Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 5 / PAGES 21-24 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob Nolasco, Editia 2009
Unit 5: Dramarama - simple present (1)
Days of the week
A special dog
1 A Presentation / page 21
Traducerea textului:
Numele meu este Robert Price. Eu merg la Scoala Dramarama.
Dramarama este o scoala speciala. Te invata drama si muzica. Orele obisnuite incep la ora 9 dimineata. Dupa scoala, baietii si fetele invata drama si muzica timp de o ora si jumatate.
Ei canta, danseaza, joaca roluri si canta la instrumente muzicale. Seara ei isi fac temele.
Robert canta la pian si la chitara.
Sambata el canta intr-un grup/ formatie de jazz.
Duminica el joaca baschet.
1 B Pronunciation / page 21
Do they act? = Joaca ei pe roluri?
No, they play in a jazz band. = Nu, ei canta intr-un grup / formatie de jazz.
o ora = 60 minute
1 C Practice/ page 21
1. Robert Price
2. Dramarama School
3. 9. 00 a.m.
4. 4.00 p.m.
5. drama and music
6. piano and guitar
7. his homework
1 D Pronunciation/ page 22
Monday = luni
Tueday = marti
Wednesday = miercuri
Thursday = joi
Friday = vineri
Saturday = sambata
Sunday = duminica
weekdays = zilele saptamanii
the weekend = sfarsit de saptamana
1 E Vocabulary/ page 22
1. b
2. d
3. e
4. c
5. a
6. f
2 A Listening and Writing / page 22
Listen and complete the text. = Ascultati si completati textul.
2 B Practice / page 22
Cititi aceste propozitii despre Robert.
1. Imi fac temele seara.
2. Nu-mi fac temele la scoala.
3. Cant la pian si la chitara.
4. Nu cant la vioara.
5. Cant.
6. Dansez.
7. Joc roluri.
8. Joc baschet.
9. Nu joc fotbal.
Copiati propozitiile care sunt adevarate in ceea ce te priveste. Schimba propozitiile care sunt false.
Acum construieste 5 propozitii despre lucrurile pe care Nu le face Robert.
1. Robert doesn't go to a normal school.
2. Robert doesn't play the violin.
3. Robert doesn't play bascketball during the week.
4. Robert doesn't finish school al 3 p.m.
5. Robert doesn't play football.
Prezentul simplu:
Afirmativ: I play the piano. = Eu cant la pian.
He plays the piano. = El canta la pian.
Negativ: I don't play the piano. = Eu nu cant la pian.
He doesn't play the piano. = El nu canta la pian.
don't = do not
doesn't = does not
2 C Speaking/ page 23
1. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
2. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
3. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
4. Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
Do they act? = Joaca ei pe roluri?
No, they play in a jazz band. = Nu, ei canta intr-un grup / formatie de jazz.
o ora = 60 minute
1 C Practice/ page 21
1. Robert Price
2. Dramarama School
3. 9. 00 a.m.
4. 4.00 p.m.
5. drama and music
6. piano and guitar
7. his homework
1 D Pronunciation/ page 22
Monday = luni
Tueday = marti
Wednesday = miercuri
Thursday = joi
Friday = vineri
Saturday = sambata
Sunday = duminica
weekdays = zilele saptamanii
the weekend = sfarsit de saptamana
1 E Vocabulary/ page 22
1. b
2. d
3. e
4. c
5. a
6. f
2 A Listening and Writing / page 22
Listen and complete the text. = Ascultati si completati textul.
2 B Practice / page 22
Cititi aceste propozitii despre Robert.
1. Imi fac temele seara.
2. Nu-mi fac temele la scoala.
3. Cant la pian si la chitara.
4. Nu cant la vioara.
5. Cant.
6. Dansez.
7. Joc roluri.
8. Joc baschet.
9. Nu joc fotbal.
Copiati propozitiile care sunt adevarate in ceea ce te priveste. Schimba propozitiile care sunt false.
Acum construieste 5 propozitii despre lucrurile pe care Nu le face Robert.
1. Robert doesn't go to a normal school.
2. Robert doesn't play the violin.
3. Robert doesn't play bascketball during the week.
4. Robert doesn't finish school al 3 p.m.
5. Robert doesn't play football.
Prezentul simplu:
Afirmativ: I play the piano. = Eu cant la pian.
He plays the piano. = El canta la pian.
Negativ: I don't play the piano. = Eu nu cant la pian.
He doesn't play the piano. = El nu canta la pian.
don't = do not
doesn't = does not
2 C Speaking/ page 23
1. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
2. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
3. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
4. Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
2 D Reading and Writing / page 23
I get up at seven o'clock every morning. I wash my face and teeth and then I have breakfast. From Monday to Friday, every morning at ten to eight I go to school and I come back at 1 p.m. I have 5 hours every day, but sometimes I have only four.
In the afternoon I go to sleep if I am very tired and then I do my homework. After dinner I watch TV with my family and at 10 p.m. we all go to sleep.
THE SEARCH - Episode 5 / page 24
Rob: Tu joci fotbal?
Peter: Fotbal?
Rob: Da, stii... fotbal. Oh, nu. Esti norocos, Dareen.
Dareen: Peter, vreau sa vorbesc cu tine..
Peter: Ei bine, eu nu vreau sa vorbesc cu tine.
Dareen: Poftim! Mai spune o data.
Peter: Ei bine, pentru a doua oara - nu vreau sa vorbesc cu tine.
Rob: Hm, autobuzul nostru pleaca la 4:15!
Dareen: Vreau sa vorbesc ... Hei, vino-ncoace!
Peter: Nu!
Dareen: Bine... Of...
Rob: Cum faci asta?
Peter: Uite. A venit autobuzul.
Rob: Cati ani ai?
Peter: Nu sunt sigur. Vezi tu, nu stiu cand este ziua mea de nastere si nu-mi aduc aminte trecutul.
Rob: Oh?
Peter: Nu-mi cunosc adevarata mama si adevaratul tata. Sunt adoptat/ infiat.
Soferul: Garden Road!
6. Rob: Aici cobor eu/ Este statia mea. Locuiesc la numarul 16. Pa!
Peter: La revedere.
Sunt aceste propozitii adevarate sau false? Schimbati propozitiile care sunt false.
1. false : The bus leaves at 4:15.
2. false: Dareen is a bully.
3. true
4. false: Peter doen't want to speak to Darren.
5. false: Peter doesn't know his birthday.
6. false: Peter doesn't remember his past.
7. false: Peter doesn't remember his father.
Rob's address is 16 Garden Road.
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