miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012

ENTERPRISE 1 WORKBOOK: Unit 2 : A Friend in Need...

Rezolvarea exercitiilor de la Unit 2: A Friend in Need... din manualul de limba engleza pentru clasa a V-a intitulat ENTERPRISE 1 Beginner - WORKBOOK, Editura Express Publishing, Autori  Virginia Evans si Jenny Doodley,  Editia 2012

Unit 2: A Friend in Need...

ex 1/ page 8 

1. yellow;  2. white;  3. green;  4. black.

ex 2/ page 8 

a. 1. head
    2. chest
    3. hand
    4. finger
    5. toe
    6. arm
    7. leg
    8. foot

b. Raspunsurile cursantilor

ex 3/ page 8 

a. 1. Ann; 2. Jean; 3. George; 4. Eric

b. SA: What colour eye has Eric got?
    SB: He's got dark brown eyes.
    SA: What sort of hair has he got?
    SB: He's got light brown straight hair.

    SA: What colour eye has Ann got?
    SB: She's got blue eyes.
    SA: What sort of hair has she got?
    SB: She's got short grey curly hair.

    SA: What colour eye has George got?
    SB: He's got brown eyes.
    SA: What sort of hair has he got?
    SB: He's got short black hair.

    SA: What colour eye has Jean got?
    SB: She's got green eyes.
    SA: What sort of hair has he got?
    SB: She's got long red hair.

ex 4/ page 9 

a. 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-c

b. 2 Name: Peter
        Age: 20
        Height: tall
        Build: well-built
        Hair: short, curly
        Nose: wide, flattish
        Lips: full
        Other characteristics: -

   3 Name: Ian
        Age: 52
        Height: medium
        Build: fat
        Hair: grey, straight
        Nose: large
        Lips: full
        Other characteristics: beard and moustache

   4 Name: Robert
        Age: 70
        Height: short
        Build: slim
        Hair: short, white
        Nose: big
        Lips: thin
        Other characteristics: -

c. raspunsurile cursantilor

ex 5/ page 9 

1. A: Are you from Argentina? B: No, I'm from Brazil.
2. A: Is your car new? B: No, it's very old.
3. A: Is he from Portugal? B: No, he's from Turkey.
4. A: Are they tall? B: No, they're quite short.
5. A: Has he got fair hair? B: No, he has got dark hair.

ex 6/ page 10 

a. 1. can't, can
    2. can, can, can't
    3. can't, can
    4. can
    5. can't, can

b. SA: Can Ben play cricket?
    SB: Yes, he can.
    SA: Can Ben swim?
    SB: Yes, he can.
    SA: Can Ben cook?
    SB: No, he can't.
    SA: Can Ben sing?
    SB: No, he can't.
    SA: Can Ben speak English?
    SB: Yes, he can.
    SA: Can Ben use computers?
    SB: Yes, he can.

SA: Can Daniel play cricket?
    SB: No, he can't.
    SA: Can Daniel swim?
    SB: No, he can't.
    SA: Can Daniel cook?
    SB: No, he can't.
    SA: Can Daniel sing?
    SB: Yes, he can.
    SA: Can Daniel speak English?
    SB: Yes, he can.
    SA: Can Daniel use computers?
    SB: Yes, he can.

SA: Can Kate play cricket?
    SB: No, she can't.
    SA: Can Kate swim?
    SB: Yes, she can.
    SA: Can Kate cook?
    SB: Yes, she can.
    SA: Can Kate  sing?
    SB: Yes, she can.
    SA: Can Kate speak English?
    SB: Yes, she can.
    SA: Can Kate use computers?
    SB: No, she can't.

ex 7/ page 10 

Ascultati si repetati.

ex 8/ page 10 

a. 1. hasn't; 2. haven't; 3. haven't, have; 4. has, hasn't

b. SA: Has Jennifer got a camera?
    SB: Yes, she has. Has Jennifer got a computer?
    SA: No, she hasn't. Has Jennifer got a TV?
    SB: Yes, she has. Has Jennifer got a mobile phone?
    SB: No, she hasn't.

    SA: Has Richard got a camera?
    SB: No, he hasn't. Has Richard got a computer?

    SA: Yes, he has. Has Richard got a TV?
    SB: Yes, he has. Has Richard got a mobile phone?
    SB: No, he hasn't.

    SA: Have Helen&Chris got a camera?
    SB: No, they haven't. Have Helen&Chris got a computer?    SA: No, they haven't. Have Helen&Chris got a TV?
    SB: Yes, they have. Have Helen&Chris got a mobile phone?
    SB: Yes, they have.

ex 9/ page 10 

1 -c
2 - i
3 - f
4 - k
5 - a
6 - b
7 - j
8 - l
9 - e
10 - d
11 - h
12 - g

ex 10/ page 11 

- an: Mexican, American, German
- ian: Canadian, Italian, Brazilian, Egyptian, Hungarian, Australian
- ish: Swedish, Turkish, Polish, Spanish, British, Scottich 
- ese: Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Lebanese
other endings: French, Welsh, Greek

ex 11/ page 11 

1. What's your name?
2. What's your last name?
3. Can you spell that, please?
4. What's your (home) address? / Where do you live?
5. What's your telephone number?

ex 12/ page 11

how are you; I'm fine; not; How are you; I'm fine

ex 13/ page 11

Country: Spain
Age: 10
Appearance: short straight brown hair, brown eyes, tall and quite slim
Likes: playing football
Can do: run very fast

ex 14/ page 11

Hi. My name is Ingrid Jonsson. I am sixteen years old. I live in Stockholm, Sweden. I have got long fair hair and blue eyes. I am tall and slim. I like skiing and I love swimming. I can cook very well. Be my pen-friend!

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