Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la UNIT 3 / PAGES 11-14 din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat WOW - BOOK 1, Editura Oxford University Press, Autor Rob Nolasco, Editia 2009
Unit 3: A WOW! holiday report - has/ have got
this and that
Numbers (20-100)
1 A Presentation / page 11
Traducerea textului:
Tony: Bine ati venit la Solar Village. Solar Village are palmieri si o piscina - dar nu suntem la Miami, Solar Village este in Anglia. Managerul este Jane Shepherd...
Jane: In Anglia vremea nu este prea buna, asa ca avem un dom mare. Afara este iarna, inauntru este vara. In interiorul domului avem doua piscine, trei restaurante si o sala de gimnastica. Afara avem un teren de golf, terenuri de tenis si vile.
Jane: Aceasta vila are doua dormitoare, o baie si o bucatarie mica.
Tony: Are si televizor?
Nick: Da, are.
Tony: Si video?
Jane: Nu, nu are.
1 B Pronunciation / page 12
Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
pool = piscina
a pool = o piscina
We've got a pool. = Noi avem o piscina.
1 C Speaking / page 12
Ask and answer. = Intrebati si raspundeti.
1. Has Solar Village got palm trees? Yes, it has.
2. Has it got a swimming-pool? Yes, it has.
3. Has it got a golf-course? Yes, it has.
4. Has it got tennis-courts? Yes, it has.
5. Has the villa got a kitchen? Yes, it has.
6. Has the villa got a video? No, it hasn't.
1 D Writing / page 12
What have you got in your pencil case? = Ce ai tu in penar?
Make a list and tell your partner. = Fa o lista si spune-i colegului tau.
pencil case = penar
ruler = rigla
eraser = guma de sters
pen = stilou
pencil = creion
sharpener = ascutitoare
2 A Presentation / page 12
Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
A: Where's that?
B: It's Disneyland.
A: In California?
B: No, in Tokyo.
A: And who's that?
B: That's Kyoko.
A: Where's that?
B: It's Solar Village.
A: In Miami?
B: No, in England.
A: And who's that?
B: That's Jane.
this = aceasta, acesta
that = aceea, acela
2 B Practice / page 12
Ask and answer questions with this and that. = Puneti intrebari si raspundeti cu this si that.
What's this? This is an eraser.
What's that? That is an umbrella.
Who's this? This is Jane.
Who's that? That is Shirley.
Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
pool = piscina
a pool = o piscina
We've got a pool. = Noi avem o piscina.
1 C Speaking / page 12
Ask and answer. = Intrebati si raspundeti.
1. Has Solar Village got palm trees? Yes, it has.
2. Has it got a swimming-pool? Yes, it has.
3. Has it got a golf-course? Yes, it has.
4. Has it got tennis-courts? Yes, it has.
5. Has the villa got a kitchen? Yes, it has.
6. Has the villa got a video? No, it hasn't.
1 D Writing / page 12
What have you got in your pencil case? = Ce ai tu in penar?
Make a list and tell your partner. = Fa o lista si spune-i colegului tau.
pencil case = penar
ruler = rigla
eraser = guma de sters
pen = stilou
pencil = creion
sharpener = ascutitoare
2 A Presentation / page 12
Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
A: Where's that?
B: It's Disneyland.
A: In California?
B: No, in Tokyo.
A: And who's that?
B: That's Kyoko.
Now look at page 11. Ask and answer about the picture of Solar Village. Change the words in red. = Acum priviti la pagina 11. Puneti intrebari si raspundeti in legatura cu imaginea despre Solar Village. Schimbati cuvintele scrise cu rosu.
A: Where's that?
B: It's Solar Village.
A: In Miami?
B: No, in England.
A: And who's that?
B: That's Jane.
this = aceasta, acesta
that = aceea, acela
2 B Practice / page 12
Ask and answer questions with this and that. = Puneti intrebari si raspundeti cu this si that.
What's this? This is an eraser.
What's that? That is an umbrella.
Who's this? This is Jane.
Who's that? That is Shirley.
2 C Numbers (20-100)/ page 13
Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
Say these numbers. = Spuneti aceste numere.
28 = twenty-eight
46 = forty-six
53 = fifty-three
99 = ninety-nine
35 = thirty-three
22 = thwenty-two
74 = seventy-four
18 = eighteen
81 = eighty-one
2 D Pronunciation / page 13
Repeat these numbers. = Repetati aceste numere.
a. thirteen - thirty 13 - 30
b. eighteen - eighty 18 - 80
c. nineteen - ninety-one - ninety 19 - 91 - 90
d. seventeen - seventy - seventy-one 17 - 70 - 71
2 E Writing / page 13
poster = poster
cassettes = casete
photographs = fotografii
desk = birou
Complete this letter. Use the words from the picture.= Completati aceasta scrisoare. Folositi cuvinte din imagine.
