joi, 27 septembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 3 / PAGES 11-14 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob NolascoEditia 2009

Unit 3: A WOW! holiday report - has/ have got
               this and that
               Numbers (20-100)

1 A Presentation / page 11

Traducerea textului:


Tony: Bine ati venit la Solar Village. Solar Village are palmieri si o piscina - dar nu suntem la Miami, Solar Village este in Anglia. Managerul este Jane Shepherd...
Jane: In Anglia vremea nu este prea buna, asa ca avem un dom mare. Afara este iarna, inauntru este vara. In interiorul domului avem doua piscine, trei restaurante si o sala de gimnastica. Afara avem un teren de golf, terenuri de tenis si vile.
Jane: Aceasta vila are doua dormitoare, o baie si o bucatarie mica.
Tony: Are si televizor?
Nick: Da, are.
Tony: Si video?
Jane: Nu, nu are.

1 B Pronunciation / page 12

Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.

pool = piscina
a pool = o piscina
We've got a pool. = Noi avem o piscina.

1 C Speaking / page 12

Ask and answer. = Intrebati si raspundeti.

1. Has Solar Village got palm trees? Yes, it has.
2. Has it got a swimming-pool? Yes, it has.
3. Has it got a golf-course? Yes, it has.
4. Has it got tennis-courts? Yes, it has.
5. Has the villa got a kitchen? Yes, it has.
6. Has the villa got a video? No, it hasn't.

 1 D Writing / page 12

What have you got in your pencil case? = Ce ai tu in penar?
Make a list and tell your partner. = Fa o lista si spune-i colegului tau.

pencil case = penar
ruler = rigla
eraser = guma de sters
pen = stilou
pencil = creion
sharpener = ascutitoare

2 A Presentation / page 12

Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.

A: Where's that?
B: It's Disneyland.

A: In California?
B: No, in Tokyo.

A: And who's that?
B: That's Kyoko.

Now look at page 11. Ask and answer about the picture of Solar Village. Change the words in red. = Acum priviti la pagina 11. Puneti intrebari si raspundeti in legatura cu imaginea despre Solar Village. Schimbati cuvintele scrise cu rosu.

A: Where's that?
B: It's Solar Village.

A: In Miami?
B: No, in England.

A: And who's that?
B: That's Jane.

this = aceasta, acesta 
that = aceea, acela

2 B Practice / page 12

Ask and answer questions with this and that. = Puneti intrebari si raspundeti cu this si that.
What's this?  This is an eraser.
What's that?  That is an umbrella.
Who's this? This is Jane.
Who's that? That is Shirley.

2 C Numbers (20-100)/ page 13

Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
Say these numbers. = Spuneti aceste numere.

28 = twenty-eight
46 = forty-six
53 = fifty-three
99 = ninety-nine
35 = thirty-three
22 = thwenty-two
74 = seventy-four
18 = eighteen
81 = eighty-one

2 D Pronunciation / page 13
Repeat these numbers. = Repetati aceste numere.

a. thirteen - thirty   13 - 30
b. eighteen - eighty  18 - 80
c. nineteen - ninety-one - ninety  19 - 91 - 90
d. seventeen - seventy - seventy-one  17 - 70 - 71

2 E Writing / page 13
poster = poster
cassettes = casete
photographs = fotografii
desk = birou

Complete this letter. Use the words from the picture.= Completati aceasta scrisoare. Folositi cuvinte din imagine.

Dear Alex, 
This is a photograph of my bedroom. I've got a poster of Madonna on the wall and photographs of my friends on my desk. It's a small room. I've got a Walkman and 35 cassettes but I haven't got a television. Have you? 

2 F Speaking/ page 13
Ask and answer. = Intrebati si raspundeti.

1. Have you got posters on the walls of your room? Yes, I have. I've got a poster of Mickey Mouse on the wall.
2. Have you got photographs on your table or desk? Yes, I've got a picture of my family on my desk.
3. Have you got a Walkman? No, I haven't.
4. Have you got cassettes? Yes, I've got sixteen cassettes.
5. Have you got a television in your room? Yes, I've got a television in my room. 

2 G Song / page 13
I've got you, babe (gasiti cantecelul la pagina 101)
The search - Episode 3 / page 14

Imaginea 1:  
-Priveste! Este o fotografie cu mine, fratele meu si sora mea.

Imaginea 2:  
- Si cine este acela? 
- Am o familie? 
- Acela este tatal meu.

Imaginea 3: 
- Ma ai pe mine si pe Howard. 
- Dar voi nu sunteti parintii mei. 

Imaginea 4:  
- Priviti, sunteti gata?
- Da, aceasta este valiza mea.
- Bine, du-o afara.

Imaginea 5:  
- Aveti pasapoartele si biletele?
- Da, sunt aici.
- Si cheile de la casa din Anglia?
- Da, da.
- Ei bine, taxiul este aici, dar unde este Peter?
Imaginea 6:
- Peter, Peter! Unde esti?
- Sunt in camera mea!
- Bine, grabeste-te. Avionul de Anglia pleaca la ora 3.
- Bine.

Imaginea 7:
- La revedere, Africa!

Answer true (=yes) or false (=no). = Raspundeti adevarat (=da) sau fals (=nu).
1. Sally has got a sister. = Sally are o sora. YES
2. Sally has got two brothers. = Sally are doi frati. NO
3. Peter has got a case. = Peter are o valiza. YES
4. Sally has got the passports. = Sally are pasapoartele. YES
5. Howard has got the keys to the house in England. = Howard are cheile de la casa din Anglia. NO
6. Peter has got a rock in his case. = Peter are o piatra in valiza. NO

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