luni, 31 martie 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la  Unit 14: MAGIC MOMENTS! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat WELCOME 1 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Elizabeth Gray si Virginia Evans, Editia 1999

WELCOME 1 - Pupil's Book - Unit 14 - Lesson 1

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 1 / page 88

travel = a calatori
train = tren
ski-lift = lift de schiuri
motorboat = barca cu motor
juggle = a jongla
wave = a face cu mana
China = China
water-ski = schi nautic
photo album = album foto

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 2 / page 88

1.    a. water-skiing
2.  b. juggling

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 3 / page 88

Traducerea textului:
1.    Aici sunt eu in vacanta in China! Calatoresc cu trenul impreuna cu mama si sora mea.
    2. Imi place sa fac fotografii. Acesta este albumul meu cu fotografii.
        O cunosti? Da, este Cindy! Ea face schi nautic! Cine conduce barca cu motor? Masid!
3. Acestia sunt Oscar si Eddy. Ii vezi? Sunt in liftul pentru schi. Ne fac cu mana!
    4. Cine este aceasta? Este Wendy! Ea este clovn si face jonglerii! Este amuzanta!

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 4 / page 89

1.    This is my holiday in China!
2.  This is my holiday in Spain!
3.  This is my holiday in Italy!
4.  This is my holiday in Africa!
5.  This is my holiday in Turkey!

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 5 / page 89

Do you know them? Yes, they are Tarra and Tikko.
Do you know her? Yes, she is Cindy’s mother.
Do you know him? Yes, he is Jamal.
Do you know them? Yes, they are Ziggy and Ziggor.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 6 / page 89

1.    her
2.  him
3.  them
4.  us
5.  you
6.  it

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 7 / page 89

Asculta si bifeaza.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 7 / page 89

Asculta si repeta.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 7 / page 89

Vorbeste cu prietenul tau, apoi scrie.

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 14: MAGIC MOMENTS! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat WELCOME 1 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Elizabeth Gray si Virginia Evans, Editia 1999

WELCOME 1 - Pupil's Book - Unit 14 - Lesson 2

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 1 / page 90

race = cursa
match = meci
hockey = hockey
gold medal = medalie de aur
table tennis = tennis de masa
volleyball = volei
win = a castiga

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 2 / page 90

1. a) At two o’clock
2. c) Oscar

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 3 / page 90

Traducerea textului:
1.    Eddy: Imi plac zilele cu sport! Cursa mea este la ora unu.
Wendy: Meciul meu de volei este la ora doua. Minunat!
Lin: Zambeste!
    2. Cindy: Hei, priveste! Oscar alearga in cursa lui.
        Lin: Wow! Uitati-va la el! Este foarte bun!
3. Barbatul: Si Oscar White a castigat medalia de aur!
    Toti: Ura! Oscar, bravo!
4. Oscar: Masid, aceasta este pentru tine!
    Masid: Dar… pentru ce?
    Oscar: Pentru ca esti prietenul numarul unu! Multumesc pentru tot!
5. Toti: Bravo, Masid!

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 4 / page 91

1.    My volleyball match is at two o’clock!
2.  My hockey match is at seven o’clock!
3.  My tennis match is at three o’clock!
4.  My basketball match is at five o’clock!
5.  My soccer match is at ten o’clock!

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 5 / page 91

2.  Tom is playing table tennis. He plays table tennis every Wednesday!
3.  Lin is playing hockey. She plays hockey every Friday!
4.  Wendy is playing volleyball. She plays volleyball every Monday.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 6 / page 91

1.    is playing
2.  eats
3.  tidies
4.  is cooking
5.  plants
6.  is singing

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 7 / page 91

Ascultati si colorati.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 8 / page 91

Ascultati si repetati.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 9 / page 91

Vorbeste cu prietenul tau, apoi scrie.

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 14: MAGIC MOMENTS! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a intitulat WELCOME 1 - Pupil's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Elizabeth Gray si Virginia Evans, Editia 1999

WELCOME 1 - Pupil's Book - Unit 14 - Lesson 3

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 1 / page 92

1.    Acesta sunt eu in vacanta in Franta! Sunt intr-o cafenea. Beau cafea. Poti sa vezi Turnul Eiffel?
2.  Acesta sunt eu in Spania! Sunt pe plaja. Mananc inghetata! Iti place palaria mea draguta?
3.  Acesta sunt eu in Italia! Sunt intr-o barca. Pescuiesc! Uite pestele cel mare!

1 – C
2 – A
3 – B

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 2 / page 86

1.    In France Masid is drinking coffee.
2.  In Spain Masid is eating ice cream.
3.  In Italy Masid is fishing.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 3 / page 92

1.  reading
2.  three
3.  street
4.  pizza

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 4 / page 92


Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 5 / page 92

Ascultati si repetati.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 6 / page 93

In picture A the girl is swimming. In picture B the girl isn’t swimming. She’s fishing.
In picture A the boy is eating an ice cream. In picture B the boy isn’t eating an ice cream. He’s eating a sandwich.
In picture A the man is reading. In picture B the man isn’t reading. He’s listening to radio.

Welcome 1 - Pupil's book :
ex 7 / page 93

Sa cantam!

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