sâmbătă, 9 noiembrie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 2 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa VIII intitulat UPSTREAM INTERMEDIATE – Student’s Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Virginia Evans si Jenny Dooley, Editia 2002

UNIT 2: While there’s life, there’s hope


Page 20

Exercise 1 a

1.     moving house
2.   having a baby
3.   graduation
4.   wedding

Exercise 1 b

2. The couple in picture 2 have just had a baby. They are in the hospital room. They both look very pleased.
3. The girl in picture 3 is at her graduation ceremony. She’s wearing a cap and a gown. She is probably with her mother. They both look very excited.
4. The girl in picture 4 is at her wedding. She is wearing a lovely white wedding dress and a veil. She’s holding a bouquet. She is probably with her father. He is wearing a tuxedo. They both look very serious.

Exercise 2 a

Marta (lonely) – moving house
Steve (anxious/worried) – losing your job
Laura (bored) – leaving school
Tony (unhappy/miserable) – retirement
Bill & Terry (happy) – having a baby

Exercise 2 b

I’ll never forget changing schools when I was nine years old. I was sad to leave my old friends but I was also excited about starting something new.
I couldn’t believe it when I failed my driving test. I was so disappointed.
I was thrilled at my coming-of-age party. I was an adult at last.
When I got my first car I was happy and worried at the same time.

Exercise 3 a

Fifty-three percent of Americans consider personal injury or illness to be the third most stressful event in life.
Fifty percent of Americans consider marriage to be the fourth most stressful event in life.
Forty-five percent of Americans consider retirement to be the fifth most stressful event in life.
Thirty-nine percent of Americans consider bringing up children to be the sixth most stressful event in life.
Thirty-six percent of Americans consider changing jobs to be the seventh most stressful event in life.
Twenty-six percent of Americans consider starting or leaving school to be the eighth most stressful event in life.
Twenty-three percent of Americans consider trouble at work to be the ninth most stressful event in life.
Twenty percent of Americans consider moving house to be the tenth most stressful event in life.

Exercise 3 b

The most stressful event in life is death in the family. It is a very distressing experience for everyone.
The second most stressful event in life is personal injury or illness. It can change your life forever.
The third most stressful event in life is bringing up children. It involves a lot of responsibility.

Page  21


Exercise 4 a

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Alexander Graham Bell came from an average-sized family.

Exercise 4 b

0.   F
1.     C
2.   E
3.   G
4.   I
5.    B
6.   A
7.    H

Exercise 4 c

creating: inventing
achieved: attained
allowed: let
give up: abandon
was about to: was ready to
influenced: changed
absorbed: engrossed
goal: objective

Exercise 4 d

-        Alexander Graham Bell was very persistent because he kept on working on his invention. He didn’t give up.
-        I don’t think Alexander Graham Bell was sensitive.
-        I don’t think Alexander Graham Bell was a daydreamer because he worked very hard.
-        I think Alexander Graham Bell was stubborn because he didn’t give up on his dream.

Vocabulary Practice

Page 22

Exercise 6 a

Jean: a centre parting, straight hair, a wide forehead, a pointed chin
Tony: spiky hair, glasses, a wide forehead
Bill: wrinkles, a beard, bushy eyebrows, frizzy hair, a moustache, a wide forehead
Mr Harris: wrinkles, a wide forehead, sideburns
Peter: freckles, crooked teeth, a wide forehead, straight hair

Exercise 6 b

Age: in his early/ mid/ late twenties, newborn, middle-aged, elderly
Height/ Build: tall, slim, muscular
Hair: straight, cropped, long, (going) bald, curly
Face: round, square, long, angular
Cheeks: round, chubby, high cheekbones
Eyebrows: thick, thin, bushy
Eyes: brown, blue, grey, big, almond-shaped
Eyelashes: long, short
Nose: pointed, hook, button, straight, crooked
Mouth: small, full lips, crooked teeth
Chin: double, square jaw

