luni, 1 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 3: Toys for little Betsy! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat SET SAIL 3 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Jenny Doodley si Virginia Evans, Editia 2004

Unit 3: Toys for little Betsy!

ex 1 / page 22
1. musical box= cutie muzicala
2. tea set = set de ceai
3. doll = papusa
4. elephant= elefant
5. rocking horse = calut de lemn 
6. aeroplane = avion
7. train = tren
8. ball = minge

A cui este aceasta cutie muzicala? Este a mamei.
ex 2 / page 22

Traducerea textului:

imaginea 1:
Uite jucariile nostre, Nanny! 
Sunt jucariile micutei Betsy, acum!

imaginea 2:
Ce este acesta?
Este un set de ceai.

imaginea 3:
Priveste! Aceasta este elefantul meu si acela este calutul meu de lemn.

imaginea 4:
A cui este aceasta cutie muzicala?
Este a mamei. Asculta!

imaginea 5:
Oh, Ce s-a intamplat? 
Lasa-ma sa vad.

imaginea 6:
Incearca din nou, Larry!
Wow! Multumesc, Nanny!

ex 3 / page 23

1. This is a tea set.
2. That is an apple.
3. This is a train.
4. That is an aeroplane.
5. This is a ball.

ex 4 / page 23

Whose is this? It's Anna's. = A cui este asta? Este a Anei.

ex 5 / page 24

computer = calculator
TV = televizor
radio = radio
armchair = fotoliu
lamp = lampa
bed = pat
desk = banca, birou
chair = scaun

1. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a computer. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Roy's.

2. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a TV. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Jill's.

3. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a radio. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Harry's.

4. A:What's this? 
   B:It's an armchair. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Frank's.

5. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a lamp. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Ned's.

6. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a bed. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Mark's.

7. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a desk. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Erin's.

8. A:What's this? 
   B:It's a chair. 
   A: Whose is it?
   B: It's Amy's.

ex 6 / page 24

1. This is my teddy and these are my dolls.
2. That is my bench and those are my books.
3. This is my ball and these are my kites.
4. This is my train and these are my cars.
5. That is my bed and those are my chairs.

ex 7 / page 25


ex 8 / page 25

3. bed? A: Is it a bed? B: Yes, it is.
4. aeroplanes? A: Are they aeroplanes? B: Yes, they are.
5. dolls? A: Are they dolls? B: No, they aren't. They're elephants.
6. desk? A: Is it a desk? B: No, it isn't. It is a computer.

ex 9 / page 26

1. A: What's this? B: It's a radio.
2. A: What's that? B: It's an armchair.
3. A: What are those? B: They're benches.
4. A: What are these? B: They are chairs.
5. A: What's this? B: It's a lamp.

ex 12 / page 26

Cantec: Come to my playroom!

Arthur + Rascal: Episode 2/ page 27

imaginea 1:
Prinde mingea, Rascal!
Oh, oh!

imaginea 2:
A cui este mingea aceasta? Aha!

imaginea 3:
Iata mingea voastra, baieti!
Oh, nu!

imaginea 4:
Joaca-te cu mingea aceasta, Tricksy!

imaginea 5:

imaginea 6:
Haideti baieti, e timpul pentru baie!
Hi, hi!
Oh, oh!

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