Dear Alex,
This is a photograph of my bedroom. I've got a poster of Madonna on the wall and photographs of my friends on my desk. It's a small room. I've got a Walkman and 35 cassettes but I haven't got a television. Have you?
2 F Speaking/ page 13
Ask and answer. = Intrebati si raspundeti.
1. Have you got posters on the walls of your room? Yes, I have. I've got a poster of Mickey Mouse on the wall.
2. Have you got photographs on your table or desk? Yes, I've got a picture of my family on my desk.
3. Have you got a Walkman? No, I haven't.
4. Have you got cassettes? Yes, I've got sixteen cassettes.
5. Have you got a television in your room? Yes, I've got a television in my room.
2 G Song / page 13
I've got you, babe (gasiti cantecelul la pagina 101)
Listen and repeat. = Ascultati si repetati.
Say these numbers. = Spuneti aceste numere.
28 = twenty-eight
46 = forty-six
53 = fifty-three
99 = ninety-nine
35 = thirty-three
22 = thwenty-two
74 = seventy-four
18 = eighteen
81 = eighty-one
2 D Pronunciation / page 13
Repeat these numbers. = Repetati aceste numere.
a. thirteen - thirty 13 - 30
b. eighteen - eighty 18 - 80
c. nineteen - ninety-one - ninety 19 - 91 - 90
d. seventeen - seventy - seventy-one 17 - 70 - 71
2 E Writing / page 13
poster = poster
cassettes = casete
photographs = fotografii
desk = birou
Complete this letter. Use the words from the picture.= Completati aceasta scrisoare. Folositi cuvinte din imagine.
Dear Alex,
This is a photograph of my bedroom. I've got a poster of Madonna on the wall and photographs of my friends on my desk. It's a small room. I've got a Walkman and 35 cassettes but I haven't got a television. Have you?
2 F Speaking/ page 13
Ask and answer. = Intrebati si raspundeti.
1. Have you got posters on the walls of your room? Yes, I have. I've got a poster of Mickey Mouse on the wall.
2. Have you got photographs on your table or desk? Yes, I've got a picture of my family on my desk.
3. Have you got a Walkman? No, I haven't.
4. Have you got cassettes? Yes, I've got sixteen cassettes.
5. Have you got a television in your room? Yes, I've got a television in my room.
2 G Song / page 13
I've got you, babe (gasiti cantecelul la pagina 101)
The search - Episode 3 / page 14
Imaginea 1:
-Priveste! Este o fotografie cu mine, fratele meu si sora mea.
Imaginea 2:
- Si cine este acela?
- Am o familie?
- Acela este tatal meu.
- Si cine este acela?
- Am o familie?
- Acela este tatal meu.
Imaginea 3:
- Ma ai pe mine si pe Howard.
- Dar voi nu sunteti parintii mei.
Imaginea 4:
- Priviti, sunteti gata?
- Da, aceasta este valiza mea.
- Bine, du-o afara.
Imaginea 5:
- Aveti pasapoartele si biletele?
- Da, sunt aici.
- Si cheile de la casa din Anglia?
- Da, da.
- Ei bine, taxiul este aici, dar unde este Peter?
- Aveti pasapoartele si biletele?
- Da, sunt aici.
- Si cheile de la casa din Anglia?
- Da, da.
- Ei bine, taxiul este aici, dar unde este Peter?
Imaginea 6:
- Peter, Peter! Unde esti?
- Sunt in camera mea!
- Bine, grabeste-te. Avionul de Anglia pleaca la ora 3.
- Bine.
- Peter, Peter! Unde esti?
- Sunt in camera mea!
- Bine, grabeste-te. Avionul de Anglia pleaca la ora 3.
- Bine.
Imaginea 7:
- La revedere, Africa!
Answer true (=yes) or false (=no). = Raspundeti adevarat (=da) sau fals (=nu).
1. Sally has got a sister. = Sally are o sora. YES
2. Sally has got two brothers. = Sally are doi frati. NO
3. Peter has got a case. = Peter are o valiza. YES
4. Sally has got the passports. = Sally are pasapoartele. YES
5. Howard has got the keys to the house in England. = Howard are cheile de la casa din Anglia. NO
6. Peter has got a rock in his case. = Peter are o piatra in valiza. NO
3. Peter has got a case. = Peter are o valiza. YES
4. Sally has got the passports. = Sally are pasapoartele. YES
5. Howard has got the keys to the house in England. = Howard are cheile de la casa din Anglia. NO
6. Peter has got a rock in his case. = Peter are o piatra in valiza. NO
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