Exercise 7 a

Michelle Pfeiffer is in her … . She has got long blonde hair and a square face with high cheekbones. Her eyebrows are thin and she has got blue eyes. Her nose is straight and she has got a wide mouth.
Rod Steward is in his … . He has got short spiky hair. He has got a long face, bushy eyebrows and brown eyes. He has also got a big nose, thin lips and a pointed chin.
Harrison ford is … with short spiky grey hair. He has got small brown eyes and a crooked nose. He has also got wrinkles.
John Malkovich is in his … . He has got short brown hair and is going bald. He has got small brown eyes and he wears glasses. He has also got wrinkles, a moustache and a beard.
Sting is in his … . He has got short blonde hair and an angular face with a wide forehead. He has got small eyes and a pointed nose. He also has thin lips and a square jaw.

Exercise 7 b

English teacher – E
Forest fire fighter – D
Carpenter – C
Checkout clerk – A
Footballer - B

Exercise 8 a

-        start elementary school: 5
-        go to college/ university: 18
-        leave home: 18
-        get married: 26
-        have first child: 27
-        buy a house: 35
-        retire: 65

Americans usually go to college/ university at the age of eighteen.
Americans usually leave home at the (average) age of eighteen.
Americans usually get married at the (average) age of twenty-six.
Americans usually have their first child at the (average) age of twenty-seven.
Americans usually buy a house at the (average) age of thirty-five/ in their mid-thirties.
Americans usually retire at the age of sixty-five.

Page 23

Exercise 8 b

People in Japan:
Start elementary school – 6
Go to college/university – 18
Leave home – 27
Get married – 27
Have first child – 29
Buy a house – 40
Retire - 60

Exercise 8 c

A baby gets a name.
A toddler learns to talk.
A child learns to read and write/goes to school.
A teenager goes to high school/ college/ university/ gets a driving licence.
An adult gets married/ has children/ buy a house.
A middle-aged person gets promoted/ has grandchildren.
A senior citizen retires/ claims a pension/ has health problems.

Exercise 9 a

Exercise 9 b

The last time I was terrified was during a thunderstorm. It was last Monday evening and I was at home. My parents had gone out. Suddenly it started raining heavily … etc.

Exercise 10

Speaker 1: furious – poor service
Speaker 2: delighted/thrilled – surprise birthday party
Speaker 3: annoyed – lecture continuously interrupted
Speaker 4: terrified – scary roller coaster ride
Speaker 5: bored – repetitive work

Exercise 11

siren wailing – nervous
dogs barking – irritated
waves splashing – relaxed
message notification – eager
thunder crashing - scared

Exercise 12

1. $-)   :-o
2. :-)   \o/   :-D
3. :-(   :-(
4. \o/   :-)   :-D
5. X=
6. :-e     :-(

Exercise 13

1.     feel/ be
2.   feel/ be
3.   be
4.   be
5.    feel/ be
6.   be
7.    be
8.   be
9.   be
10.    be/ feel

He felt exhausted after his long journey.
Paula started to feel worried when the bus didn’t come.
Tom couldn’t help feeling responsible for the accident.

Grammar in use

Page 24

Exercise 14 a

1. b – past simple
2. d – past continuous
3. c – past perfect simple
4. a – past perfect continuous

Exercise 14 b

1.     ago
2.   when
3.   just, when
4.   for, before

Other adverbs: since/ already/ yet (Past Perfect); while (Past Continuous)

I was watching TV while Tom was having a shower.
Ha had been in New York for three months when he decided to move to Los Angeles.

