sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la  UNIT 5 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a intitulat HIGH FLYER - UPPER INTERMEDIATE, Students’ Book, Editura Longman, Autori Ana Acevedo si Marisol Gower, Editia 1999

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.2/ page 22

  1. skills for adolescence
  2. listening, participating, shifting in their seats

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.3/ page 22

  1. reading 2
  2. reading 2
  3. Those in Exercise 2 because the groups of words give more complete ideas.

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.4/ page 22

  1. parents of teenage children
  2. differences in lifestyle between parents and teenagers
  3. Because Mrs Ashby said the previous course would ‘help with problems in the family’. Parents didn’t want to admit to problems so no one came.
  4. No, she gets parents to share their solutions.


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.5/ page 23

  1. Mrs Bailey suggested (that) Alex should wear something nice to his grandmother’s party.
  2. Tessa advised her older sister to come straight home after school.
  3. Paco urged his friend to talk to his parents about his problems.
  4. The headmaster recommends students to study much harder.
  5. Marian urged her young brother to show their mum the teacher’s note.
  6. Mrs Ashby advises talking more openly to children.


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.6/ page 23

The correct words are:
  1. advice
  2. advice
  3. practice
  4. practice
  5. advise


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.7/ page 24

a 1   b 3   c 2

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.8/ page 24

  1. who, topic, your, for, exactly, before
  2. sometimes, kitchen, supper, Maths, good, chat
  3. my, course, trouble, always


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.9/ page 24

  1. You’d better go/ It’s time you went home.
  2. You’d better clean it.
  3. You’d better do/ It’s time you did your homework.
  4. It’s time to hang up./ You’d better hang up.
  5. You’d better tell your mother.
  6. You’d better go/ It’s time you went to bed.
  7. You’d better get changed./ It’s time you got changed.

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate
Ex.10/ page 25

These will obviously depend on individual students but make sure that all their answers contain an appropriate form of would rather: Items 1, 2 and 5 require would rather + infinitive; Item 3 requires would rather + subject + past tense; Item 4 could take either. Item 6 could take either.


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

1.      excited
2.    Stefan sees Anya through the window on the coach.
3.    He probably has the same powers as her.
4.    He gets premonitions (line 56) and he looks like her physically.

2 comentarii:

  1. Site-ul este grozav ,trec in clasa a 8-a si sunt bucuroasa ca imi voi putea verifica exercitiile din manualul HIGH FLYER , pe viitor ar fi grozav sa puteti scrie rezolvarile si pentru manualul de clasa a 6-a pe care acum il foloseste sora mea , GENERATION 2000 Student's book 2 .AUTORI:Colin Granger si Digby Beaumont ,editura :MacMillan

    1. Buna, Crina. Ma bucur ca acest blog iti este de folos. In ceea ce priveste manualul pe care il foloseste sora ta trebuie sa-ti spun ca din pacate nu il am momentan. Daca tu ai posibilitatea sa il scanezi si sa mi-l trimiti pe e-mail, il voi publica in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Astept raspunsul tau. Numai bine!
