miercuri, 13 februarie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 3 Lesson 3 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a VII-a (anul 6 de studiu) intitulat ENGLISH SCRAPBOOK - STUDENT'S BOOK, Editura Oxford University Press, Autori Alaviana Achim, Ecaterina Comisel, Felicia Dinu, Loretta Mastacan, Ruxandra Popovici si Elena Teodorescu, Editia 1998

ENGLISH SCRAPBOOK  - Unit 3: Museums

English Scrapbook - Lesson 3

Ex. 1/ page 26

a).I would like to visit the Clock Museum most because there are so many interesting clocks in there. At the Clock Museum there are many clocks which are made of metal and covered in gold, silver or glass.

b).LONDON TRANSPORT MUSEUM: historic vehicles, posters, old film and photographic exhibitions.
CLOCK MUSEUM: big and small, old and new, carved in wood, made of metal, covered in gold, silver or glass clocks
THE HEARD MUSEUM: baskets, jewellery, pottery, textiles, tepees and contemporary Native American paintings and sculptures.
THE NATIONAL AIR & SPACE MUSEUM: engines, aviation uniforms, space suits, flight equipment and shuttles.

Ex. 2/ page 26

a. gold, silver
b. cotton, leather, wood, wool
c. plastic, nylon

Ex. 2b/ page 27

A. nylon
B. silver
C. cotton
D. leather
E. wood
F. wool
G. gold

Ex. 5a/ page 27

T-shirt; jacket; cap.

Ex. 6/ page 27

20% sales of hats made of straw for ladies, 
New: beds made of wood for babies, 
Soldiers made of lead for children, 
Boots made of rubber for men, 
Gloves made of leather for women.

20% reducere pentru palarii de paie pentru femei
Noutati: patuturi de lemn pentru bebelusi
Soldati de plubm pentru copii
Cizme de cauciuc pentru barbati
Manusi de piele pentru femei

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