miercuri, 17 decembrie 2014



Reading 1: page 68

1.      D
2.    A
3.    C
4.    B
5.     A
6.    D
7.     D
8.    C
9.    B
10.      B

Listening 1: page 69

Ex. 1
1.      C
2.    A
3.    C
4.    B

Grammar 1: page 70

Ex. 1
1.      I wish my dad couldn’t wouldn’t always be so cross with me.
2.    I wish I have had an older brother.
3.    (correct)
4.    Would you rather I will call called back later?
5.     It’s definitely time the children go went to bed.
6.    (correct)
7.     I wish I would could stop eating chocolate!
8.    Suppose nobody will come came to the party – I’d be really disappointed!
9.    I really wish I can could play the guitar!

1.      b
2.    a
3.    d
4.    f
5.     e
6.    h
7.     c
8.    g
9.    i

Ex. 2
Student A:
1.      have
2.    wouldn’t worry
3.    coped
4.    didn’t complain
5.     hadn’t moved in

Student B:
1.      would slow down
2.    didn’t
3.    would turn
4.    had turned him away
5.     waste
6.    tried
7.     could tell

Vocabulary 1: page 71

Ex. 1
in: result, specialize, confide
for: pay, apologise, apply
with: coincide, compare, contrast
from: benefit, refrain, suffer
on: congratulate, concentrate, insist
to: refer, confess, react
about: boast, worry, learn

Ex. 2
one’s own
1.      in
2.    on
3.    to
4.    on
5.     by
6.    by
7.     to
8.    in
9.    in
10.      with
11.  from

Ex. 4
1.      of
2.    to
3.    from
4.    on
5.     to
6.    for

Reading 2: page 72

Ex. 1
1 a) extended family  b) nuclear family

Ex. 2

1.      B
2.    C
3.    D
4.    B
5.     A
6.    D

Ex. 3
1.      l
2.    h
3.    a
4.    b
5.     j
6.    g
7.     c
8.    d
9.    e
10.      k
11.   f
12. i

Grammar 2: page 74

Ex. 1
1.      the city where they grew up
2.    living in the extended family
3.    parents, grandparents and children living together (extended family)
4.    problems in relationships with parents and in-laws (as soon as my grandparents moved in, life got worse for my father)
5.     extended families
6.    a way of life is now largely abandoned in the west
7.     families
8.    women

1.      ‘which has been’
2.    ‘was’
3.    ‘who were’

Ex. 2
1.      there
2.    so
3.    one
4.    not
5.     It
6.    neither
7.     that/it

Ex. 3
1.      visit her cousin
2.    they feel
3.    she is leaving
4.    to borrow
5.     laptop
6.    emailed me
7.     call me
8.    get annoyed

Ex. 4
1.      I can’t afford it/afford to.
2.    get a new one
3.    I do will.
4.    it’s Karen’s one.
5.     Do you think so?
6.    I expect it will/I expect so

Ex. 5
It is well-documented that relationships between children and their parents fundamentally affect children’s their behaviour as adults. But now the importance of these/such relationships between children and their parents is being challenged as new research shows that a child’s relationship with its siblings may have a more important effect on a child’s their future adult behaviour.
Psychologist Francine Klagsbrun says: ‘Our relationship with our siblings is unmatchable. Our siblings They are there whether we like our siblings them or whether we don’t like them not. Other relationships change – parents die, friends drift away, marriages break up, but relationship with siblings carries on and the memories of life that has been shared with our siblings them remain with us long after childhood has ended.’

Ex. 6
1.      c
2.    a
3.    d

Listening 2: page 75

Ex. 2
1.      disagree
2.    agree
3.    disagree
4.    disagree

a.     the length of her finger
b.    her love of mechanical toys, dirt, etc.

Ex. 3
1.      agree
2.    disagree
3.    agree
4.    agree
5.     disagree

a.     mixing with the wrong crowd, getting into trouble/fights
b.    he loves being thrown up in the air, risk-taker/aggressive/adventurous

Ex. 4

1.      main income earner
2.    spoil/over-indulge
3.    made fun of/persecuted

Exam focus: page 76

1.      not so/as common
2.    you will have any/much difficulty in
3.    came as a (great/big) surprise to
4.    make any/much difference to me
5.     who talked her out of
6.    wasn’t/was I not informed about
7.     is going to make a
8.    you lend me your umbrella

Vocabulary 2: page 77

Ex. 2
1.      specially
2.    worthless
3.    lay
4.    infer
5.     hardly
6.    effect
7.     check
8.    loose
9.    principles
10.      memories

Writing: page 78

Ex. 1
2 c) , f) not appropriate, i) is vital

Ex. 2
And what’s the point if you can just get money off your parents?
‘If you’re so independent why don’t you get a job?’
This is tricky; score major points.

Ex. 3
As the bullet points in the question
first paragraph: to introduce the topic
last paragraph: to provide a conclusion and emphasise the argument

the problems – them
he doesn’t do this – But does he do this?
young siblings – younger children
What he said – Any direct speech here (e.g. Leave my brother alone!)

personality  difficulty  babysitter
bullying  selflessness  thoughtfulness

UNIT 6 REVIEW page 79

Ex. 1
1.      however
2.    ought
3.    in
4.    with
5.     like
6.    for
7.     under
8.    make
9.    up
10.      them
11.   the
12. until
13. is
14. might
15.  get

Ex. 2
1.      stressed-out
2.    dull mundanity
3.    quirk
4.    get back to them

Ex. 3
1.      principal
2.    prescription
3.    loose
4.    priceless

5.     implied

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