duminică, 5 octombrie 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la MODULE 4 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa X intitulat OPPORTUNITIES UPPER-INTERMEDIATE, Editura Longman, Autori Michael Harris, David Mower si Anna Sikorzynska, Editia 2011


Warm-up (page 39)

Exercise 1

1.     A
2.   B
3.   C

Exercise 2

MEN: handsome, good-looking, attractive, gorgeous, brilliant
WOMEN: attractive, gorgeous, glamorous, pretty, striking, elegant, stunning, beautiful, brilliant
PLACES: magnificent, picturesque, scenic, lovely, breathtaking, brilliant
OBJECTS: magnificent, lovely, impressive, powerful, lovely, perfect, beautiful, a real masterpiece, brilliant, a thing of great beauty
MOVEMENT: graceful, elegant, effortless, brilliant

‘beautiful’ and ‘pretty’ are not normally used with ‘men’

Exercise 3

area of countryside/ breathtaking
sunset/ magnificent
painting/ a real masterpiece
dancer/ brilliant
building/ impressive
film star/ glamorous

10. POETRY (page 40-41)

Exercise 2

hurrying, enraged, fierce, stride

Exercise 4

1.     F
2.   F
3.   T
4.   T
5.    T
6.   F
7.    F
8.   T
9.   T
10.    T

Exercise 5

1.     d
2.   a
3.   f
4.   b
5.    e
6.   c

Exercise 6

1.     b
2.   c
3.   a
4.   e
5.    d

Exercise 8

Match the expressions with the pictures:
1.     bee in her bonnet
2.   fish out of water
3.   black sheep
4.   bookworm
5.    let the cat out of the bag
6.   fly on the wall
7.    rat race

Complete the sentences:
1.     bookworm
2.   fish out of water
3.   fly on the wall
4.   let the cat out of the bag
5.    rat race
6.   bee in her bonnet
7.    black sheep

11. WRAPPED UP (page 42-43)

Exercise 3

1.     no answer given (article implies they take a long time)
2.   plastic, fabric
3.   very popular, but his work is still criticised by some
4.   Christo feels the work is a kind of architecture, using space, light and texture to make beautiful things.

Exercise 4

Present Continuous/ are being developed
Present Perfect/ have all been wrapped up
Past Simple/ was called
Past Continuous/ was being displayed
Past Perfect/ had finally been completed
be going to + infinitive/ is going to be suspended
Modal + infinitive/ wouldn’t be given
Modal + perfect infinitive/ couldn’t have been done

Exercise 5

1.     c
2.   a
3.   b

Exercise 6

a.    3
b.   1
c.    2

Exercise 7

scientific articles, newspapers

Exercise 8

A: What did you do at the weekend?
B: I played football and our team lost the game. What about you?
A: A friend met me in the street and we saw a film at the cinema.
B: Did you enjoy it?
A: Yes, my friend and I loved the ending.

Three men were arrested by the police today. They were chased for twenty minutes by the police and were caught when their car was hit by a lorry. The men were taken to Scotland Yard for questioning.

Exercise 9

1.     The Eiffel Tower in Paris was designed by Gustav Eiffel.
2.   The next European year of culture will be organised by Athens.
3.   Ted Hughes was expected to win the Nobel Prize for literature.
4.   A Van Gogh painting was damaged by rain while being transported (by the police) from Amsterdam to London.
5.    A Picasso has been stolen from The Louvre.
6.   A new Harry Potter film is being made (by United Artists).
7.    The Kremlin is going to be covered in red fabric (by an artist).
8.   Mozart should have been supported financially so that he could have written more music.

Exercise 10

1. being treated
2. to be given
3. have been assassinated
4. being kicked
5. to be liked/ respected
6. be fastened
7. Being praised
8. have been painted

Exercise 11

… Frank Gehry, the architect of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, was awarded the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture last week. He has been called a seventeenth-century Baroque architect of the twenty-first century … an electric guitar that had been melted … when the building was opened, he was labeled the King of Baroque ‘n’ Roll.

11.     MUSIC (page 44-45)

Exercise 1

Extract 1: top left photo
Extract 2: top right photo (Paris, Texas)
Extract 3: bottom photo

Exercise 4

1.     W
2.   M
3.   W
4.   M
5.    B
6.   B
7.    M
8.   B
9.   M
10.    W

Exercise 6

1.     I think
2.   Personally, … not that keen on
3.   It’s not really my thing
4.   I don’t think
5.    If you ask me
6.   To be honest

1.     I think … don’t you
3.Don’t you think
6. Isn’t it
13. don’t you like
15. wouldn’t you agree

3. it’s not really my thing
4.   I don’t think
7.    that’s not the point
12 I’m not sure
16. I wouldn’t

