duminică, 25 septembrie 2016


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa X intitulat OUTCOMES ADVANCED, Editura Heinle Cengage Learning, Autori Hugh Dellar, Andrew Walkley, Editia 2011



Vocabulary – Style and design

Step 1

  1. g – laces
  2. c – blouse
  3. a – shawl
  4. b – sturdy
  5. f – linen
  6. e – baggy
  7. h – flared
  8. d - frilly

Step 2

Collar, pocket, lining, lapel, sleeve, laces, ribbon, bangle, purse, a bob, highlighted, summery, sturdy, low-cost, strapless, knee-length, slinky, lining, spotted, thick, baggy, red, wavy, ripped, frilly, faded, skinny, designer


Step 1

  1. a F – Tatiana has long hair
b T
  1. a F – she’s trying on a dress or a blouse
b T
  1. a T
b F – one thinks they show off her legs, one thinks they make them look thin
  1. a F – he looks smart
b T – though she doesn’t say so directly

Developing conversations – Backtracking and correcting

Step 2

  1. … that it’s very colourful.
  2. … you really suit having dark hair.
  3. … I think we need to wear something more formal to the dinner.
  4. … sometimes he comes across as being quite abrupt.
  5. … that your skills would be best suited elsewhere.
  6. … you already have three skirts that are quite similar at home.


Step 1

  1. She feels moved and a bit frightened or spooked.
  2. Because it is full of dead things or things once used by people who are now dead.
  3. Because they are between life and death and they are waiting for the music to begin – presumably for the next show.

Step 3

Picture 1   Picture 5
Picture 2   Picture 6
Picture 3   Picture 7
Picture 4   Picture 8

Step 4

  1. Napoleonic dress, mini-dress
  2. Mini-dress
  3. Ottoman dress
  4. sagging jeans
  5. the mini-dress
  6. the turban, the fez (Ottoman), the hoodie
  7. the mini-dress, the hoodie
  8. the ruff (starch), the mini-dress (tights)

Grammar – Prepositions

Step 2

  1. at
  2. as
  3. throughout
  4. with
  5. to
  6. from
  7. to, of
  8. for, in
  9. with, on
  10. on

Vocabulary – Fashion and the media

Step 1

  1. representative
  2. dominant
  3. imagery
  4. broadened
  5. influential
  6. exploitative
  7. perpetuation
  8. depiction
  9. ageist, sexist
  10. representation, portrayed

Step 3

  1. unrepresentative, representing
  2. domination, dominated
  3. imagine, imaginary, imagination
  4. breadth, broader
  5. influencing, influenced
  6. exploitation, exploiting
  7. perpetuate, perpetuity
  8. depicting, depicted
  9. ageing, aged; sexual, sexuality
  10. see answer 1; portray, portrait

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