vineri, 24 octombrie 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la MODULE 6 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa X intitulat OPPORTUNITIES UPPER-INTERMEDIATE, Editura Longman, Autori Michael Harris, David Mower si Anna Sikorzynska, Editia 2011


Warm-up (page 63)

Exercise 1

1.     brain
2.   lungs
3.   heart
4.   liver
5.    stomach
6.   kidney

Exercise 2

1.     brain
2.   heart
3.   lungs
4.   eye
5.    liver

16. LIFE SAVERS (page 64-65)

Exercise 1

flu   malaria   measles   polio   tetanus   TB

Exercise 3

2 B    4 F   6 A   8 E   11 C
Exercise 4

1.     it would be infected outside the bubble.
2.   the operation had been successful.
3.   the patients had recovered.
4.   gene therapy will have to be proved over time.
5.    gene therapy will be developed.

Exercise 6

1.     c
2.   j
3.   f
4.   a
5.    e
6.   b
7.    h
8.   d
9.   g
10.    i

Exercise 7

1.     air of euphoria
2.   cracked
3.   come within reach of
4.   facing death
5.    before their eyes
6.   pressing ahead
7.    major step forward
8.   breath of fresh air

17. SUPER ATHLETS (page 66-67)

Exercise 2

1.     better equipment, training and diet
2.   athletes who took drugs broke world records
3.   the whole point of sport would be lost
4.   taking part is more important than winning

Exercise 3

1.     … would have broken … world records if they had taken part. 3rd conditional/ past
2.   If records fall, it is usually due to …/ zero conditional/ present
3.   Unless we are careful … will be the next big threat …/ 1st conditional/ present
4.   If gene therapy were used … it would be almost …/ 2nd conditional/ present
5.    If … genetic monsters were created, it would show …/ 2nd conditional/ future

Exercise 4

2. ‘d
3. I’d
4. wouldn’t/’ve/n’t
5. won’t/ he’s
6. she’d’ve/n’t
7. would’ve/n’t
8. ‘ll/she’s

Exercise 5

2. If athletes don’t earn a lot of money, they won’t train hard.
3. If someone runs 100 metres in 9.3 seconds, nobody will believe it.
4. If Gabriela wasn’t very fit, it wouldn’t be easy for her to run long distances.
5. If an athlete wins four gold medals in athletics, they’ll be a record breaker.
6. If the Olympic Games hadn’t been organised in Moscow in 1980, the USA would have taken part.

Exercise 6


Exercise 7

Chart 1 (condition)
2 time reference/ the present     verb form/ past simple
3 time reference/ the past           verb form/ past perfect
4 time reference/ the past           verb form/ past perfect

Chart 2 (result)
2 time reference/ the past            verb form/ would + perfect infinitive
3 time reference/ the present               verb form/ infinitive
4 time reference/ the present               verb form/ infinitive

Exercise 8

a. the marks in sports would be worse
b. many people would have died
c. we would have wasted a lot of time doing simple things
d. the borders in Europe would be different

a. Pele wouldn’t have become a star
b. Columbus wouldn’t have traveled by ship
c. the car wouldn’t have been invented
d. life on Earth wouldn’t have developed

18. BRAIN POWER (page 68-69)

Exercise 1

1.     billion
2.   organ
3.   atom
4.   neuron
5.    cell

Exercise 3

1.     white
2.   just over a kilo
3.   20%
4.   100 billion cells
5.    atoms in the universe
6.   different functions
7.    sight and hearing
8.   all the time
9.   fear
10.    foreign

Exercise 4

1.     enthusiastic
2.   a computer
3.   the areas of the brain related to controlling sight and hearing

Exercise 5

1.     C
2.   M
3.   D
4.   D
5.    M
6.   C

Exercise 6

1.     What tips
2.   it’s important to
3.   should
4.   need to
5.    What
6.   If I were you
7.    ought to
8.   can be counter-productive
9.   shouldn’t
10.                      Could
12.                       have got to
13.                       mustn’t
14.                       There’s no point in
15.                       advise

Exercise 8

2. start
3. learn from
4. looking at in detail
5. discovering
6. understand
7. make a note of
8. mention
9. looked at in detail
10. appear
11. passed

Communication workshop (page 70-72)

Writing: A Discursive Essay (1)

Exercise 1

Despite finding the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive, some people don’t mind the idea of cloning human organs for transplant operations.
Even though some people find the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive, they don’t mind the idea of cloning human organs for transplant operations.
Some people find the idea of cloning a whole person repulsive. However, they don’t mind the idea of cloning human organs for transplant operations.