Exercise 15

Exercise 16

1.     broke; was painting
2.   passed; had been studying
3.   had Mary been working; retired
4.   was walking; bumped
5.    was shining; were singing; were driving
6.   had finished; were waiting; rang
7.    Did you work; didn’t leave
8.   had visited; went
9.   Did you see; got; had already left
10.    was walking; heard

Exercise 17

1.     found; had broken
2.   was driving; when
3.   arrived; had gone
4.   When; just
5.    had been living; for
6.   didn’t shave; didn’t have
7.    After/ joined
8.   had been watching; when
9.   was having; went
10.    never; before


1.     break arm
2.   cut his finger
3.   hit his head
4.   burn his hand

Exercise 18 a

2.   no
3.   no

Exercise 18 b

Exercise 18 c

I used to play basketball in the street when I was a child.
I used to go to bed early.  etc.

Exercise 19 a

a. They met ten years ago.

Exercise 19 b

1.     has led
2.   showed
3.   gave
4.   left
5.    wrote
6.   found
7.    has already been
8.   has written
9.   has been
10.    won
11.has continued
12.     have been made

Page 26

Exercise 20 a

1.     of
2.   on
3.   on
4.   from
5.    with
6.   about
7.    about
8.   to
9.   on
10.    with

Exercise 20 b

1.     in
2.   in
3.   to
4.   on
5.    of
6.   on

Exercise 21 a

1.     away
2.   across
3.   inot
4.   round
5.    off
6.   on
7.    out
8.   up with
9.   out
10.    down with

Exercise 21 b

come out:
1.     (of flowers) begin to blossom – Roses come out in spring.
2.   (of stains) be able to be removed – This stain will come out if you use bleach.

come (a)round:
recover consciousness – When she came round, she was on the kitchen floor.

Exercise 22

1.     financial
2.   Recently
3.   importance
4.   choice
5.    graduation
6.   personal
7.    workers
8.   stressful
9.   enjoyable
10.                      employers

Page 27

Exercise 23

1.     on
2.   there
3.   used
4.   than
5.    Despite
6.   of
7.    their
8.   many/most
9.   at
10.    than
12.     spend/be
13.     too
14.     been
15.     Even

Exercise 24

1.     has been playing golf for
2.   long ago did you move
3.   (been) ages since we (last) had
4.   last time we went out
5.    managed to reach an agreement
6.   nothing to do with

Exercise 25

1.     silent
2.   dog
3.   boots
4.   cheese
5.    gold
6.   mustard

Exercise 26

1.     B
2.   C
3.   D
4.   C
5.    A

Page 28

Exercise 27 a

1.     E
2.   F
3.   D
4.   A
5.    C

Exercise 27 b

Speaker 1 (family): we are very close; we love each other/ we would do anything for each other; your family will always be there for you; a strong family will make you more secure and confident
Speaker 2 (career): I love my work; I get a lot from my job; I enjoy the responsibility, respect from my colleagues; I get paid a lot of money; the feeling of great satisfaction
Speaker 3 (friends): my friends certainly mean a lot to me; I spend most of my time with them; I care what they think; I can talk to them about anything; we’re always there for each other
Speaker 4 (relationship): we clicked from the start; we have so much in common; we talk for hours on end; we share everything; important to have sb you can rely on and who will support you
Speaker 5 (health): you can enjoy living; you can do anything you want; you can live life to the fullest; without good health you have nothing

Exercise 29 a

1.     T
2.   F
3.   F
4.   F
5.    F
6.   T
7.    T

Exercise 31

1.     C
2.   E
3.   A
4.   F
5.    B

Page 29

Exercise 32

A.   fancy dress party
B.   starting school
C.   a birthday party
D.  riding a bike

Exercise 33 a

1,4 – give bad news
2,3 – give good news

Exercise 33 b

A: I’ve got something to tell you. Sharon got engaged.
B: That’s brilliant. She must be very happy.

A: Have you heard? Toby got a big promotion.
B: Wow! Congratulations to him.

A: I’m afraid I’ve heard something terrible. Mark was in a car accident.
B: Oh, no! How awful!

A: Guess what! I passed my exams.
B: That’s brilliant! Well done.