8.   Do you like
11.Do you think

9.   Me too
10.    So do I
11.That’s true
14. I have to admit

Exercise 7

1.     b
2.   c
3.   a
4.   d

Exercise 8

1.     Male: Mmm. That’s true! (strong agreement)
2.   Female: Yeah… I’m not sure. (very hesitant – indecisive)
3.   Male: Mmm. (agreement)
4.   Female: Mmm. I don’t. (strong agreement)
5.    Male: Yeah. So do I! (strong agreement)
6.   Female: Mmm. That’s true. (hesitant agreement)
7.    Male: Mmm. I don’t think so. (hesitant disagreement)
8.   Female: Mmm. I don’t know. (very hesitant – indecisive)
9.   Male: Yeah. I agree. (calm agreement)
10.    Male: Yeah. I agree! (strong agreement)
11.Female: Yeah. I agree … (hesitant agreement)
12.     Male: He’s not tat good (hesitant disagreement)

Exercise 11

1.     up
2.   on
3.   down
4.   up
5.    off
6.   off

Communication workshop (page 46-48)

Writing: A Film Review

Exercise 1

A/ basic information about the film
B/ brief summary of the plot
C/ good and bad points
D/ conclusion and recommendation

Exercise 2

1.     One day
2.   which
3.   who
4.   In the end
5.    such as
6.   Moreover
7.    however
8.   All things considered
9.   Although
10.    Of course

Exercise 3

2.   It was directed by either Steven Spielberg or George Lucas.
3.   The film was neither romantic nor funny.
4.   The star was either Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock.
5.    The film had neither good special effects nor good music.


Exercise 2

What sort of group to have for the concert, what to have in the exhibition, what films to show
Sue interrupts most.

Exercise 3

1.     R
2.   S/K
3.   S
4.   R
5.    R
6.   R
7.    S
8.   S
9.   S
10.    K


Exercise 1

1.     a
2.   b
3.   a
4.   c
5.    b
6.   b
7.    a
8.   b

Exercise 2

1.     c
2.   f
3.   a
4.   h
5.    b
6.   e
7.    d
8.   g

Language Awareness 3 (page 49)

Exercise 3

it/basing yourselves in Ludlow  
this/Broad Street     
These/castle and church
They/Wigmore and Stokesay Castles   
they/ children
their/hotels and restaurants
which/three restaurants hold Michelin stars

Exercise 4

1.     full of beauty, with high hills, wooden countryside and picturesque towns and villages
2.   Ludlow
3.   castle
4.   Ludlow

Exercise 5

a.    you/them
b.   yourself/themselves
c.    somewhere/nowhere
d.   ours
e.    its
f.      which/who/that
g.    those

Exercise 6

different meaning – d) this person

Review (page 50-51)

Exercise 1

1.     b
2.   c
3.   c
4.   a
5.    a
6.   c
7.    d
8.   d
9.   c
10.    a
12.     c

Exercise 2

2.   My sister, who is sixteen, had her eyebrows pierced yesterday.
3.   People who spray paint on walls are spoiling the environment.
4.   Merchandise that is sold on the Internet has an enormous market.
5.    Pamela, who bought a big desk, has put it near the window.
6.   I went to an art gallery where there was an avant-garde exhibition.
7.    Jeans, which used to be considered working clothes, became fashionable among young people.
8.   Tom, whose father plays the cello, wants to be a musician.
9.   Some graffiti artists who have moved into designing clothes can make a lot of money.
10.    He marked the area near her navel where he had disinfected her.

Exercise 4

1.     are being shown
2.   was built
3.   puts on
4.   is confronted
5.    moves
6.   twists
7.    turns
8.   is accompanied
9.   has been built
10.    combine/are combined
11.are projected
12.     is taken
13.     pointed out
14.     has caused
15.     to merge

Exercise 5

1.     had
2.   had
3.   made
4.   was having
5.    making
6.   have
7.    make
8.   get
9.   making
10.                      getting

Exercise 6

1.     Graffiti
2.   eyesore
3.   anti-social
4.   vandals
5.    respected

Exercise 7

1.     from
2.   up
3.   down
4.   off/up
5.    up

Exercise 8

Group 1
Reader: discover, display, escape, inspire, practice, suspend
Group 2
Reader: advertise, advise, compose, design, recognise, visit

Culture Corner 2 (page 52)

Exercise 2

First language: Australia, Canada, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, the United States
Second language: India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe
Foreign language: Sweden, the Netherlands

Exercise 3

1.     1607
2.   1782
3.   1788
4.   1806
5.    1840
6.   1848

Exercise 4

1.     F
2.   T
3.   T
4.   F
5.    T
6.   F

Exercise 5

1.     Australian
2.   Canadian
3.   Standard American
4.   New Zealand
5.    South Africa
6.   Jamaican

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