miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2015


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa XI si XII intitulat INNOVATIONS UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Second Edition, Editura Heinle Cengage Learning, Autori Hugh Dellar si Darryl Hocking 



1. Your captain speaking
1.      False, but you must say at check-in who packed your luggage if you didn’t do it yourself.
2.    false
3.    true
4.    false
5.     true
6.    true

5. Vocabulary check
1.      handled (the pressure) (paragraph 2)
2.    avoided (flying) (paragraph 2)
3.    touched (down) (paragraph 3)
4.    (no) sign (of her) (paragraph 3)
5.     relations (between) (paragraph 4)
6.    turned (really cold) (paragraph 4)
7.     expecting (some important mail) (paragraph 5)
8.    (make a) fuss (paragraph 5)
9.    legal (aid) (paragraph 5)
10.             (second-class) citizens (paragraph 5)


1. Flying vocabulary
1.      g
2.    f
3.    b
4.    c
5.     j
6.    a
7.     h
8.    i
9.    d
10.            e

3. Watch, see, look
1.      see
2.    see, looks
3.    watch
4.    seen
5.     watch
6.    look
7.     watch
8.    see
9.    seen
10.      looked, see


1.     Adjectives: strong comparatives
Possible answers
1.      Oh, it went well – much better than I’d expected.
2.    Yeah, it was sweltering – much hotter than I thought it would be.
3.    Great – much easier than I’d expected.
4.    Oh, it went well – much better than I’d expected.
5.     It was fine – much nicer than I thought it would be.
6.    Yeah, it was really interesting – much better than I’d expected.

1. Strong adjectives
1.      Hot? It was boiling!
2.    Big? It’s enormous!
3.    Cold? It’s freezing!
4.    Quiet? It’s dead!
5.     Surprised? I was shocked!
6.    Small? It’s tiny!
7.     Good-looking? He’s gorgeous
8.    Scary? It was terrifying!

1.      e
2.    c
3.    b
4.    f
5.     h
6.    d
7.     g
8.    a


1. Gerunds and infinitives
1.      G/I
2.    I
3.    I
4.    G
5.     G/I
6.    I
7.     G/I
8.    G/I
9.    G
10.      G
11.   G/I
12. G/I
13. G
14. I
15.  G/I
16. I

3. Grammar check
1.      to learn
2.    to go
3.    in travelling
4.    with working
5.     with doing
6.    to get
7.     to go


1. Smoking
a.     smoker
b.    cigarettes
c.     cigarette
d.     smoking

1.      heavy, occasional
2.    give up, started
3.    put out
4.    ends
5.     advertising
6.    smoking

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