duminică, 28 aprilie 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 16  din caietul de lucru de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - WORKBOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob NolascoEditia 2009

WOW - WORKBOOK 1 - Unit 16


1.    was
2.  was
3.  was
4.  was
5.  was
6.  is
7.   is
8.  is
9.  was
10.                    isn’t


Aici raspunsurile variaza de la elev la elev. O posibila varianta de raspuns este urmatoarea:

In this picture I was 4 years old. My hair was blond and curly. It was light. I was pretty fat and funny. I was very happy.


3. False. There are five Olympic rings.
4. False. In 1998 the Olympics were in Seoul.
5. False. The winner of the marathon in the Rome Olympics was African.
6. True.
7. False. In the first modern Olympics there wasn’t any prize-money.


1.    Nick was at school.
2.  Henry was at concert.
3.  Shirley and Kate were on the beach.
4.  Helen was in bed.
5.  Nick’s mother was in the kitchen.
6.  Tony was in the classroom. 

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