sâmbătă, 17 noiembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la PROGRESS TEST 1 de la Units 1 - 3 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a IX-a intitulat GOING FOR GOLD - UPPER INTERMEDIATE - COURSEBOOK, Editura Longman, Autori Richard Acklam si Araminta Crace, Editia 2011

GOING FOR GOLD - Coursebook 
Progress Test 1 Units 1 - 3

Going for Gold - Coursebook :

exercise 1:

1. don't believe
2. am doing
3. works
4. is working
5. rises
6. is thinking
7. want
8. are leaving
9. don't understand
10. flow

exercise 2:

1. see
2. is starting
3. leaves
4. will make
5. gets
6. is going to snow
7. am meeting
8. is going to have
9. meet
10. are going to crash 

exercise 3:

1. knew = have known
2. work = have worked
3. have you moved = did you move
4. since = for
5. didn't speak = haven't spoken
6. already did = have already done
7. just returned = have just returned 
8. did break = broke
9. Have ever you = Have you ever 
10. film you like = film do/ did you like

exercise 4:

1. order
2. so
3. that
4. that
5. not
6. Which
7. ask
8. know
9. tell
10. mind

exercise 5:

1. It's a very
2. so as that
3. take over the pressures
4. took their part
5. took the advantage
6. so that clearly that
7. such of a
8. such a good advice
9. I've been taken
10. lots of my love

exercise 6:

1. beautiful
2. pleasure
3. wonderful
4. necessity
5. famous
6. tragedy
7. poisonous
8. creative
9. height
10. development

exercise 7:

1. recycling bank
2. ozone layer
3. Solar power
4. instruments
5. saxophone
6. lead singer
7. classmates
8. acquiaintance
9. competitive
10. arrogant

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