duminică, 14 decembrie 2014



Vocabulary 1: page 42

Ex. 2
Its unpredictability and the fact that many discoveries are made by chance

Ex. 3
1.      by/with
2.    other
3.    no/little
4.    all
5.     up
6.    why
7.     is
8.    make
9.    it
10.      what
11.   which
12. into
13. former
14. most
15.  never

1.      thrown up
2.    make sense of
3.    break down
4.    for the most part

Speaking: page 43

Ex. 1
Clarifying: So what you mean by that is …; So you’re saying that …;
Asking: How do you feel about …; Do you feel the same as …; What do you think about …
Explaining: What I mean is …; I feel that …; I’m trying to say that …; It seems to me that …

Ex. 2
Phrases from Exercise 1.3: I feel that …; it seems to me that …
Phrases that add information: And what’s more …; Another thing I think about …; On top of that …

Grammar 1: page 44

Ex. 1
1.      don’t do, you will
2.    had known
3.    would use, had
4.    (automatically) adds milk, press this button
5.     you come, stand up
6.    you touch, might

1.      could, might, may … will, would
2.    present
3.    if + past perfect + would
4.    if + past + would
5.     second
6.    if + present + will

Ex. 2
1.      If you really want to keep up with scientific developments you will have to read more!
2.    If there were more information about science on television, there’s a chance that young people might get interested in it.
3.    There is a great offer on sci-fi books on the Internet – if you buy two you get one free.
4.    I would have done better at science when I was at school if I had worked harder.
5.     If I promised to take care of it, would you lend me your mp3 player?
6.    I wouldn’t take that job if I were you!
7.     If he had gone to the party, he might have seen her there.
8.    If you had taken up her offer of a lift, you might have got some sooner.

Exam focus: page 45

1.      C
2.    A
3.    C
4.    B
5.     C
6.    B

Reading: page 46

Ex. 2
1.      C
2.    E
3.    D
4.    G
5.     B
6.    A

Ex. 3
1.      g
2.    f
3.    e
4.    c
5.     h
6.    b
7.     a
8.    i
9.    d

Listening: page 47

Ex. 1
1.      biology
2.    popular science
3.    (thorough) research
4.    schoolteacher
5.     feathers
6.    cover
7.     genetic engineering
8.    shellfish

Vocabulary 2: page 48

Ex. 1
A.   pencillin
B.    anaesthetic
C.    quinine
D.   x-ray

Ex. 2
1.      breakthroughs
2.    previously
3.    resistance
4.    growth
5.     Botanists
6.    incredible
7.     accidentally
8.    miraculously
9.    diagnostic
10.      photographic

1.      breakthrough
2.    previously
3.    diagnostic, photographic
4.    accidentally, miraculously
5.     resistance, growth
6.    botanists
7.     incredible

Grammar 2: page 48

Ex. 1
1.      a) √ b) √
2.    a) √ b) √
3.    a) √ b) √ d) √
4.    a) √ b) √ c) √
5.     a) √ b) √
6.    b) √ c) √

1.      3a, 3d
2.    4a
3.    2b
4.    2a
5.     1a, 4c
6.    5a

b – these words may stress the hypothetical nature of the conditional clause, but there is no difference in politeness or formality

Ex. 2
1.      Had we spent …
2.    If you will just …
3.    If I were to say …
4.    If you happen to see …
5.     would that be a problem?

Ex. 3
1.      unless I am sure it’s safe.
2.    had you taken my advice.
3.    Were someone to find a cure …
4.    … if you happen to find them …
5.     provided that the weather improves.
6.    As long as she works hard …

Vocabulary 3: page 50

Ex. 1
1.      hold their breath
2.    twist their ankle
3.    pull a muscle
4.    make a good living
5.     hack into computers
6.    bookmark your favourite web pages
7.     prioritise your work
8.    conduct experiments

Ex. 2
1.      utterly
2.    bitterly
3.    hugely
4.    deeply
5.     enormously
6.    completely

Ex. 3
1.      b
2.    c
3.    a
4.    e
5.     d

Ex. 4
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. e

Exam focus: page 51

1.      short
2.    blocked
3.    deal
4.    turn
5.     process

Writing: page 52

Ex. 1
Not true: should have bullet points and headings

Ex. 2
1.      support or disagree, give reasons
2.    young people
3.    informal, direct

1.      a
2.    b – it’s more direct, more informal and goes straight to the point.

UNIT 4 REVIEW: page 53

Ex. 1
1.      in
2.    from
3.    towards/for
4.    like
5.     the
6.    to
7.     which
8.    of
9.    No/Little
10.      part
11.  up
15. all

Ex. 2
3.    c
4.    3. b
5.     4. b

Ex. 3
1.      keep in touch (informal)
2.    taking a break (informal)
3.    spots (informal)
4.    set up (informal)
5.     signed up (informal)
6.    growing involvement (formal)

Ex. 4
technological – adjective; other forms – technology
warn – verb; other forms - warning
revolution – noun; other forms - revolt
expertise – noun; other forms - expert
evidence – noun; other forms - evident
genuine – adjective; no other forms
1.      warning
2.    technical
3.    expert
4.    revolutionary
5.     genuinely

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