vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 6: Pet Shop Fun! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat SET SAIL 3 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Jenny Doodley si Virginia Evans, Editia 2004

SET SAIL 3 - Unit 6: Pet Shop Fun!

Set Sail 3 - ex 1 / page 44

crawl = a se tara
spider = paianjen
fly = a zbura
bird = pasare
jump = a sari
rabbit = iepuras
swim = a inita
sea horse = calut de mare
walk = a merge (pe jos)
tortoise = broasca testoasa
talk = a vorbi
parrot = papagal

Set Sail 3 - ex 2 / page 44-45

Traducerea textului:

imaginea 1:

Un magazin de animale! Hai sa cumparam un cadou pentru ziua de naster a lui Chuckles!

imaginea 2:

Larry, priveste paianjenul!
Wow! El poate sa sara!

imaginea 3:

Buna, papagalule frumos! Stii sa vorbesti?

imaginea 4:

Oh, este un papagal destept.
Sa-l luam pentru Chuckles.

imaginea 5:

La multi ani, Chuckles!
Aceasta este pentru tine!

imaginea 6:

La multi ani!
Intoarce-te, Chuckles!

Set Sail 3 - ex 3 / page 45

2. walk v  talk x
3. talk v  run x
4. fly x  jump v

Set Sail 3 - ex 4 / page 45

It can swim and jump but it can't fly. = Poate sa inoate si sa sara dar nu poate sa zboare.

1 point - 1 punct

Set Sail 3 - ex 5 / page 24

I can sing   = Pot sa cant
Can you sing?   = Poti sa canti?
I can dance  = Pot sa dansez
Can you dance?  = Poti sa dansezi?
Now clap your hands, =  Acum bate din palme,
Clap your hands! = Bate din palme!

I can climb= Pot sa ma catar
Can you climb?   = Poti sa te cateri?
I can run= Pot sa alerg
Can you run?  = Poti sa alergi?
It's lots of fun, =  E foarte distractiv,
It's lots of fun! = E foarte distractiv!

I can draw= Pot sa desenez
Can you draw?   = Poti sa desenezi?
I can play= Pot sa ma joc
Can you play?  = Poti sa te joci?
It's a happy day, =  Este o zi fericita
A happy day! = O zi fericita!

Set Sail 3 - ex 6 / page 46

1. A mouse has got a long tail and four legs. It can run but it can't crawl. 
2. A birdhas got a small body and short legs. It can fly but it can't danse.
3. A rabbit has got a short tail and long ears. It can jump but it can't sing.
4. A tortoise has got a small head and short legs. It can walk but it can't climb.
5. A frog has got big eyes and long legs. It can jump but it can't draw.

Set Sail 3 - ex 7 / page 47

1. Chuckles is eleven today.
2. Yes, he has got big ears.
3. No, he hasn't. He has got a fat body. 
4. Yes, he can climb.
5. No, he can't swim.
6. Yes, he can dance.

Set Sail 3 - ex 8 / page 47

Acum, scrie despre animalul tau!

Set Sail 3 - ex 9 / page 47

Un caine poate sa mearga,
Dar el nu poate sa vorbeasca!

Set Sail 3 - ex 10 / page 47

Scrieti 3 animale care:
1. pot inota : dolphin, sea horse, fish 
2. pot sa sara : rabbit, frog, monkey
3. au 2 picioare : hen, bird, duck
4. au urechi mari : monkey, rabbit, pig
5. au coada lunga : mouse, dog, crocodile
6. se pot catara : monkey, mouse, cat

Set Sail 3 - ex 11 / page 48

seventeen = 17
eleven = 11
fifteen = 15
twenty = 20
fourteen = 14
thirteen = 13
nineteen = 19
twelve = 12
eighteen = 18
sixteen = 16

Set Sail 3 - ex 12 / page 48

How old is Molly today?
It is fourteen. 
Happy birthday, Molly!

How old is Peter today?
It is sixteen. 
Happy birthday, Peter!

How old is Sugar today?
It is twelve. 
Happy birthday, Sugar!

How old is Kenny today?
It is twenty. 
Happy birthday, Kenny!

Set Sail 3 - ex 13 / page 48

Cantec: !

Set Sail 3 - Animals Down Under/ page 49

1. head
2. neck
3. body
4. leg

Pentru traducerea textului de la pagina 49, lasati mesaj pe e-mail: 

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