sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 9: ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat READING AND WRITING TARGETS - Student's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Virginia Evans si Jenny Doodley,  Editia 2011

Unit 9: All Creatures Great And Small

ex 1/ page 36 

a). Raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev; un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul:

Yes, I've got a pet. It's name is ...
No, I don't have a pet.

b). Si aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev; un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul:

My favourite animal is the hamster.
My favourite animal is the rabbit.
My favourite animal is the dog.

c). Si aici raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev; un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul:

I think a horse is the most expensive pet/ animal to keep.
I think a dog/ parrot is the noisiest pet/ animal.
I think a cat is the most independent pet/ animal.
I think a monkey is the most intelligent pet/ animal.

I think a dog is the most loyal pet/ animal.
I think a dog/ monkey is the most playful pet/ animal.
I think a snake is the most dangerous pet/ animal.

ex 2/ page 36 

1 - b   2 - d  3 - a   4 - c


good points: children love them; they obey commands better than most other animals; they never run away.

bad points: they need a lot of space; they can cause problems with your neighbours


He believes that dogs make best pets.
He states his opinion in the last paragraph.

ex 3/ page 37 

1. more
2. obey
3. friend
4. cause
5. problems
6. love

ex 4/ page 37 

1. quiet
2. lazy
3. cheap
4. independent
5. clever
6. dangerous

ex 5/ page 37 

good points: quiet, funny, cheap, loyal, independent, playful, clever, intelligent

bad points: noisy, lazy, expensive, dangerous

Raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev; un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul:

Monkeys are funny animals.
Hamsters are cheap to keep.
Parrots are noisy pets.
Horses are expensive to keep.    etc.

ex 6/ page 37 

2. quiet
3. dangerous
4. noisy
5. obedient
6. cheap

ex 7/ page 37 

Adjectives: cheap, lazy, friendly
Comparatives: worse, more loyal, bigger, more obedient
Superlatives: the most energetic, the most dangerous, the best, the most expensive, the oldest, the safest

ex 8/ page 37 

2. more energetic, lazier
3. quieter, noisier
4. safer, more dangerous
5. more obedient, naughtier

ex 9/ page 38 

2. laziest
3. nosiest
4. strongest
5. most boring

ex 10/ page 38 

a). Also, What is more, Firstly, Secondly
b). However

ex 11/ page 38 

1. However
2. On the other hand
3. Also
4. Firstly
5. On the other hand
6. What is more
7. Also
8. Secondly
9. On the other hand
10. What is more

ex 12/ page 38 

1. Firstly
2. Also/ What is more/ Secondly
3. Also/ What is more
4. On the other hand
5. Also/ What is more


Good points: beautiful; entertaining and amusing; aren't difficult to look after.
Reasons: they are brightly coloured; they can make you laugh with the things they say; they don't need any exercise.

Bad points: they can embarras you; you can't leave them alone all day.
Reasons: often repeat rude words from the radio or TV; need to have company.

ex 13/ page 39 

Good points: 2 - c  3 - a
Bad points: 1 - b  2 - a

... aren't expensive to keep as they don't eat a lot. Also, they are easy to look after because they don't need much attention.
... you can't teach them to do things. Also they can bite you, because they are frightened of people.

ex 14/ page 39 

Raspunsurile pot varia de la elev la elev; un posibil raspuns poate fi urmatorul:

          Cats Can Make the Best Pets

      There is no question that a pet can give you pleasure and amusement. There are millions of happy cat owners around the world today who believe that cats make the best pets.
      Cats are wonderful pets. Firstly, they make great companions because they are very playful. Secondly, they are easy to look after. They don't need much attention. What is more, they are cheap to keep because their food doesn't cost much.
      However, having a cat as a pet has its disadvantages. Firstly, you can't teach them to do tricks as they don't obey commands. Also, they can destroy your furniture because they need to sharpen their claws.
      In conclusion, I believe that despite these disadvantages, cats still make the best pets. 

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