joi, 1 mai 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 17 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa VI intitulat ENGLISH GRAMMAR BOOK – GRAMMARWAY 2, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Jenny Dooney si Virginia Evans, Editia 1998

UNIT 17: Nouns – Articles

Exercise 1

2. babies
3. watches
4. tomatoes
5. chairs
6. keys
7. knives
8. feet
9. tall men
10. roofs
11. radios
12. fast cars
13. lives
14. parties
15. beautiful days
16. classes

Exercise 2

/s/ : myths, desks, hats, skirts, clocks, cliffs, shirts, roofs
/iz/ : cages, buses, churches, dresses, foxes, roses, dishes
/z/: keys, flowers, apples, dolphins, chairs, babies, cherries, bags, pianos, onions, birds, balls, radios, songs

Exercise 3

2. T-shirts
3. cups
4. glasses
5. candlesticks

1.     lion
2.   giraffes
3.   deer
4.   rhinos
5.    monkeys

Exercise 4

2. two tomatoes
3. one onion
4. two radishes
5. one cucumber

Exercise 5

1. C
2. U
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. U
7. U
8. C
9. U
10. C
11. U

Exercise 6

2. a
3. some
4. some
5. some
6. an
7. an
8. a
9. some
10. some
11. some
12. some

Exercise 7

2. loaves/ slices/ pieces of bread
3. cups/ packets of tea
4. bars of soap
5. pieces/ slices of pie
6. kilos/ slices/ pieces of meat
7. packets/ cups/ spoons of sugar
8. glasses/ bottles/ cups/ bowls/ jars of water

Exercise 8

2. cans
3. packet
4. jar
5. tins
6. bottle

Exercise 9

2. do
3. is
4. were
5. are
6. are
7. are
8. needs
9. are
10. was
11. were
12. are
13. are
14. are
15. were

Exercise 10

2. one
3. one
4. ones
5. ones
6. ones
7. one

Exercise 11

2. a
3. an
4. a
5. a
6. an
7. a
8. an
9. an
10. a

Exercise 12

2. Tim is a mechanic.
3. Bob is a pilot.
4. Peter is an electrician.
5. Fiona is an optician.
6. Sarah is a typist.
7. Rick is a basketball player.
8. Annie is a photographer.

Exercise 13

1. some, a
2. an
3. A, some
4. some
5. some
6. some, an

Exercise 14

The /da/ : box, boy, table, ship, ship, helicopter, spoon, carpet
The /di/ : octopus, artist, umbrella, antenna, egg, ant, object

Exercise 15

2. -
3. the
4. -
5. -
6. the
7. The, the
8. the

Exercise 16

2. the/ a
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. the
8. the
9. the
10. the
11. the
12. the

Exercise 17

2. the
3. a
4. a
5. the
6. the
7. a
8. the
9. the
10. the
11. a
12. the
13. a

Exercise 18

2. Melanie
3. Europe
4. President Clinton
5. home
6. the Mayor
7. the afternoon
8. cat
9. the violin
10. Swimming
11. the Colosseum
12. the Bridgeford

Oral Activity

2. Simon found a pair of woolen gloves.
3. Simon found some old books.
4. Simon found an hourglass.
5. Simon found a mask.
6. Simon found a green radio.
7. Simon found some old coins.
8. Simon found an old typewriter.

Writing Activity

… I found some old books and the hourglass which Dad used to have in his study. I also found a mask and the green radio that Mum had in the living-room. I found some old coins and the old typewriter which used to belong to Grandpa. It was very interesting looking at everything again.

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