miercuri, 17 februarie 2016


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa XII intitulat FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Second Edition, Editura Cambridge, Autori Chris Redston si Gillie Cunningham 




2. do
3. works
4. made
5. is
6. have
7. is
8. get
9. working
10. given

1. Mike probably isn’t happy with his job. He says that he’s been finding it hard to get down to things recently and agrees that maybe it’s time for a change.
2. He wants to arrange a meeting so that he can talk to.
3. He’s giving a talk at a conference there.
4. At 7:30 on Wednesday evening.

2. Sorry, I’ll be interviewing people for our graduate trainee programme then.
3. No, sorry, I’ll be in the middle of a meeting at four.
4. No, I’ll be on my way to Southampton at eleven.
5. Well, I’ll have arrived by lunchtime.
6. I’ll have finished giving the talk by three thirty.

1.      Different. In a, the homework will be completed by 9 o’clock. In b, the homework will be in progress at 9 o’clock.
2.    The same.
3.    The same.
4.    Different. In a, Jake has an appointment to see the doctor on Thursday. In b, he is going to see the doctor some time before Thursday.
5.     The same.

2. will have finished
3. ‘ll/will have interviewed
4. ‘ll/will be talking
5. ‘ll/will be giving
6. ‘ll/will have had
We can use in the middle of in sentences 1, 4 and 7.
We can use on the way to in sentence 6.


2. go
3. chain
4. branch
5. imports/exports
6. profit
7. gone out of
8. set up

1.      Rob is planning to open a coffee shop in Brighton.
2.    He wants Mike to invest in the business.
3.    25,000 pounds
4.    She’s not very sure about the idea and makes Mike promise to discuss it with her before he does anything.

2. own business
3. since August
4. into business
5. other half
6. a profit
7. on Saturday
8. anyone else

2. Rob asked me what I thought of his business plan.
3. He told me (that) the plan had already been approved by the bank.
4. He said (that) he’d been talking to an interior designer.
5. He wanted to know if/whether I’d help with the advertising.
6. I told him (that) I couldn’t say yes or no until I talked/talk to you.
7. I said (that) I’d be talking to the bank on Tuesday.
8. I asked (Rob) when he needed a decision by.
9. I asked (him) if/whether he was talking to any other investors.
10. I told him (that) he had to name the coffee shop after you!

3. He asked me what my last job was.
4. She asked if I had/have any children.
5. He asked me not to tell anyone.
6. She said me that she wasn’t coming./ She told me that she wasn’t coming.
7. ok
8. He asked his brother if/whether he could phone back later./ He asked his brother to phone back later.
9. He told his cousin not to be late.
10. ok


Mike and Daisy have to decide whether to accept an offer for the coffee shop from a company called Café Pronto (a big coffee shop chain).

1.      F
2.    T
3.    T
4.    F
5.     T
6.    F

2. Rob apologised for going behind Mike’s/his back.
3. Rob promised not to do it again./ Rob promised (that) he wouldn’t do it again.
4. Rob pointed out (that) the coffee shop was his idea.
5. Mike claimed (that) Rob/he was only interested in the money.
6. Mike threatened to take Rob/him to court if he closed the shop.
7. Rob agreed to work until the end of the month./ Rob agreed that he’d work until the end of the month.
8. Rob insisted on being paid for every hour he (had) worked. / Rob insisted that he was paid for every hour he (had) worked.
9. Rob advised Mike/him to sell his half of the business.
10. Mike warned Rob/him not to talk to the people at Café Pronto again.
11. Mike suggested seeing a lawyer./ Mike suggested that they should se a lawyer.
12. Rob reminded Mike to bring his copy of the contract.


1.      sending short video ads straight to people’s mobile phones; a press campaign with full-page colour ads in all magazines with a healthy living section (women’s magazines, Sunday supplements, sports magazines, etc); a TV ad; giving away free samples to commuters in the morning; giving away a free glass with the Go! logo on.
2.    If you can’t stand the person, you probably won’t buy the product and you never know what the media might find out about their private lives in the future.
3.    Because they need some kind of TV ad, but they’re incredibly expensive and their budget isn’t very big.
4.    Because everyone likes free samples, and in the summer everyone’s thirsty, especially if they’re traveling.

2. wonder
3. know
4. about
5. like
6. try
7. makes
8. work
9. rather
10. avoid
11. problem
12. such
13. what
14. right
15. saying
16. over


1.      been
2.    do
3.    work
4.    has
5.     gave
6.    ‘m working
7.     made

1.      ‘ll have arrived
2.    ‘ll be
3.    won’t have
4.    be doing
5.     be staying
6.    have been

1.      set up
2.    expanded
3.    exporting
4.    was running/ran
5.     went
6.    importing
7.     was making/made
8.    take over

1.      “I’ll be working late.”
2.    “You can’t use my car.”
3.    “What do you think?”
4.    “Don’t wait for me.”
5.     “Do you want to say?”
6.    “What’s your next job going to be?”
7.     “Where have you been staying?”
8.    “You must/have to leave.”

1.      … recommended going
2.    … blamed for doing …
3.    … warned you not to do …
4.    … promised to do …
5.     … accused you of doing
6.    … agreed to help
7.     … persuaded you to do …


2. for
3. on
4. down
5. into
6. on
7. with
8. of
9. from
10. on
11. out

2. was made redundant
3. branches
4. working freelance
5. to set up
6. went bankrupt
7. making a loss
8. to make a profit
9. to expand
10. took over
11. run/’re running a chain

2. He denied breaking Erin’s mobile phone.
3. Fiona suggested visiting the art gallery.
4. The doctor advised Mr Lee to do more exercise.
5. She apologized for being late for class..
6. Alan offered to give Jo a lift to the station.
7. I warned Tina not to go into the park after dark.
8. He admitted that he’d/he had stolen his cousin’s laptop./ He admitted stealing his cousin’s laptop.
9. Frank accused Molly of lying to him.
10. Richard reminded Kath to get some milk.
11. Harry threatened to call the police if it happened/happens again.

2. logo
3. campaign
4. publicity
5. leaflet
6. launching
7. advertising
8. slogans

2. ‘ll/will have completed
3. ‘ll/will have retired
4. won’t be working
5. ‘ll/will be traveling
6. won’t have finished
7. will be lying
8. ‘ll/will have arrived

2. … where John has put the scissors.
3. … him to pick her up after work./ … (him) if/whether he could pick her up after work.
4. … (that) Val had already borrowed 50 bpounds off him.
5. … to take my suit to the dry cleaner’s./ … if/whether she could take my suit to the dry cleaner’s.
6. … when he was leaving.
7. … (that) he had to be home by ten o’clock.
8. … what she’s/had been doing all morning.
9. … if/whether they were going to stay in a hotel.
10. … (that) he wasn’t going to call them until Sunday.
11. … to fix her computer./ … if/whether he’d/he would fix her computer.

2. about
3. I’d rather
4. I wonder
5. worth a try
6. we could do
7. such
8. what you’re saying
9. should avoid
10. know
11. makes sense
12. sounds like
13. right in think
14. go over

3. … in the middle of …
4. ok
5. … the best headmistress/head teacher
6. … loves soap operas.
7. ok
8. … to get someone to help you?
9. … either of …
10. … get my car serviced
11. ok
12. … needs to be changed/needs changing
13. ok
14. … about this house is it’s …
15. ok

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