joi, 26 mai 2016


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa XI si XII intitulat INNOVATIONS UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Second Edition, Editura Heinle Cengage Learning, Autori Hugh Dellar si Darryl Hocking 



1. Lifestyle
Speaker 1 went to the launderette.
Speaker 2 went out for a walk around town.
Speaker 3 had a quiet night at home.
Speaker 4 went to her evening class.

1. So how was your night?
1.      single
2.    horrendous
3.    absolutely
4.    depth
5.     halfway
6.    house
7.     loads
8.    catch up
9.    taking it up
10.      seat

4. Collocations with get
1.      my hair cut
2.    money
3.    a call
4.    something to eat
5.     upset
6.    wet
7.     surprise
8.    a job
9.    bus
10.      lost

The get expressions are:
1.      I got my hair cut
2.    I tried to get some money
3.    I got a call from …
4.    I … to get something to eat
5.     I got really upset
6.    I got really wet
7.     I got a real surprise
8.    I’ve finally got a job
9.    I had to get the last bus home
10.      I … ended up getting lost

5. Problem words
a.     If you have a chat, it’s usually with a friend and it’s about nothing in particular. Your boss or your parents or your teacher might have a talk with you, and it’s usually about a problem that needs to be sorted out or because you’ve done something wrong.
b.    If you gossiped about the boss, you talked about all the rumours you’d heard: who they are dating, how they treat people, who said what to them and when, and so on. If you talked about work, it suggests you discussed business: how things are going at work, and so on.
c.     If you do the washing-up, you wash the dirty dishes. If you do the washing, you wash dirty clothes.
d.     I went to a disco is just a fact about what you did last night. We ended up going to a disco suggests you’d been to lots of other places first, and that the disco was the end of a very long evening out!
e.     If you miss the last bus home, you don’t catch it, and then maybe have to get a cab home, or walk! If you miss a person, you spend a lot of time thinking about them and longing for the day they return.
f.       If you go out after work, you go for a drink or to the cinema, or you meet up with some friends and go out for dinner, or something like that. If you leave work, you just leave the building where you work.

1.      I had a talk with her
2.    I had a chat with her
3.    We talked about work
4.    We gossiped about the boss
5.     I did the washing
6.    I did the washing-up
7.     we ended up going to a disco
8.    I went to a disco
9.    I missed the last bus home
10.                        I really missed her when she was in Spain
11.  I left work last night about five
12.I went out last night after work.


1. Responding with auxiliary verbs
1.      Are you? +g
2.    Have you? +b
3.    Did yoy? +d
4.    Were you? +f
5.     Are you?/Do you? +e
6.    Do you? +a
7.     Would you? +h
8.    Are you? +c

3. Making sure you understand
1.      It cost what?/It cost how much?
2.    You had dinner where?
3.    You did what last night?
4.    You arrived here when?
5.     You went what?/You did what?
6.    It cost how much?/It cost what?
7.     You found a (baby) what?
8.    You went where?

4. Not until
1.      b
2.    a
3.    a
4.    a
5.     b
6.    b
7.     a
8.    b

6. Linking ideas
1.      g
2.    e
3.    h
4.    c
5.     f
6.    a
7.     b
8.    d

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