vineri, 25 ianuarie 2013

WOW - BOOK 1 - EXTRA (UNITS 9 - 10)

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Extra - UNITS 9 - 10 / PAGES 49 - 50 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob NolascoEditia 2009

Extra Units 9 - 10:  
Revising - cuvinte 
                   - how much/ how many?
 Introducing - Irregular plurals
                           - Pronunciation of plurals -s/ -es

A Grammar / page 49

1. Look at these words from Units 1 and 10. = Priviti aceste cuvinte de la Unit-urile 1 pana la 10.

2. Write the plural forms.= Scrieti formele de plural.
name - names
number - numbers
rice - rice
quiz - quizes
golf-course - golf-courses
pencil - pencils
jacket - jackets
guitar - guitars
boy - boys
beach - beaches
bread - bread
ice-cream - ice-cream
presenter - presenters
alarm-clock - alarm-clocks
homework - homework

3. Which are the words without plural? = Care sunt cuvinte fara forme de plural?

rice, bread, ice-cream

B Pronunciation = Pronuntia / page 49

/s/  : rulers, summers, umbrellas

/z/  : watches, jackets, glasses, reports

C Reading = Citire / page 49

Traducerea textului:


Tinerii din Marea Britanie nu sunt in forma si asta in mod oficial. In Marea Britanie, tinerii merg la scoala cu masina sau cu autobuzul. Ei petrec in medie trei ore in fata televizorului. In medie, ei au doar sase minute  de exercitii energice in fiecare zi. (Intr-un exercitiu energic, inima noastra bate de mai mult de 160 de ori pe minut.)
Exercitiul este foarte bun pentru inima. Avem nevoie de 15-20 minute de exercitii energice de trei ori pe saptamana. Incercati sa alergati, sa inotati, sa mergeti cu bicicleta sau chiar sa dansati la discoteca.

Answer the questions. = Raspundeti la intrebari./ page 50
1.  Young people in England travel to school by bus or by car.
2. I travel to school by bus.
3.  Young people in England spend three hours in front of the television each day.
4. I spend two hours in front of the television each day.
5. They have six minutes of vigorous exercise each day.
6. I have thirty minutes of vigorous exercise each day.

D Vocabulary = Vocabular/ page 50
Match the captions to the photographs: = Potriviti propozitiile cu aceste imagini: 
1 - d
2 - e
3 - a
4 - f
5 - c
6 - b

E Mini-Project = Mini-Proiect/ page 50
List three things you buy in: = Spuneti trei lucruri pe care le cumparati in:
boxes - eggs (oua), chocolates (bomboane), pencils (creioane)
tins - soup (supa), beans (fasole), corn (porumb)
bottles - water (apa), beer (bere), juice (suc)

F Quiz = Test/ page 50
Write how much or how many: = Scrieti cat sau cati/ cate:

1. how many
2. how many
3. how much
4. how many
5. how many
6. how much
7. how many
8. how much
9. how much
10. how much

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