sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 6 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa VI intitulat ENGLISH GRAMMAR BOOK – GRAMMARWAY 2, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Jenny Dooney si Virginia Evans, Editia 1998

UNIT 6: Relatives

Exercise 1

2. SA: Who was Volta?
    SB: He was the man who/ that invented the electric battery.
3. SA: Who was Columbus?
    SB: He was the man who/ that discovered America.
4. SA: Who was Von Zeppelin?
    SB: He was the man who/ that built the first airship.
5. SA: Who were the Kelloggs?
    SB: They were the men who/ that made the first cornflakes.
6. SA: Who was Cleopatra?
    SB: She was the woman who/ that ruled Egypt.

Exercise 2

3. A lawnmower is a machine which/ that you use to cut grass.
4. A typewriter is a machine which/ that you use to type letters.
5. A lion is an animal which/ that lives in the jungle.
6. A photocopier is a machine which/ that you use to make photocopies.

Exercise 3

2. a
3. f
4. b
5. e
6. g
7. c

Exercise 4

2. who/ that           S      not omitted
3. which/ that        O      omitted
4. who/ that           S      not omitted
5. which/ that        O      omitted
6. which/ that        S      not omitted
7. who/ that            S      not omitted
8. who/ that            S      not omitted
9. which/ that        O      omitted
10. who/ that          S      not omitted
11. which/ that       O      omitted
12. which/ that       O      omitted

Exercise 5

2. whose
3. who’s (has)
4. whose
5. whose
6. who’s (is)
7. who’s (has)
8. whose
9. whose
10. who’s (has)

Exercise 6

2. a) who/ that Max talked to was from Canada. b) Max talked to was from Canada.
3. a) Which/ that Debbie is looking at is mine. b) Debbie is looking at is mine.
4. a) which/ that Anna is looking for belonged to her grandmother. b) Anna is looking for belonged to her grandmother.
5. a) which/ that Bob has gone to is near the Town Hall. b) Bob has gone to is near the Town Hall.
6. a) who/ that Sharon had dinner with was her lawyer. b) Sharon had dinner with was her lawyer.
7. a) which/ that they invited me to wasn’t very exciting. b) they invited me to wasn’t very exciting.
8. a) who/ that I was talking to lives next door. b) I was talking to lives next door.

Exercise 7

2. where
3. why
4. who
5. when
6. whose

Exercise 8

2. why
3. who
4. which
5. where

Exercise 9

2. when
3. where
4. why
5. when
6. where
7. why
8. which

Exercise 10

2. man whose dog often
3. church where we got
4. shop where I bought
5. man who lives in
6. the people whose daughter
7. dog whose owner
8. girl who speaks
9.magazine that I bought
10. boy who ran away
11. hospital where I was
12. that Sophie found

Exercise 11

2. who/ that                    I      not omitted
3. , who is called Sarah,  NI      not omitted
4. which/ that                  I      not omitted
5. whose                            I      not omitted
6. which/ that                  I      omitted
7. , who is older than me,  NI      not omitted
8. , which is very old,         NI      not omitted
9. which/ that                    I      not omitted
10. , who is thirty years old,    NI      not omitted
11. who/ that                            I      not omitted
12. , which is very expensive    NI      not omitted

Exercise 12

2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C

Exercise 13

1. He’s the man who/ that writes songs for a lot of famous singers.
2. Where’s the book I bought last week?
3. That’s the woman whose house is made of glass.
4. My sister, who is 10 years old, is called Betty.
5. The reason why I was late was that I overslept.
6. The man I was talking to is my uncle.
7. That’s the hotel where I spent my holidays last year.
8. London, which is a big city, is the capital of England.

Exercise 14

2. ordered
3. were watching
4. were sleeping
5. were getting
6. appeared
7. were carrying
8. threatened
9. landed
10. managed

Exercise 15

2. A           
3. C
4. B
5. A

Oral Activity

2. Erica met Claire whose husband owns the chalet.
3. Erica met Jack whose son is only three but he can already ski.
4. Erica met Jessie who works for a sports magazine.
5. Erica met Peter who is a famous writer from New York.

Writing Activity

1. why  2. when   3. where

… is a ski-instructor and a woman called Claire whose husband owns a chalet. I also met Jack whose son is only three but he can already ski. I met Jessie who works for a sports magazine and
Peter who is a famous writer from New York.

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