Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 10 / PAGES 45-48 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob Nolasco, Editia 2009
Unit 10: Foof Facts
how much/ how many?
The Dangerous Brothers! - asking for information
1 A Presentation / page 45
Traducerea textului:
In medie Australienii mananca peste 100 kg de carne in fiecare an. Asta inseamna aproximativ 275 sau 300 g pe zi pentru fiecare barbat, femeie sau copil in fiecare zi a anului.
In medie Italienii mananca peste 25 kg de paste in fiecare an. Asta inseamna aproximativ opt farfurii (postii) de paste in fiecare saptamana.
In medie Japonezenii mananca 75 kg de orez in fiecare an. Asta inseamna aproximativ doua boluri de orez la o masa pentru fiecare persoana.
Sunt 171 de tari in lume. Aproximativ 157 de tari vand coca-cola. Oameni din intreaga lume cumpara mai mult de 390 milioane de doze sau sticle de coca-cola in fiecare zi!
1 B Pronunciation / page 45
1. An Australian eats over 100 kg of meat each year.
2. An Italian eats about eight plates of pasta every week.
3. A Japanese eats 75 kg of rice each year.
4. A Japanese eats about two bowls of rice each meal.
5. There are 171 countries in the world.
6. About 157 countries sell Coca-Cola.
7. People buy more than 390 million cans or bottles of Coca-Cola every day.
1 C Speaking / page 46
Lucrati in perechi. Adresati intrebari partenerului vostru.
1. Do you drink Coca-Cola at home?
2. How many cans or bottles do you usually drink each year?
3. Do you eat pasta?
4. How many plates of pasta do you usually eat?
5. Do you eat rice?
6. How much rice do you usually eat each meal?
7. Do you eat meat?
8. Do you eat eggs at breakfast?
9. How many eggs do you eat?
10. Do you eat rolls at breakfast?
11. How many rolls do you usually eat?
2 A Asking for information / page 46
Traducerea textului: The Dangerous Brothers!
1. La ce ora pleaca autobuzul catre Londra?
In doua minute.
2. Un bilet pentru Londra, va rog.
Costa 6 pounds.
Cat costa un drum dus catre Londra?
3. Sase pounds?
Uite Herry, cati bani ai? Da-mi un pound.
4. Ne vedem la Londra.
Va costa 6 pounds, va rog.
Poftim? 6 pounds? Den! Den!
2 B Practice/ page 47
1. How old is she?
2. How much are the oranges?
3. How far is it to London?
4. What time does the coach leave for London?
5. How many do you want?
2 C Speaking/ page 47
Traveller: Good morning.
Ticket clerk: Yes?
Traveller: A ticket to London, please.
Ticket clerk: Single or return?
Traveller: How much is a return?
Ticket clerk: 10.00 pounds.
Traveller: Give me a return, please.
Ticket clerk: Here you are.
Traveller: But, that's single!
Ticket clerk: I'm sorry. Here's a return.
2 D Vocabulary/ page 47
c is a loaf of bread
e is a kilo of potatoes
d is a tin of soup
a is a packet of cornflakes
b is a packet of peanuts
f is a slice of bread
g is a box of eggs
i is a carton of milk
h is a piece of cheese
1. An Australian eats over 100 kg of meat each year.
2. An Italian eats about eight plates of pasta every week.
3. A Japanese eats 75 kg of rice each year.
4. A Japanese eats about two bowls of rice each meal.
5. There are 171 countries in the world.
6. About 157 countries sell Coca-Cola.
7. People buy more than 390 million cans or bottles of Coca-Cola every day.
1 C Speaking / page 46
Lucrati in perechi. Adresati intrebari partenerului vostru.
1. Do you drink Coca-Cola at home?
2. How many cans or bottles do you usually drink each year?
3. Do you eat pasta?
4. How many plates of pasta do you usually eat?
5. Do you eat rice?
6. How much rice do you usually eat each meal?
7. Do you eat meat?
8. Do you eat eggs at breakfast?
9. How many eggs do you eat?
10. Do you eat rolls at breakfast?
11. How many rolls do you usually eat?
2 A Asking for information / page 46
Traducerea textului: The Dangerous Brothers!
1. La ce ora pleaca autobuzul catre Londra?
In doua minute.
2. Un bilet pentru Londra, va rog.
Costa 6 pounds.
Cat costa un drum dus catre Londra?
3. Sase pounds?
Uite Herry, cati bani ai? Da-mi un pound.
4. Ne vedem la Londra.
Va costa 6 pounds, va rog.
Poftim? 6 pounds? Den! Den!
2 B Practice/ page 47
1. How old is she?
2. How much are the oranges?
3. How far is it to London?
4. What time does the coach leave for London?
5. How many do you want?
2 C Speaking/ page 47
Traveller: Good morning.
Ticket clerk: Yes?
Traveller: A ticket to London, please.
Ticket clerk: Single or return?
Traveller: How much is a return?
Ticket clerk: 10.00 pounds.
Traveller: Give me a return, please.
Ticket clerk: Here you are.
Traveller: But, that's single!
Ticket clerk: I'm sorry. Here's a return.
2 D Vocabulary/ page 47
c is a loaf of bread
e is a kilo of potatoes
d is a tin of soup
a is a packet of cornflakes
b is a packet of peanuts
f is a slice of bread
g is a box of eggs
i is a carton of milk
h is a piece of cheese
The search - Episode 10 / page 48
Imaginea 1:
Rob: Ai niste bani?
Peter: Cati vrei?
Rob: 40 pence. Vreau sa cumpar ziarul "Scoop" de saptamana aceasta.
Peter: Poftim.
Rob: Multumesc.
Imaginea 2:
Rob: Priveste. Tu crezi in OZN-uri?
Peter: OZN-uri?
Rob: Priveste. Tu crezi in OZN-uri?
Peter: OZN-uri?
Rob: Obiecte Zburatoare Neidentificate, nave din spatiul exterior.
Imaginea 3:
Peter: Nu sunt sigur. Ce este o "intalnire neasteptata"?
Peter: Nu sunt sigur. Ce este o "intalnire neasteptata"?
Rob: Nu stii? Exista patru tipuri de intalniri neasteptate. Intr-o intalnire de tipul unu, tu vezi/ observi o nava spatiala.
Imaginea 4:
Rob: Intr-o intalnire de tipul doi, nava lasa o urma. Priveste!
Rob: Intr-o intalnire de tipul doi, nava lasa o urma. Priveste!
Imaginea 5:
Rob: Intr-o intalnire de tipul trei, tu vezi sau atingi un extraterestru sau ceva din spatiul exterior. Intr-o intalnire de tipul patru, tu intri intr-o nava spatiala si vorbesti cu extraterestri. Unii oameni cred ca uneori o nava spatiala te ia, te duce departe si apoi te aduce inapoi pe Pamant.
Peter: Chiar?Rob: Da.
Peter: Ce li se intampla oamenilor?
Rob: Ei bine, ei sunt plecati pentru putin timp si se intorc dar ei nu-si aduc niciodata aminte de nimic din asta. Eu nu cred asta.
Answer these questions:
Raspundeti la aceste intrebari:
1. The newspaper is 40 pence.
2. There are four kinds of close encounters.
Complete these sentences about the episode. = Completati aceste propozitii despre episod.
3. first
4. the; leaves
5. encounter; of; third; alien
6. an; kind; inside; spacecraft; aliens.
4. the; leaves
5. encounter; of; third; alien
6. an; kind; inside; spacecraft; aliens.
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