joi, 14 martie 2013

WOW - BOOK 1 - UNIT 15

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 15 / PAGES 71-74 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob NolascoEditia 2009

Unit 15: Daredevils - going to (future)
               The Dangerous Brothers! - suggestions
               I'm on WOW!

1 A Presentation / page 1

Traducerea textului:


In aceasta saptamana WOW este cu manifestarile echipei Royal Signals.
Tony: Buna, Shirley. Ma auzi?
Shirley: Da, tare si clar. Esti incantat?

Tony: Da, si speriat!
Shirley: Ce vei face pentru inceput?

Tony: Ei bine, voi merge pe motocicleta cu spatele.
Shirley: Cu spatele?

Tony: Da.
Shirley: Ei bine, succes!

Answer the questions:
1. Tony is at the Royal Signals display team.
2. No, he isn't.
3. Yes, he is.
4. he is going to ride backwards on a motorcycle.

1 B Pronunciation / page 71

Ascultati cum este pronuntat to in aceste exemple.

1 C Practice/ page 71

1. A man is going to jump off the buiding.
2. John is going to jump through the flames.
3. Shirley is going to jump from a plane.
4. A woman is going to fly in a ballon.
5. A man is going to climb a building.

1 D Speaking / page 72

1. Are you going to jump off the buiding?
2. Are you going to jump through the flames?
3. Are you going to jump from a plane?
4. Are you going to fly in a ballon?
5. Are you going to climb a building?

1 E Writing and Speaking / page 72

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Raspunsuri posibile pot fi:

I am going to visit my friends.
I am going to read a book.
I am going to go to the cinema.

I am going to ride my bike.
I am going to cook something special.
I am going to play on the computer. etc.

2 A Listening and Speaking / page 72


1. Den, ai vrea sa mergem la cinema?
Ce film ruleaza?
Este un film cu cowboys.
Stii ca nu-mi plac filmele cu cowboys.

2. Bine, hai sa mergem la un concert.
Eu nu am bani pentru bilet. Tu ai?

3. De ce nu am munci seara?
Pentru ca imi place sa ies in oras. Dar tu poti. Uite!

4. Un film minunat, Den!
De ce nu taci!

2 B Practice/ page 73

Exersati aceasta conversatie cu un partener. 

2 C Writing/ page 73

Dear Cristina,
Please come to my house after school. Shall we go tothe cinema?

Dear Dan,
Shall we meet you at the beach? It would be nice!

2 D Practice/ page 73

1. at
2. on
3. in
4. in
5. on
6. in
7. in
8. in
9. at
10. on

The search - Episode 15 / page 74

Imaginea 1: 
Sally: Deci, ce ai de gand sa faceti astazi?
Peter: Kim si cu mine mergem la muzeu.

Sally: Si examenele tale?
Peter: Sunt luna viitoare.

Imaginea 2:  

Sally: Ce parere ai, Howard?
Peter: De ce-ti faci atatea griji din cauza mea? Nu esti mama mea adevarata.
Howard: Peter!
Peter: Uite, imi pare rau. Pot sa merg la Kim, va rog?

Howard: OK. La ce ora te vei intoarce?
Peter: Nu stiu sigur.
Sally: Ei bine, sa nu intarzii la ceai.

Imaginea 3:  
Kim: Tata este la sectia de politie.
Peter: De ce?

Kim: El ii va ajuta pe politisti.
Peter: Adevarat?
Kim: Da, oamenii din gradina sunt escroci.

Imaginea 4:  

Peter: Sunt prieteni de-ai tatalui tau?
Kim: Nu, cred ca el lucreaza pentru ei.

Imaginea 5:  

Kim: Deci, ce facem astazi?
Peter: Er... nimic... Sunt ocupat.

Kim: Ocupat?
Peter: Da, ee... Ies in oras cu Howard si Sally. Suna-ma maine.

Complete these sentences about the story. = Completati aceste propozitii despre poveste.

It is Saturday morning. Peret is going to see Kim and then he's going to the museum. Kim's father is at the police station. He is telling the police about the men in the yard. They are crooks.

What's up with Peter?
He isn't happy in Sally and Howard's house.

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