vineri, 9 noiembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 2: WHO'S EM? din manualul la limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat SNAPSHOT - STARTER - Student's Book, Editura Longman, Autori Brian Abbs, Chris Barker si Ingrid FreebairnEditia 2001

SNAPSHOT - STARTER - Unit 2: Who's Em?

Snapshot - Starter - ex 1 / page 14

Traducerea textului:

Luke: Aceea este masina, de acolo. Si aceea este mama mea.
Daniel: Unde este tatal tau?
Charlie: Nu este aici. El este acasa.
Luke: Nu, nu este. Tata este la munca.

Luke: Mama, acesta este Daniel.
Mum: Buna, Daniel. Ma bucur sa te cunosc. Eu sunt Sally Freeman.
Daniel: Incantat de cunostinta, dna Freeman.

Mum: Cum te simti? Esti obosit?
Daniel: Nu, sunt bine, multumesc. Sunt doar putin obosit din cauza zborului.

Luke: Unde este Em?
Charlie: Nu stiu.
Daniel: Em? Cine este Em?

Charlie: Sora mea. Numele ei este Emily, dar i se spune "Em" pe scurt.
Daniel: Oh, inteleg.
Mum: Haide, Em!

In masina,

Charlie: Mama, imi este foarte foame.
Mum: Charlie, tie mereu iti este foame. Unde este aparatul de fotografiat al lui Daniel? Este pe scaunul/ bancheta din spate?
Daniel: Nu. Este in geanta mea.
Mum: Bine! OK toata lumea? Sa mergem! Brighton, venim!

Snapshot - Starter - ex 2 / page 14

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F

Snapshot - Starter - ex 3 / page 15

- Chiar acolo.
Incantat de cunostinta.
Incantat de cunostinta. / Ce mai faceti?
- Ce mai faci/ faceti?
- Sunt bine, multumesc.
- Nu stiu.
- I se spune [Em] pe scurt.
- Oh, inteleg.
- Bine!

Snapshot - Starter - ex 4 / page 15

Mr Brown = domnul Brown
Mrs Brown = doamna Brown
Ms/ Miss Brown = domnisoara Brown

Snapshot - Starter - ex 5 / page 16

1. hungry
2. hot
3. small
4. cold
5. thirsty
6. big
7. wrong
8. right

Snapshot - Starter - ex 6 / page 16

1. A: Picture 1. Is she thirsty?
    B: No, she isn't. She's hungry.
2. A: Picture 2. Is he cold?
    B: No, he isn't. He's hot. 
3. A: Picture 3. Is it big?
    B: No, it isn't. It's small.
4. A: Picture 4. Is he hot?
    B: No, he isn't. He's cold.
5. A: Picture 5. Is he hungry?
    B: No, he isn't. He's thirsty .
6. A: Picture 6. Is it small?
    B: No, it isn't. It's big.
7. A: Picture 7. Is it right?
    B: No, it isn't. It's wrong.
8. A: Picture 8. Is it wrong?
    B: No, it isn't. It's right.


1. A: Are you hungry?
    B: Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

2. A: Are you thirsty?
    B: Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

3. A: Are you cold?
    B: Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

4. A: Are you hot?
    B: Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 7 / page 16

Student A
1. A: Where's the envelope?
    B: It's on the desk.
2. A: Where's the pencil?
    B: It's on the table.
3. A: Where's the baseball bat?
    B: It's on the chair.
4. A: Where's the eraser?
    B: It's on the table.
5. A: Where's the football?
    B: It's in the box.
6. A: Where's the exercise book?
    B: It's on the desk.

Student B

1. A: Where's the atlas?
    B: It's on the table.
2. A: Where's the video?
    B: It's on the desk.
3. A: Where's the bag?
    B: It's on the chair.
4. A: Where's the dictionary?
    B: It's on the table.
5. A: Where's the umbrella?
    B: It's on the table.
6. A: Where's the video camera?
    B: It's on the table.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 8 / page 16

Where are you? = Unde esti?
I am here. = Eu sunt aici.

Where's your father? = Unde este tatal tau?
My father is here. = Tatal meu este aici.

Where's your mother? = Unde este mama ta?
My mother is here. = Mama mea este aici.

Where's your brother? = Unde este fratele tau?
My brother is here. = Fratele meu este aici.

Where's your sister? = Unde este sora ta?
My sister is here. = Sora mea este aici.

Where's your best friend? = Unde este prietenul tau cel mai bun?
My best friend is here. = Prietenul meu cel mai bun este aici.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 9 / page 17

1. A: What's his first name?
    B: It's William.
2. A: What's his first name?
    B: It's Dali.
3. A: What's her first name?
    B: It's Marie.
4. A: What's her first name?
    B: It's Jane.
5. A: What's his first name?
    B: It's Leonardo.
6. A: What's his first name?
    B: It's Abraham.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 10 / page 17

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul. Inlocuiti cuvintele scrise cu rosu cu raspunsurile voastre.

1. A: What's your father's name?
    B: His name is Andrei.
2. A: What's your mother's name?
    B: Her name is Dana.
3. A: What's your sister's name?
    B: Her name is Anca.
4. A: What's your brother's name?
    B: His name is Dan.
5. A: What's your best friend's name?
    B: His name is Mihai.
6. A: What's your dog's name?
    B: Its name is Bobi.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 12 / page 18

A - 2 
B - 1
C - 4
D - 3

Snapshot - Starter - ex 13 / page 18

His mother's name is Catherine.
His father's name is Olivier. 
His little sister's name is Sophie. 
His older sister's name is Louise. 

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul. Inlocuiti cuvintele scrise cu rosu cu raspunsurile voastre.

My sister's name is Georgeta. She is ten years old. She's a student at Bucharest University.

My brother's name is George. She is twenty years old. He's an electrician

Snapshot - Starter - ex 14 / page 18

Ascultati si alegeti varianta corecta.

Snapshot - Starter - ex 15 / page 18

A: What's carte in English?
B: It's book.

A: What's minge in English?
B: I don't know.

A: What's masina in English?
B: It's car.

A: What's tramvai in English?
B: I don't know.

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