marți, 26 martie 2013

WOW - BOOK 1 - EXTRA (UNITS 17 -18)

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Extra - UNITS 17 - 18 / PAGES 89 - 90 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob NolascoEditia 2009

Extra Units 17 - 18:  
Revising -  Simple past of 'be'
A Grammar / page 89

2. cooked - cook
tidied - tidy
made - make   IRREGULAR VERB!
had - have
played - play
didn't have - have
didn't play - play

3. didn't = did + not

4.  a. I didn't cook the meals.
b. I didn't tidy my bedroom.
c. We didn't make bread every day.
d. We didn't have lunch in London.
e. The band didn't play in the Hammersmith Odeon.

5. In the simple past, the negative = the past of the helping verb TO DO + NOT + the base form of the verb

B Speaking/ page 89

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un raspuns posibil poate fi urmatorul:

I didn't go to the seaside.

I didn't write a letter.
I didn't read a novel.
I didn't visit my cousin.
I didn't play the violin.

C Reading / page 89-90

Traducerea textului:

Eu sunt June Foster. Am 11 ani. Am fost la "Incerca-l" saptamana trecuta. Timp de 3 zile am fost stewardesa la Virgin Air.

Noi am invatat cum sa folosim panta de urgenta.

Am petrecut mult timp in clasa. Noi dam un test/ examen in fiecare zi!

Am invatat sa servesc cafeaua.

Am sarutat manechinul acesta urat de plastic la ora de prim ajutor.

Am stins un foc la ora de pompieri/ lupta cu focul. Fumul mi-a umezit ochii.

Ne-am dus la piscina si am inotat imbracati. M-am simtit foarte prost.

Urmatoarea lectie a fost despre folosirea echipamentului in avion.

Apoi am primit uniforma. Benny mi-a aranjat parul si am fost gata, uniforma noua, infatisare noua! Mi-am luat certificatul de stewardesa si am fost foarte mandra. Eram gata pentru zborul catre America.

Verbele din text:

Past  - Base form:

was - be
learnt - learn
spent - spend
took - take
learnt - learn

kissed - kiss
put - put
made - make
went - go
swam - swim
felt - feel
was - be
got - get
did - do
was - be
got - get
was - be
was - be

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