duminică, 21 decembrie 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la  Unit 6 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a IV-a intitulat WELCOME 2 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Elizabeth Gray si Virginia Evans, Editia 1999

Unit 6

Lesson 1

Science = Ştiinţe
Art = Artă
History = Istorie
Music = Muzică
English = Engleză
PE = Educaţie fizică
boring = plictisitor
interesting = interesant
It’s quarter to one. = Este 12:45.
It’s quarter past one. = Este 1:15.
It’s half past one. = Este 1:30.

1.      It’s a quarter past nine. It’s time for our Science lesson!
2.    It’s half past one. It’s time for our PE lesson!
3.    It’s a quarter to twelve. It’s time for our English lesson!
4.    It’s half past ten. It’s time for our Art lesson!
5.     It’s a quarter past two. It’s time for our Music lesson!
6.    It’s a quarter to three. It’s time for our History lesson!

1.      gets up
2.    eats
3.    goes
4.    doesn’t work
5.     visits

Lesson 2

student = student
notebook = caiet
schoolbag = ghiozdan
desk = bancă
dish = farfurie
heat = căldură, a încălzi
orange = portocaliu
purple = mov
round = rotund
circle = cerc
square = pătrat
triangle = triunghi

1.      We always write in this lesson!
2.    We always eat breakfast in the morning!
3.    We always do the homework in the afternoon!
4.    We always watch TV in the evening!
5.     We always go to bed at night!

1.      a
2.    b
3.    b
4.    a

Eddy always watches TV in the evening!
Eddy sometimes brushes his hair in the morning!
Eddy never goes to school in the afternoon!
Eddy usually has a shower in the morning!
Eddy always eats breakfast in the morning!
Eddy never tidies his room in the evening!
Eddy sometimes plays tennis in the afternoon!
Eddy usually writes letters in the evening!

Lesson 3

2.    I always write in my notebook.
1.      Students sometimes do Science projects.
2.    Where do you usually put your bag?
3.    A dog never eats fish.

4.    He doesn’t usually eat pineapples.

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