miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2015


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la LITERATURE SPOTS din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa X intitulat OPPORTUNITIES UPPER-INTERMEDIATE, Editura Longman, Autori Michael Harris, David Mower si Anna Sikorzynska, Editia 2011


Exercise 1

1. (born in Scotland)  France  Belgium   USA (California)  England  Samoa
2. because the weather was good for his health
3. personal struggle between good and evil – scientific experimentation can achieve almost anything but needs to be done with great care

Exercise 2

1.     T
2.   F
3.   T
4.   F
5.    T
6.   F
7.    T
8.   T

Exercise 3

1.     because they were the same person
2.   because the servants should have been doing their work and in their own part of the house
3.   his master died/ was murdered
4.   the mixture of drugs that Dr Jekyll created
5.    because the mixture made the body smaller
6.   dead in the study
7.    the drugs began to have unpredictable effects
8.   because he knew that he would become Hyde very soon

Exercise 4

1.     honourable
2.   height
3.   unknown
4.   unpredictable
5.    refusal
6.   disappearance

Exercise 5

1.     fame
2.   predictions
3.   valuable
4.   painless
5.    truth


Exercise 2

Declaration of Intent/ a lover leaving
I wish I could remember/ the first touch of two lovers
Love Song for Alex/ a lifelong love
My mistress’ eyes …/ description of a lover

Exercise 3

1.     the future is ours, we fitted like a hand in glove, you are the only one who understood completely
2.   a prison sentence
3.   gloves
4.   bathos
5.    He always understood completely and so he would understand her leaving
6.   old (my life, my youth and age; years advancing; yarn of memories)
7.    monkey-wrench
8.   the lover of my life, my youth and age; the lips of wine and fire
9.   the waters of the world; the seaweed of the ocean
10.                      because it wasn’t love at first sight
11.buds blossoming
12.                       as traceless as thaw of bygone snow
13.                       realistic  affectionate
14.                       A B A B C D E F E F G G
15.                       lips/coral  snow/breasts  hair/wires  cheeks/roses  breath/perfume  speech/music  walk/goddess
16.                       she is not false, but true


Exercise 2

1.     F
2.   T
3.   T
4.   F
5.    F
6.   T
7.    T
8.   F

Exercise 3

1.     things had changed – they no longer painted, swam and talked together
2.   She thought something great was going to happen.
3.   She had disturbed his reading.
4.   He thought it was absurd.
5.    He thought it was wishful thinking.
6.   Because she didn’t think she had such imagination.
7.    Mr K dismissed it and Mrs K is willing to accept it.
8.   (students’ own answers)


Exercise 1

1.     (students’ own answers)
2.   Sir John Mandeville, Bruce Chatwin
3.   great novelists wrote about their trips to Europe
4.   an observant, knowledgeable writer

Exercise 2

d)   i)   g)   e)   c)   a)   f)   b)   h)

Exercise 3

1.     She was startled by Andreas’ greeting.
2.   He had a deformed leg and foot.
3.   their hands
4.   He poured some tea from the teapot into his hand and drank it.
5.    by being as motivated as  a child
6.   because the answer to the question was so simple

Exercise 4

a cup of tea/c
a laugh/f
the sea/d
the land/e
a sound/b
the sky/a


Exercise 2

h)   g)   b)   a)   e)   c)   f)   d)

Exercise 3

1.     b
2.   b
3.   b
4.   c
5.    b
6.   c
7.    a
8.   c

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