuitively
2. patiently
3. bitterly
4. sincerely
5. imperceptibly

Exercise 5

1. the
2. √
3. them
4. √
5. √
6. being
7. into
8. he
9. up
10. it
11. √
12. so
13. √
14. some
15. does
16. √

Exercise 6

1. carried
2. unless
3. wearing
4. more
5. number
6. will
7. having
8. of
9. you
10. one
11. may/might/could
12. can
13. have/ need
14. should/must
15. them

Exercise 7

1. lamb’s wool
2. the artists’ entrance
3. a boat show
4. a three-year degree
5. a cheese sauce
6. a living-room ceiling
7. a children’s choir
8. a rabbit’s tail
9. Poland’s national monuments
10. a cupboard door

Exercise 8

1. a bowl of cherries
2. a carton of fruit juice
3. a herd of wild elephants
4. a set of keys
5. a bunch of flowers
6. a clove of garlic
7. a packet of washing powder
8. a liter of kittens

Exercise 9

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A

Exercise 10

1. each other – each other,
2. √
3. coresponded - corresponded
4. tradicional - traditional
5. √
6. √
7. ocur - occur
8. spiting - spitting
9. √
10. twins – twins’
11. tendances – tendencies
12. doctor’s – doctors
13. wait – weight
14. herd – heard
15. People – ‘People
16. √

Exercise 11

1. like a bull in a china shop
2. as white as a sheet
3. to sleep like a log
4. √
5. as cool as a cucumber
6. like a red rag to a bull
7. like a bear with a sore head
8. as quick as a flash
9. √
10. as light as a feather

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