vineri, 9 august 2013


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la  Unit 7:  din manualul la limba engleza pentru clasa a VI-a intitulat ROUND-UP 4 – NEW AND UPDATED,  Editura Longman, Autori Virginia Evans, Editia 1992

Unit 7

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 89

2. has cut herself
3. are enjoying themselves
4. ‘ve hurt ourselves
5. has burnt herself
6. ‘m drying myself

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 90

2. youself
3. ourselves
4. myself
5. himself
6. yourselves

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 91

2. herself
3. yourself
4. myself
5. ourselves
6. themselves

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 92

2. herself
3. myself
4. themselves
5. yourselves
6. ourselves

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 93

2. This is the girls’ house. It’s their house. It’s theirs.
3. These are John’s records. They’re his records. They’re his.
4. These are the women’s shoes. They’re their shoes. They’re theirs.

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 94

2. it
3. they
4. their
5. their
6. his
7. his
8. hers
9. her
10. they
11. they
12. their
13. her
14. she
15. her
16. his
17. they
18. they
19. their

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 95

2. the boys’ shirts
3. mine
4. two days’ holiday
5. baker’s
6. kitchen of the house

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 96

2. no
3. any
4. Someone/Somebody
5. something
6. anyone/ anybody
7. no one/ nobody
8. somewhere
9. anywhere
10. anyone/ anybody
11. no one/ nobody

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 97

2. Neither of them likes/ like fish.
3. Neither of them drives/ drive carefully.
4. All of them are swimming./ They are all swimming.
5. Both of them have eaten pizza. / They have both eaten a pizza.
6. Neither of them have/ has typed any letters today.
7. None of them speak/ speaks French.
8. All of them like ice-cream. / They all like ice-cream.

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 98

2. It’s Tracy’s first day at school. She’s enjoying herself. The teacher has just given her a jigsaw puzzle.
3. It’s our first day at university. We are enjoying ourselves. The professor has just given us an interesting talk.
4. It’s my first day on holiday. I’m enjoying myself. The hotel clerk has just given me the key to my room.
5. It’s the Smiths’ first day in their new house. They’re enjoying themselves. Their friends have just given them a present.

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
ex 100

2. her
3. She
4. their
5. She
6. his
7. She
8. their
9. They
10. her
11. She
12. their
13. He
14. her
15. They
16. their
17. They
18. her
19. They
20. her

Round-Up 4 – New and Updated
Oral Activity 14

2. They are both/ Both of them are singers.
3. They are both/ Both of them are sports.
4. They are all/ All of them are (capital) cities.
5. They are both/ Both of them are countries/ in Europe.
6. They are all/ All of them are colours.
7. They are both/ Both of them are months.
8. They are all/ All of them are animals.
9. They are both/ Both of them are cars.
10. They are all/ All of them are shops.

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