A: Guess what! I’ve got my driving licence.
B: Wow! You must be pleased.

A: Have you heard? Alex lost his job.
B: That’s a pity. He must be really upset.

Exercise 34


Exercise 35 a


Exercise 35 b

A 3    B 4    C 2    D 1

Exercise 36 a

At a business meeting.

Page 30

Jack and Jill

Exercise 37

I think the novel is about a group of children who live in the same village. Louisa May Alcott probably used her diary and her memories of her own childhood to help her write this novel.

It is winter.
All the children are outside enjoying the snow. They are sledging.

Exercise 38 a

1.     Frank Minot is a tall boy with a keen sparkle in his eye.
2.   Little Boo has got short legs and a round face.
3.   Ed Devlin is a sweet-faced boy with rosy cheeks.
4.   Jack has got white teeth and golden hair.
5.    Jill has got black eyes and red cheeks.

Exercise 38 c

The two children on the red sledge are Jill and Jack. Jack has got golden hair and he is happy. He’s wearing a black cap, a red scarf and gloves, a green jacket, a pair of black trousers, grey socks and a pair of brown boots. Jill has got black eyes and hair. Her cheeks are red and she looks very happy. She’s wearing a red hat, a purple coat, a grey skirt and a pair of boots. She’s waving a blue scarf. The boy on the brown sledge is Gus Burton. He is sledging down the hill. His head is at the bottom and his heels are up. He’s wearing a grey cap, blueish scarf, blue jacket, brown gloves, brown trousers, white socks and black boots.

Exercise 38 d

congregated: gathered
solemn: serious
lad: boy
mischievous: playful
chap: guy
shielded: protected
brighter: smarter
tiptop: first-rate
timid: shy
handsomely: generously

Exercise 39 a

I think something terrible might happen on the way home from, or on the way to, the party. There might be an accident. Somebody may fall through the thin ice or fall in the snow. Etc.

Page 31

The Catastrophe

Page 32

Exercise 40

1.     In a magazine; on a school notice board
2.   A story writing competition.
3.   Myself.
4.   The time when I met my best friend; something I did for the first time; winning a contest, etc.

Exercise 41 a

1.     While
2.   as
3.   Then
4.   but
5.    By the time
6.   As soon as

Exercise 41 b

The picture shows the end of the race itself. Before this the boy was lined up with other competitors, ready to go. After this, he won the race, then he collapsed on the grass. The winner must be the boy in black shorts and a white T-shirt.

Exercise 41 c

a.    5
b.   3
c.    7
d.   10
e.    2
f.      8
g.    6
h.   4
i.      9
j.      1

Page 33

Exercise 42 a

1.     eager
2.   proud
3.   broad
4.   bustling
5.    soft
6.   deep
7.    starting
8.   finishing

Exercise 42 b

waving enthusiastically, breathing heavily, shouting excitedly

Exercise 43 a

Exercise 43 b

made it difficult to see (sight); brilliant flash of lightning (sight); deafening crash of thunder (hearing); crashed loudly (hearing); looked at each other nervously (sight)

Exercise 45

At the beginning, the writer refers to his feelings. (e.g. Whenever I look at that photograph it makes me back to those early years when every new experience was so important that it was unbearable.
At the end, the writer uses direct speech. (e.g. “Well done!” said the Headmaster, as he presented me with the winner’s certificate.)
Do you have pleasant memories from your childhood? (beginning)
I was so happy and proud when the Headmaster presented me with my winner’s certificate. It was one of the best days of my life. (ending)

Exercise 46 a

Main body:
The ball bounced over the fence and into the main road. – Tom Brown went after it. – I ran to get the teacher. – We heard the sound of brakes screeching. – The teacher grabbed Tom just in time.
Tom was okay. – I was praised for acting quickly.

Exercise 46 b

Exercise 47

·       It is not easy to be yourself.
·       It is possible to change the way people think if you believe in something and always live according to these beliefs.

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