marți, 19 martie 2013

WOW - BOOK 1 - EXTRA! (UNITS 15 - 16)

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Extra - UNITS 15 - 16 / PAGES 79 - 80 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob NolascoEditia 2009

Extra Units 15 - 16:  
Revising - going to (future plans)
                 -  Simple past of 'be'
 Introducing - going to (predictions)
A Grammar / page 79

Cand ai planuri folosesti
1. prezentul continuu
2. going to + forma de baza a verbului

B Speaking/ page 79

Aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev. Un raspuns posibil poate fi urmatorul:

Tony: about

Shirley: going
Shirley: I'm going to have; are
Tony: playing
Shirley: doing; Thursday
Tony: 3 o'clock; going to 
Shirley: see you

C Predictions / page 79

1. It is going to rain.

2. It is going to crash.
3. He is going to fall.
4. She is going to jump.
5.  He is going to write.
6. They are going to speak.
7. She is going to talk.
8. They are going to play tennis.
8. They are going to watch TV.

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