joi, 1 noiembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 7: WHERE WERE YOU? din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a IV-a intitulat SET SAIL 4 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Jenny Doodley si Virginia Evans, Editia 2005

SET SAIL 4 - Unit 7: Where were you?

Set Sail 4 - ex 1 / page 58

1st = first = primul
2nd = second = al doilea
3rd = third = al treilea
4th = fourth = al patrulea
5th = fifth = al cincilea
11th = eleventh = al 11-lea
12th = twelfth = al 12-lea
20th= twentieth= al 20-lea

Set Sail 4 - ex 2 / page 58

A: That looks delicious!

B: It's for Robbie's sixteenth birthday.

A: That looks delicious!
B: It's for Jim's twelfth birthday.

A: That looks delicious!
B: It's for Janet's second birthday.

A: That looks delicious!
B: It's for Laura's fortieth birthday.

A: That looks delicious!
B: It's for Mike's twenty-first birthday.

A: That looks delicious!
B: It's for Kelly's eighth birthday.

Set Sail 4 - ex 3 / page 58

Traducerea textului:

imaginea 1:
Yam! Arata delicios!
Este pentru ziua de nastere a lui Robbie; implineste 16 ani.

imaginea 2:
Oh, nu! Priveste tortul! Larry! Lulu!

imaginea 3:
Priviti tortul! Larry, tu ai fost?
Nu! Eu am fost in camera mea cu Paco!

imaginea 4:
Lulu! Nu am fost eu! Noi eram in gradina!

imaginea 5:
Atunci, cine a fost?
Hmm, cred ca stiu!

imaginea 6:
Uite! Chuckles are o petrecere

Set Sail 4 - ex 4 / page 59

1. was
2. was
3. were
4. were
5. was
6. were

Set Sail 4 - ex 5 / page 59

Where was I yesterday? = Unde am fost eu ieri?
You were in the park. = Tu ai fost in parc.

Set Sail 4 - ex 6 / page 60

sad = trist
bored = plictisit 
angry = nervos
scared = speriat
tired = obosit
hungry = infometat

Set Sail 4 - ex 7 / page 60

Unde a fost Kim saptamana trecuta? Ascultati si scrieti ziua.

Set Sail 4 - ex 8 / page 61

1. zoo
2. circus

Set Sail 4 - ex 9 / page 61

Seara trecuta am fost la o petrecere cu Brad Pitt!
Seara trecuta am fost la cinematograf cu Julia Roberts!

Set Sail 4 - ex 10 / page 62

1. I was in France two weeks ago.
2. Mary was at school yesterday.
3. Mum and Dad were at the cinema three days ago.
4. David was at the shops a week ago.
5. I was at the zoo last Tuesday.
6. Brian and May were in London last Sunday.

Set Sail 4 - ex 11 / page 62

Cantec: In my dreams!

Set Sail 4 - Arthur + Rascal: Episode 4/ page 63

imaginea 1:
Arthur, cat este ceasul?
Este patru si jumatate.

imaginea 2:
Oh, Doamne! Este timpul pentru programul meu preferat!

imaginea 3:
Oh, oh! Ce este asta? Urasc sa ma uit la filme infricosatoare!

imaginea 4:
Arthur, trezeste-te! Scooby Doo nu a fost la televizor! Este de obicei acum!

imaginea 5:
Catel prostut! Este patru si jumatate dimineata!
Oh, oh!

imaginea 6:
Arthur? Pot sa dorm in cosul tau?
Oh, bine, atunci. Noapte buna, Rascal!

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