vineri, 21 noiembrie 2014


Rezolvarea exercitiilor din manualul de limba engleza intitulat CAE GOLD PLUS – Course Book, autori Nick Kenny, Jacky Newborn and Richard Acklam, Editura Longman, Editia 2008


Listening: page 18

Ex. 2
1.      How saving a little each day can make a difference
2.    There’s more to life than saving

Ex. 3
1.      A C
2.    D E
3.    B F

Ex. 4
1.      pay bills online
2.    pay for things by cheques
3.    set a budget that includes treats

Ex. 5
a.     interest, set a budget, a sound investment, a nest egg, to economise, put it away for a rainy day
b.    conspicuous consumption, go on a spree, run out of cash, a treat, in the red, shopaholic, get through money like water, on impulse, a ‘must-have’ item

Speaking: page 19

Ex. 1
Explain why the things have become important, decide which two are not necessary

Ex. 2
No, because they have to discuss the ideas behind the pictures not describe them. They have to explain why these things have become important.
Give their own opinion: Well, yes, actually I do think that; I really believe…; that’s what I’m saying; it still seems to me …
Ask for their partner’s opinion: Do you think…; but don’t you think that …; Why do you think …;
Agree with their partner: Yes, that’s right; Yes, all right – you’ve got the point
Disagree with their partner: I’m not entirely sure that I agree with you there; I just don’t accept…

Exam focus: page 20

Ex. 1
1.      C
2.    D
3.    C
4.    C
5.     A
6.    B

Grammar 1: page 22

Ex. 1
1.      a) defining b) non-defining
2.    a) non-defining b) defining
3.    a) defining b) non-defining

1.      non-defining
2.    who for people and which for things
3.    defining
4.    whose

Ex. 2
1.      The school where I first studied Economics was in London.
2.    Wednesday is the day of the week when I always have a meeting.
3.    It was a conference in Rome where I met my future husband.
4.    Two o’clock is the time when I always have a cup of coffee.
With relative clauses of place and time, use where or when instead of at which or on which.

Ex. 3
1.      She gave me her email address, which was how we managed to contact her later.
2.    I spent the money on a new car, which was what I had always planned to do.
3.    Her face was red, which was how we knew she was upset.
4.    He left at six, which was when she arrived.
5.     The actor forgot his words, which was why they brought the curtain down.
6.    I had a holiday in Spain, which was where I learned to swim.

Ex. 4
a.     image and career enhancement
b.    people will remember the charity and support it themselves

1.      which/that
2.    who/that
3.    which
4.    which/that
5.     which
6.    who/that
7.     that
8.    where/when
9.    whose
10.      whom

Use of English: page 23

Ex. 2
a) easy to buy b) hard to sell     online facilitator
1.      possessions
2.    unwanted
3.    pleasure
4.    frankly
5.     solution
6.    remarkably
7.     variety
8.    potential
9.    percentage
10.      commission

Vocabulary 1: page 24

Ex. 1
old-fashioned (person or thing)
self-centred (person)
last-minute (plan or idea)
far-fetched (idea)
air-tight (thing)
long/short-term (plan)
level-headed (person)
quick-witted (person)
so-called (person or thing, e.g. expert)
long-standing (plan, e.g. agreement)
mass-produced (thing)
self-made (person, e.g. millionaire)

Ex. 2
1.      last-minute
2.    level-headed
3.    far-fetched
4.    self-centred

Ex. 3
1.      we decided a long time ago.
2.    it’s just the same as all the others.
3.    her no time at all to think of a reply.
4.    so it stops your food going dry in the air.
5.     he started with no financial help at all.

Ex. 4
1.      = speaker 5
2.    = speaker 2
3.    = speaker 1
4.    = speaker 3
5.     = speaker 4

Ex. 5
1.      hard up
2.    run-down
3.    one-off
4.    worn out
5.     well-off
6.    burnt out
7.     fed up

Listening 2: page 24

Ex. 2
1.      D
2.    C
3.    A
4.    D
5.     A
6.    B

Vocabulary 2: page 26

Ex. 2
To involve the reader immediately and reinforce the message.

1.      adopt
2.    create
3.    grab
4.    bring
5.     finishes
6.    drives

adopt an approach; create an image; grab someone’s attention; bring something to mind; drive a message deep

Ex. 3
1.      pop-ups
2.    mass-market
3.    high-profile
4.    highly regarded
5.     so-called

Grammar 2: page 27

Ex. 2

Ex. 3
1.      What is a brand?
2.    a car
3.    the brand name
4.    the design or packaging
5.     the special features of
6.    the world
7.     the consumer
8.    brand names
9.    school

Ex. 4
1.      a brand name
2.    insurance (no article)
3.    a group
4.    a desirable lifestyle
5.     the world
6.    a brand
7.     the brand image

1.      an advertisement
2.    a car
3.    the company’s advertisement
4.    the poor quality
5.     the determining factor
6.    people (no article)
7.     a strong response
8.    a product

Writing: page 28

Ex. 1
Explaining what happened, what you did about it, how it affected you and advising your friend

Ex. 2
2. no – they haven’t advised their friend
1.      had a go
2.    a bit of a disaster
3.    a downside
4.    home and dry
5.     watch their backs
6.    at a loss to know what to do

UNIT 2 REVIEW: page 29

Ex. 1
1.      unharmed
2.    tendency
3.    exposure
4.    unacceptable
5.     outlets
6.    examination
7.     replacement
8.    applications
9.    unfortunate
10.      equally

Ex. 2
1.      in a house which has (got)
2.    it very difficult to live without
3.    (her) support to a number of
4.    (which) I like best is (the)

Ex. 3
1.      a
2.    a/the
3.    the
4.    a/the
5.     a/the
6.    the
7.     the
8.    a
9.    the
10.      the
11.  a/the
12. the
13. a/the
14. a
15.  the

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