vineri, 2 ianuarie 2015


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la MODULE 8 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa X intitulat OPPORTUNITIES UPPER-INTERMEDIATE, Editura Longman, Autori Michael Harris, David Mower si Anna Sikorzynska, Editia 2011


Warm-up (page 87)

Exercise 1

deforestation 1/2/4
the destruction of habitats 1/2/5
endangered species ½
the exploitation of women 3
famine 4/5/7/8
flooding 4/6/7/8/9
global warming 6/9
the greenhouse effect 4/6/9
malnutrition 5/7/8
natural disasters 4/7/8
overpopulation 5/7/8
poverty 3/5/7/8

Exercise 2

1.     global warming
2.   endangered species
3.   overpopulation
4.   flooding

Exercise 3

2. the predicted increase in global warming in the twenty-first century
3. tiger population
4. number of white rhinos in the wild
5. world population
6. population under 15 in many African countries
7. suggested stable world population in 2070
8. overnight rainfall

22. UNNATURAL DISASTERS (page 88-89)

Exercise 2

made worse by people – cyclones, hurricanes
natural – landslides, floods, droughts, windstorms, earthquakes, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, forest fires

Exercise 4

1.     d
2.   b
3.   f
4.   g
5.    e
6.   a

Exercise 5

1.     pessimistic
2.   poor people in shanty towns in an unstable hillside near a trop coast
3.   overpopulation and mismanagement of the world’s resources
4.   because half the world’s population lives in cities within range volcano eruptions and earthquakes
5.    a volcanic eruption
6.   It might plunge the planet into winter for years.

Exercise 6

1.     d
2.   c
3.   b
4.   g
5.    f
6.   a
7.    i
8.   j
9.   e
10.    h

Exercise 7

1.     rebuild
2.   undernourished
3.   semi-final
4.   defuse
5.    misunderstood
6.   overslept
7.    substandard
8.   unusual

23. GLOBAL WARMING (page 90-91)

Exercise 1

1.     a
2.   students’ own answers

Exercise 2

1.     T
2.   F
3.   T
4.   F
5.    F

Exercise 3

1.     … have failed to reach an agreement.
2.   … are the targets so unrealistic?
3.   … will reduce emissions of carbon-based gases below 1990 levels.

Exercise 4

2to agree with
3.   to declare that
4.   to remind (…) that
5.    to deny it was
6.   to claim that
7.    to suggest that
8.   to announce that
9.   to admit that
10.    have refused to insist that

Exercise 5

1.     b
2.   a
3.   c

Exercise 6

1.     d
2.   f
3.   a
4.   c
5.    b
6.   e

Exercise 7

1.     They threatened to close the credit lines if we don’t reduce carbon dioxide emission.
2.   They admitted that some poisonous chemicals had escaped into the atmosphere.
3.   He/She/They invited me to drop in tonight.
4.   He/She/They ordered me to stand up immediately.
5.    He/She boasted that he/she is the best student in that school.
6.   He/She/They forbade us to use our dictionaries during the test.
7.    She/He/They suggested having/that we should have a cup of tea.
8.   I/He/She/They/We inquired if the bus service was running according to the timetable today.

Exercise 9

1.     … women live linger than men.
2.   … she was hungry.
3.   … our galaxy contains several thousand million stars.
4.   … the 2012 Olympics will be organised in Africa.
5.    … his coffee was too hot.
We don’t change the tenses in 1, 3 and 4.

24. RICH AND POOR (page 92-93)

Exercise 1

1.     F
2.   T
3.   F
4.   F
5.    T

Exercise 5

1.     put
2.   cut
3.   take
4.   come
5.    set
6.   get

1.     put aside
2.   cut down
3.   take up
4.   come up
5.    set up
6.   get rid

Exercise 6

1.     to
2.   basically
3.   because of that
4.   One reason
5.    that’s why
6.   A lot of it’s to do with
7.    That’s the real reason why
8.   so that

Communication workshop (page 94-96)

Exercise 2

1.     70%
2.   two-thirds
3.   twice
4.   three-quarters
5.    higher
6.   security
7.    two-thirds
8.   876 million
9.   10%
10.    violence


Exercise 1

A/aims of the report
B/negative facts
C/positive comments
D/conclusion and recommendations

Exercise 2

1.     Moreover
2.   According to
3.   In addition
4.   Furthermore
5.    For example
6.   On the other hand
7.    However
8.   In this way
9.   As a result
10.                      To sum up
12.                       Also

Exercise 3

Women directors: female directors
The world of business: the world of big business
Men: male colleagues
Company: public company, business, workplace
Feel: believe, perceive
Figures: statistics, number, estimate

Exercise 4

… my profession is a lawyer
… I love my work as  a lawyer
… first post was for a big multinational with offices
… I don’t like big corporations
… my own small business
… not a very big firm
… it provides employment
… the firm is not doing badly


Exercise 1

1.     both
2.   man
3.   man
4.   woman
5.    both
6.   both

Exercise 2

1.     b
2.   b
3.   a
4.   b
5.    a
6.   a
7.    b

Exercise 3

1.     a
2.   b
3.   a
4.   b
5.    b

Language Awareness 5 (page 97)

Exercise 1

A.   3
B.   4
C.   1

Exercise 3


Exercise 4

1.     a
2.   b

Exercise 5

1.     He is known to be the last surviving member …
2.   it was the effect of the goats … that are understood to have destroyed …
3.   … the archipelago is expected to make a full recovery

1.     Present Simple
2.   Present
3.   the past/2   the present/1   the future/3
4.   infinitive refers to present or future; perfect infinitive refers to past

Exercise 6

a.    2
b.   1

Exercise 8

1.     ‘it’ refers to the tanker Jessica.
2.   ‘it’ does not refer to anything specific.

REVIEW (page 98-99)

Exercise 1

1.     travelling
2.   spending
3.   taking
4.   hitchhiking
5.    being mugged
6.   being mugged
7.    to go
8.   learning
9.   to speak
10.                      to see
12.                       being pushed
13.                       to go
14.                       sitting
15.                       to visit
16.                       to fly
17.                       worrying
18.                      to visit
19.                       going
20.                     to go
21.                       to make
22.                     walking
23.                     meeting

Exercise 4

1.     is known that
2.   is expected to recover
3.   are said to have
4.   is feared that there are no survivors
5.    is believed to have been able to
6.   is acknowledged that malaria


Exercise 5

1.     undernourished
2.   overpopulated
3.   unemployed
4.   mismanagement
5.    substandard
6.   rebuilding
7.    multinationals
8.   semi-circle

Exercise 6

Adjectives: unbelievable; incorrect; uncrowded; inefficient; unhappy; uninteresting; illegal; impatient; unpopular; dissimilar; unspoilt; unsuccessful; untidy; intolerant; unusual; invisible
Verbs: disagree; disappear; disbelieve; undress; unpack; distrust; unwrap

 Exercise 7

1.     up/off
2.   out/off
3.   up/down
4.   off/away
5.    up with
6.   up

Culture Corner 1 (page 100)

Exercise 2

1.     C
2.   A
3.   F
4.   D
5.    B
6.   E

Exercise 3

1.     T
2.   F
3.   T
4.   T
5.    NI
6.   NI
7.    NI
8.   T
9.   F

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