Exercise 2

A.   introduction of the topic
B.   arguments for cloning
C.   arguments against cloning
D.  conclusion (your opinion)

Exercise 3

1.     in spite of
2.   whereas
3.   On the other hand
4.   Although
5.    despite
6.   However
7.    even though

Exercise 2

a panel discussion

genetic engineering; freezing dead bodies; long life

Exercise 3

1.     in the next thirty years
2.   to cure all sorts of illnesses
3.   cause diseases
4.   cancer and heart disease
5.    we can’t reverse them
6.   are in good condition and conserve them
7.    in developed countries will be over eighty

Exercise 4

1.     c
2.   b
3.   b


Exercise 1

Tom strongly against
Jan in favour but with reservations

Exercise 2

1.     from the beginning
2.   are not at all interested
3.   am sure
4.   not in any circumstances
5.    completely unacceptable
6.   I disagree

Exercise 3

1.     c
2.   a
3.   e
4.   b
5.    d

Language Awareness 4  (page 73)

Exercise 1

His fight against cancer and his cycling wins

Exercise 3

Speculation: everything must have been going; he must have a different kind of motivation
Obligation: strong men must realise
Prohibition: we must not forget

Exercise 4

a.    didn’t need to worry/ did not need to take
b.   need not have worried

Exercise 5

The sentences express speculation.
Sentence 1 – present
Sentence 2 – past

Exercise 6

must have been going c)
should have gone a)
could continue e)
could not have known c)
would survive d)
might die c)
had to have a)
had to sleep a)
did not have to have b)
does not have to worry b)
must not forget a)
must have c)
must realise a)

REVIEW (page 74-75)

Exercise 1

1.     hadn’t left
2.   wouldn’t go
3.   hadn’t gone out
4.   wouldn’t have broken
5.    will disappear
6.   would cover
7.    don’t you take
8.   would have
9.   would have
10.    wouldn’t exist

Exercise 2

Depend on students’ ideas.

Exercise 3

Depend on students’ ideas.

Exercise 4

Depend on students’ ideas.

Exercise 6

1.     must have been difficult
2.   or they will think we’ve
3.   needn’t have come
4.   didn’t need stitches
5.    can’t be feeling happy

Exercise 7

1.     off
2.   up/over
3.   up
4.   out/ out of
5.    out/ out
6.   over

Exercise 8

1.     system/ years
2.   check
3.   like
4.   produced
5.    action
6.   engineering
7.    breaking/enhancing
8.   backs/ consuming/ through/ intelligence
9.   born/ year-old
10.    scientists/-hand/processing

Exercise 9

1.     pneumonia/TB
2.   ‘flu
3.   measles
4.   malaria
5.    polio
6.   tetanus

Exercise 10

though/3      through/1    cough/4    thought/2   ought/ 2   enough/5    although/3    rough/5   tough/5  bought/2

Exercise 11

Sentence 1 – 3 sounds
Sentence 2 – 5 sounds
Sentence 3 – 4 sounds

Culture Corner 3 (page 76)

Exercise 2

1776 – Declaration of Independence
1848 – Californian Gold Rush
1861-1865 – Civil War between North and South
1869 – first trans-continental railway
1890 – Native Americans massacred at Wounded Knee
1929 – Wall Street Crash
1945 – two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan
1963 – President Kennedy assassinated
1968 – Martin Luther King assassinated
1969 – first person on the moon

Exercise 3

1.     thirteen
2.   taxes
3.   slavery
4.   manufacture/sell
5.    unemployed/poor
6.   stage
7.    impossible
8.   forty-four
9.   mystery

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