exercitiilor de la UNIT 15 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a
VIII-a intitulat HIGH FLYER - UPPER INTERMEDIATE, Students’ Book, Editura
Longman, Autori Ana Acevedo si Marisol Gower, Editia 1999
High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 62
WEIGHT: skinny, thin, slim, plump, heavy,
overweight, fat
HEIGHT: high, tall, low, short
WIDTH: wide, narrow
OVERALL SIZE: big, large, little, small
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 62
- a)
overweight b) slim c) skinny d) slim
- a)
tall b) high c) short d) low
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 62
a). The
people described are: the dark-haired man, the chubby balding man and the
old dancer
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 62
1. True. He made them
shudder with fear, he was new to their town and he was mad.
2. False. They were funny
and there is no suggestion that they scared the children. Also, we know that
‘Nieves was different’ and did scare the children.
3. False. The author
thought Nieves was chasing her, but in fact he only happened to be following
her and was going to her house to see her father. Her mother indicates that her
daughter was imagining things.
4. True (ls. 47-9)
5. True (ls. 50-2)
6. False. Nieves was a kind
friendly man who was very fond of children.
7. False. Not quite, he
never stopped talking to imaginary listeners, but the people in the town
accepted him.
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 63
1. Because they weren’t
playing too. They wore white and stood stiffly on the verandah so they were
probably wealthy and not allowed to mix with ordinary children.
2. She felt he was
deliberately following her and trying to catch her. She imagined this because
the children in their fantasies had come to see him as a very mysterious
lunatic and someone to be frightened of.
3. She seems to have felt
embarrassed by her daughter’s behaviour. She probably thought the girl was
being very silly because by that point she and her husband trusted Nieves.
4. He probably became
accepted when saw that he was kind and friendly, and when he stopped being a
novelty in the town. No doubt people got used to his funny ways.
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 63
2. tall – size/ shape,
dark-haired – colour
- huge
– size, wonderful – opinion, green – colour
- stone
– material, old – age, lovely – opinion
- funny
– opinion, Scottish – origin
- round
– shape
- red
– colour, beautiful – opinion, American - origin
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 63
2. She’s a beautiful tall dark-haired girl.
3. There used to be a wonderful huge green tree
in our garden.
4. We lived in a lovely old stone house.
5. My grandmother was a funny Scottish lady.
6. She had a kind round face.
7. We were all excited when my father bought a
beautiful red American car.
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 64
1. Four sentences (with two
clauses each)
2. First she writes about
his general appearance, but arouses the reader’s interest by mentioning that
Nieves was ‘mysterious’, a personal opinion of his behaviour/ character. Then
she gives details of some of his physical characteristics. Finally she talks
about his character.
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 64
1. convict, text 4
2. mites, text 2
3. garlic, text 3
4. freezer, text 2
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 64
Polar bear, text 2; Prize jigsaw, text 1;
Baldman of Doncatraz, text 4; Keep away, Lassie!, text 3
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 64
1. Probably not very
pleased and rather annoyed, unless they happen to like doing jigsaw puzzles.
2. Probably not as they
will be frozen.
3. Because their owners can
then stroke and hug them without having to smell their garlicky breath.
4. Because the prisoner is a convict (and because his hair will grow
back in no time at all).
Flyer – Upper Intermediate
/ page 65
1. take off
2. take off
3. work out, give up
4. give up
5. breath in
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RăspundețiȘtergereVă mulțumesc mult de tot pentru ca m-ati salvat de atatea ori la ore!! Ati facut si rezolvarile la Grammar WOORKBOOK Upstream Intermediate B2 Student's Book de Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley; Express Publishing? Daca nu, ati putea sa le faceti? As vrea sa pot sa ma verific la exercitii deoarece profesoare deja a început sa ne dea din Grammar tot unit 2 .. Am cautat pe net doar ca la Grammar nu am gasit nici o rezolvare ci doar la prima parte a cartii ... Multumesc anticipat!! Weekend placut si sper sa imi raspundeti!
RăspundețiȘtergereBuna! Ma bucur ca acest blog iti este de folos. In ceea ce priveste Grammar Workbook Upstream Intermediate, am inceput rezolvarile din acesta si sper ca in cel mai scurt timp posibil sa le postez pe blog. Multa bafta in tot ceea ce faci!
ȘtergereBuna, am publicat UPSTREAM INTERMEDIATE WORKBOOK UNIT 1. Curand voi publica si urmatoarele.
ȘtergereAcest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
RăspundețiȘtergereLa exercitul 11/64 miteac ai freezer sunt pe 2 dar la 1 ce este?
RăspundețiȘtergerePuteți pune și ex 15 de la pagina 65 ....un exemplu ? Mi ar fi de mare folos
RăspundețiȘtergerePuteti pune ex 2 de la pagina 66?
RăspundețiȘtergerePuteți pune și ex 14 de la pagina ix
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte tare