Tema-la-engleza.blogspot.ro este blogul iubitorilor de limba engleza. Este locul unde gasiti atat fise de lucru si tabele utile pentru invatarea limbii engleze, cat si rezolvarea exercitiilor din cele mai folosite manuale de limba engleza. Aici gasiti si explicatii gramaticale si dictionare. Asadar, puteti sa va verificati tema la engleza aici sau sa va lamuriti daca aveti anumite neclaritati. Puteti trimite mesajele voastre la adresa de e-mail englezatema@yahoo.com. Good Luck!
joi, 2 mai 2013
Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 12: A RED RAG TO A BULL! din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat READING AND WRITING TARGETS - Student's Book, Editura Express Publishing, Autori Virginia Evans si Jenny Doodley, Editia 2011
ex 1/ page 48
1. Bernie the bull
2. Jeff monk
3. horns
4. bucket
5. trousers
6. gate
7. Jeff's wife
1. D
2. B
3. A
ex 2/ page 48
1. lived
2. had
3. said
4. bought
5. put .. on
6. called
7. dropped
8. shouted
9. ran
10. laughed
ex 3/ page 48
1. ... was Jeff's favourite animal
2. ... old was Bernie
3. ... did Jeff's wife buy him
4. ... did eff go to the field
5. ... began to run angrily towards Jeff
6. ... did Jeff do
7. ... did Jeff shout loudly to his wife
8. ... did Jeff run to
9. ... did Bernie do
10. ... did Jeff's wife do ...
ex 4/ page 5
2. He didn't have a few animals. He had a lot of animals.
3. His favourite wasn't a horse called Bernie. His favourite. It was a bull called Bernie.
4. His wife didn't buy him a cheap blue shirt. She/ His wife bought him an expensive red shirt.
5. Bernie didn't (look up and) give a quiet snort. He/ Bernie (looked up and) gave a loud snort.
6. He didn't run happily towards Jeff. He ran angrily towards Jeff.
7. His wife didn't shout when she saw him without his trousers. She/ His wife laughed when she saw him without his trousers.
ex 5/ page 48
1. dangerous
2. feed
3. snort
4. favourite
ex 6/ page 5
1. on
2. on
3. up
4. over
5. towards
6. to
7. into
8. off
ex 7/ page 48
2. pretty
3. huge
4. scary
5. horrible
6. cheerful
ex 8/ page 49
1. cheerfully
2. quickly
3. slowly
4. loudly
5. badly
6. carefully
ex 9/ page 49
1. carefully
2. loudly
3. quickly
4. beautifully
5. well
6. wickedly
ex 10/ page 50
1. Help!
2. Time to get up!
3. Please be quiet!
4. Good evening, madam. Can I help you?
ex 11/ page 50
2. d
3. e
4. f
5. b
6. a
1. like an angel
2. like a fish
3. like a ballerina
4. like a king
5. like the wind
6. like a mother
ex 12/ page 50
1. It was a warm sunny day, so we decided to go on a picnic.
2. We got our things ready and put them in the car.
3. Simon tried to start the car, but smoke began to come out of the engine.
4. We jumped out quickly and ran to get a fire extinguisher.
5. The door was looked, so we couldn't get into the house.
6. One of the window was open, so Simon climbed into the house.
7. Our dog thought Simon was a thief, so he bit his leg.
8. Simon was alright in the end, but we didn't go on a picnic that day!
ex 13/ page 50
walked (line 6) - walk
heared (line 7) - heard
babys (line 9) - baby's
thinked (line 12) - thought
run (line 14) - ran
has (line 16) - have
freinds (line 20) - friends
lucky (line 21) - Lucky
ex 14/ page 5
1. worked
2. felt
3. was
4. saw
5. panicked
6. told
7. began
8. sped
9. came
10. held
11. had
Aveți si ex 15