marți, 10 februarie 2015



Grammar 1: page 130

1 a) Gary b) Ian c) Helen d) Julie
Possibility: I couldn’t have remembered; it can’t have happened; it might have been a dream; this may have been
Local deduction; must have been incredibly worried
Obligation/necessity: I had to blow out …
Advice: ought to have done …
Permission: could blow out the candles
Ability: I couldn’t see my family; I can even remember thinking; she could quite clearly remember

Ex. 2
1.      might have/may have
2.    can’t have/couldn’t have
3.    could
4.    should have
5.     couldn’t
6.    had to

Vocabulary 1: page 131

Ex. 1
1.      d
2.    c
3.    e
4.    g
5.     a
6.    h
7.     i
8.    b
9.    j
10.                        f

Ex. 2
1.      make up his mind
2.    pick your brains
3.    take your mind off
4.    out of your mind
5.     got it on the brain
6.    read my mind
7.     speak your mind
8.    put your mind at rest
9.    racking his brains

Exam focus: page 132

Ex. 1
1.      A
2.    B
3.    A
4.    D
5.     D
6.    B
7.     C

Ex. 3
to stop – in her tracks
to slip – my mind
to press – a key
to build up – familiarity with something
to swim – into our consciousness
to dial – a number
to tell – anecdotes
to let – someone off easily

a.     to slip my mind
b.    to built up familiarity with something

Use of English 1: page 134

Ex. 2
1.      B
2.    D
3.    A
4.    D
5.     C
6.    B
7.     B
8.    D
9.    A
10.      C
11.  B

Grammar 2: page 135

Ex. 1
1.      a) Seldom have I come across such a strange story.
2.    b) At no time must you leave your bag unattended.
3.    b) Not until I went into the garden did I realise how hot it was.
4.    b) Under no circumstances must you go back into the building after midnight.
5.     a) Not only did I hate the book, but I hated the film of the book too!

When words and phrases like not only, under no circumstances, at no time, not until, seldom and hardly begin a sentence the verb and subject are inverted.

Watch out!
a). than
1.      than
2.    when

Ex. 2
1.      Hardly had I sat down to read the newspaper when the telephone rang.
2.    No sooner had she stood up to speak than the fire alarm went off.
3.    Not only does he forget people’s names, he also finds it hard to remember place names.
4.    Under no circumstances should you (ever) let anyone into your house unless you have seen their ID.
5.     At no time did she (ever) doubt that he was telling the truth.
6.    Only after I started to write the letter did I realise that I had lost their address.

Ex. 3
1.      You rarely find a household without a computer these days.
2.    She had only just/hardly started to have a shower when the postman knocked at the door.
3.    I left for the airport and then remembered that my passport was still in my desk in the study.
4.    He trusted her, and he never doubted her loyalty to him.
5.     We have never seen such rapid progress in medical science at any time in recent history.

Ex. 4
1.      sooner had Jane arrived than
2.    no circumstances must mobile phones be
3.    do you come across
4.    before had I tried

Vocabulary 2: page 136

Ex. 1
1.      about
2.    of
3.    out
4.    over
5.     through
6.    up

Ex. 2
1.      think straight
2.    he thought the world of
3.    think positively
4.    think on his feet
5.     thinking outside the box
6.    thought better of it

Use of English 2: page 137

1.      loss
2.    mind
3.    sense
4.    attention
5.     term

Listening: page 138

Ex. 3
1.      crying
2.    catching
3.    magazine article
4.    offensive
5.     humour
6.    colds/(in)flu(enza)
7.     World Laughter Day
8.    mobile phones

Writing: page 138

Ex. 1
a.     2
b.    2
c.     3
d.     1
e.     4

Ex. 2
2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10

Ex. 3
a.     optimistic not pessimistic
b.    other people do better than you do
c.     there are always opportunities to be found

1.      conversely
2.    crucial
3.    an illusion
4.    a positive outlook
5.     people who look on the bright side
6.    an enviable state of mind
7.     go for it

UNIT 11 REVIEW: page 141

Ex. 1
1.      researchers
2.    beneficial
3.    establishments
4.    maximize
5.     packages
6.    commercially
7.     dominant
8.    mobility
9.    recall
10.                        performance/performing

maximum – maximize
dominate – dominant
search – researchers

Q1 the verb ‘have’ after the gap indicates a plural noun, whereas ‘research’ is uncountable – so the answer must be the people who do it – researchers.
Advice: look carefully at the grammar of the sentence around the gap.
Q3 needs a plural noun because ‘establishment’ here is a concrete noun meaning an institution, so is countable. The rest of the sentence ‘and private companies’ helps you to see this.
Advice: Think about the context of the sentence around the gap.
Q8 The negative prefix is wrong here as it contradicts the idea of ‘get stuck in’ in the previous sentence which means immobile. So people ‘regain mobility’ if they are stuck.
Advice: Think about the meaning of the whole text and check the sentences before and after the one with the gap to check that your answer makes sense.

Ex. 2
1.      think straight
2.    thought it through
3.    think the world of her
4.    think up
5.     think outside the box

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