sâmbătă, 27 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 6 - MAKING PANCAKES din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat SPLASH !, Editura Longman, Autori Brian Abbs, Anne Worrall si Ann WardEditia 1997

imaginea 1:
Haideti sa facem niste clatite.
Bine. De ce avem nevoie?

imaginea 2:
Avem nevoie de niste faina, un ou, niste lapte, niste unt si putina sare.
Avem nevoie de zahar?

imaginea 3:
Si ne mai trebuie un bol, o lingura si o tigaie.
Avem nevoie de un cutit?
imaginea 4:
Pune faina in castron. Si putina sare.

Imaginea 5:
Adauga oul si laptele.

Imaginea 6:
Amesteca cu o lingura.

Imaginea 7:
Incalzeste niste unt intr-o tigaie.

Imaginea 8:
Coace clatita.

Imaginea 9:
Intoarce clatita. Ai grija!

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What's Ben doing in picture 4? 
He's putting the flour in the bowl.

What's Ben doing in picture 5? 
He's adding the egg and the milk.

What's Ben doing in picture 6? 
He's mixing with a spoon.

What's Ben doing in picture 7? 
He's heating some butter in a frying pan.

What's Ben doing in picture 8? 
He's cooking the pancake.

What's Ben doing in picture 9? 
He's turning the pancake over.

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Number 1 is Cody's pancake.

Number 2 is Jill's pancake.
Number 3 is Ben's pancake.
Number 4 is Tom's pancake.

Whose pancake is number 1? It's Cody's.
Whose pancake is number 2? It's Jill's.
Whose pancake is number 3? It's Ben's.
Whose pancake is number 4? It's Tom's.

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Is number 1 sticky? No.

Is number 2 sticky? No.
Is number 3 sticky? Yes.

Is number 4 sticky? No.
Is number 5 sticky? No.
Is number 6 sticky? Yes.

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Do they need any eggs?


Do they need a frying pan?

Do they need any sugar?

Do they need any butter?

Do they need a spoon?

Do they need a knife?

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Where's the flour?

It's on the shelf.

Where are the eggs?
They're in the fridge.

Where's the spoon?
It's on the table.

Where's the milk?
It's in the fridge.

Where's the fork?
It's on the table.

Where's the sugar?
It's on the shelf.

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