vineri, 5 octombrie 2012


Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 1 din caietul de limba engleza pentru clasa a VI-a intitulat WAY AHEAD 6 - Workbook, Editura Macmillan, Autori Printha Ellis si Mary Bowen, New Edition 2005

Unit 1: Lesson 1

ex 1 / page 3

1. had
2. written
3. seen
4. been
5. received
6. eaten

ex 2 / page 3

1. have, seen
2. have, been
3. has, written
4. have, had
5. has, received
6. have, eaten

ex 3 / page 3

1. China - Beijing
2. Canada - Vancouver
3. Egypt - Cairo
4. Jordan - Amman
5. England - London
6. America - New York

ex 4 / page 3

1. She is Canadian.
2. She is Jordanian.
3.  They are Americans.
4. He is English.
5. She is Chinese.
6. I am Egyptian. 

Unit 1: Lesson 2

ex 1 / page 4

1. Have you finished your lunch yet?
2. Have you done your homework yet?
3. Has Sally been to the shops yet?
4. Has Joe found his key yet?
5. Have your key pals emailed yet?
6. Have we had any letters yet?

ex 2 / page 4

1. have
2. been
3. went
4. flew
5. have
6. been
7. have stayed
8. have
9. been
10. went
11. have
12. seen
13. saw
14. did
15. like
16. liked
17. didn't
18. want

Unit 1: Lesson 3

ex 1 / page 5

How often do you... = Cat de des...
- read English books? = citesti carti in limba engleza?
- watch English films? = te uiti la filme in limba engleza?
- listen to English songs? = asculti cantece in limba engleza?
- see signs in English? = vezi semne/simboluri in limba engleza
- speak English? = vorbesti in limba engleza?

never = niciodata
sometimes = uneori
often = adesea

ex 2 / page 5

 (Tom) often listens to English songs.
 (Carmen) sometimes speaks English.
 (Dorin) often watches English films.

ex 3 / page 5

I have never listen to English songs.
I often speak English.
I sometimes read English books.

Unit 1: Lesson 4

ex 1 / page 6

Mark - Carlo 
Sue - Molly
Jenny - Sam 
Ben - Ellen

ex 2 / page 6

stayed: received, climbed, called, watched.
asked: liked, stopped, walked, loved.
shouted: visited, wanted, needed, started. 

Unit 1: Study Skills

ex 1 / page 7

1. shopping
2. noisily
3. making
4. middle
5. wolves
6. ladies
7. botle - bottle
8. prettyly - pretty
9. swiming - swimming
10. rideing - riding
11. babys - babies
12. leafs - leaves

ex 2 / page 7

1. powerful
2. useful
3. careful
4. colourful
5. beautiful

Unit 1: Composition

ex 1 / page 8

Cititi acest email de la Meg catre Fiona.

ex 2 / page 8

Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for your email. I couldn't answer you earlier because I was on a very nice trip to the mountains. I went there last week and I stayed in Brasov for three days. 
    The air is cool and fresh there. It made me feel wonderful. I had a very good time because I met some of my friends and we went skiing. We had such a good time together!
   I can't wait meeting you. I want to show you some pictures.

Your friend, 

ex 3 / page 8

Dear Mark,

    Thank you for your email. It was good to hear from you again.
    Here is a photograph of my sister and me at the mountains. We went there last weekend. My friend took the photo. we went by train. The journey took about four hours. We stayed at a nice hotel.
    We had a nice time. We made some sandwiches and we went on a trip. We are some fruits too. They were fresh. have you ever been to the mountains?
     Before we left, I sent you a letter. Has it arrived yet?
Please write soon. Can you send me a photo of your friends, too?

Your friend, 

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