vineri, 26 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la ROUND-UP 1 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a II-a intitulat SALLY AND MIKE, Editura Aramis, Autor Cristina IonescuEditia 1999

pagina 22:

I can see a giraffe in this picture. The giragge is a herbivore.
I can see a tiger in this picture. The tiger is a mammal.
I can see a rhinoceros in this picture. The rhinoceros is a omnivore.
I can see an elephant in this picture. The elephant is a herbivore.
I can see a crocodile in this picture. The crocodile is a reptile.
I can see a dinosaur in this picture. The dinosaur is a omnivore.
I can see a snake in this picture. The snake is a reptile.
I can see a hedgehog in this picture. The hedgehog is a carnivore.

mammal = mamifer
herbivor = ierbivor
omnivore = omnivor
reptile = reptila
carnivore = carnivor

pagina 23:

A: Bats can fly at night.
B: Yes, but they can't swim in the river.
A: That's true. Crocodiles can swim in the river.

A: Cats can see at night.
B: Yes, but they can't fly at night.
A: That's true. Bats can fly at night.

A: Dogs can eat bones.
B: Yes, but they can't jump from branch to branch.
A: That's true. Monkeys can jump from branch to branch.

A: Tigers can run very fast.
B: Yes, but they can't swim in the river.
A: That's true. Crocodiles can swim in the river.

A: Lions can eat a lot of flesh.
B: Yes, but they can't see at night.
A: That's true. Bats can see at night.

A: Cheetahs can jump from branch to branch.
B: Yes, but they can't fight.
A: That's true. Lions can fight.

A: Snakes can crawl.
B: Yes, but they can't eat bones.
A: That's true. Dogs can eat bones.

Reading for information:

Caii pot dormi in timp ce stau in picioare.

Elefantii pot sta in cap.

Pestele tipar are patru inimi. El este atat de curajos incat nu se teme nici de rechini. Pestele tipar poate chiar sa-si innoade corpul intr-un nod si apoi sa-l desfaca imediat.

pagina 24:

Cititi poezia:

Leaganul, de R. L. Stevenson

"Cum iti place sa te dai in leagan, 
Sus in vazduhul atat de albastru?"
"Oh, eu cred ca acesta este
Cel mai placut lucru
Pe care un copil il poate face!"

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